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Response of magnetic properties to heavy metal pollution in dust from three industrial cities in China 期刊论文
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 卷号: 246–247, 页码: 189-198
作者:  Zongmin Zhu;  Zhonggen Li;  Xiangyang Bi;  Zhixuan Han;  Genhua Yu
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Environmental Magnetism  Heavy Metals  Dust  Non-ferrous Metal Industries  
Identification of trace metal pollution in urban dust from kindergartens using magnetic, geochemical and lead isotopic analyses 期刊论文
Atmospheric Environments, 2013, 卷号: 77, 页码: 9-15
作者:  Zongmin Zhu;  Guangyi Sun;  Xiangyang Bi;  Zhonggen Li;  Genhua Yu
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Environmental Magnetism  trace Metals  stable Pb Isotopes  urban Dust  source Identification