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Stable Mercury Isotope Transition during Postdepositional Decomposition of Biomass in a Forest Ecosystem over Five Centuries 期刊论文
Environmental Science and Technology, 2020, 卷号: 54, 页码: 8739−8749
Authors:  Wei Yuan;  Xun Wang;  Che-Jen Lin;  Chuansheng Wu;  Leiming Zhang;  Bo Wang;  Jonas Sommar;  Zhiyun Lu;  Xinbin Feng
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Stable Isotope Evidence Shows Re-emission of Elemental Mercury Vapor Occurring after Reductive Loss from Foliage 期刊论文
Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 卷号: 53, 期号: 2, 页码: 651-660
Authors:  Wei Yuan;  Jonas Sommar;  Che-Jen Lin;  Xun Wang;  Kai Li;  Yi Liu;  Hui Zhang;  Zhiyun Lu;  Chuansheng Wu;  Xinbin Feng
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Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Mercury in China: New Evidence for Sources and Transformation Processes in Air and in Vegetation 期刊论文
Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 卷号: 50, 期号: 17, 页码: 9262–9269
Authors:  Ben Yu;  Xuewu Fu;  Runsheng Yin;  Hui Zhang;  Xun Wang;  Che-Jen Lin;  Chuansheng Wu;  Yiping Zhang;  Nannan He;  Pingqing Fu;  Zifa Wang;  Lihai Shang;  Jonas Sommar;  Jeroen E. Sonke;  Laurence Maurice;  Benjamin Guinot;  Xinbin Feng
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