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黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组泥岩沉积环境及页岩气勘探潜力 期刊论文
沉积与特提斯地质, 2024, 卷号: 44, 期号: 2, 页码: 267-277
作者:  何洪茜;  肖加飞;  杨海英;  兰青;  黄明亮
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牛蹄塘组  页岩气  沉积环境  勘探潜力  黔北  
Monitoring the evolution of sulfur isotope and metal concentrations across gold-bearing pyrite of Carlin-type gold deposits in the Youjiang Basin, SW China 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2022, 卷号: 147, 页码: 104990
作者:  Wei Gao;  Ruizhong Hu;  Lu Mei;  Xianwu Bi;  Shanling Fu;  Mingliang Huang;  Jun Yan;  Jinwei Li
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Geochemistry of the Yudong bauxite deposit, south-eastern Guizhou, China: Implications for conditions of formation and parental affinity 期刊论文
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2019, 卷号: 220, 页码: 1-15
作者:  Jiafei Xiao;  Yantao Li;  Haiying Yang;   Jianbin Xu;   Mingliang Huang
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Bauxite  Geochemistry  Formation Conditions  Parental Affinity  South-eastern Guizhou  
The mineralization process of the Lanuoma Pb-Zn-Sb deposit in the Sanjiang Tethys region: Constraints from in situ sulfur isotopes and trace element compositions 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2019, 卷号: 111, 页码: 1-17
作者:  Xiangyuan Sheng;  Xianwu Bi;  Ruizhong Hu;  Yongyong Tang;  Qing Lan;  Jiafei Xiao;  Yan Tao;  Mingliang Huang;  Jiantang Peng;  Leiluo Xu
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Trace Elements  sulfur Isotope  lanuoma Pb-zn-sb Deposit  sanjiang Tethys Region  
Heterogeneous lithospheric mantle beneath the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from Cenozoic high-Mg potassic volcanic rocks in the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan Cenozoic magmatic belt 期刊论文
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019, 卷号: 180, 页码: 1-18
作者:  Yue Xu;  Jingjing Zhu;  Ruizhong Hu;  Xianwu Bi;  Hongjun Yu;  Leiluo Xu;  Baohua Liu;  Mingliang Huang;  Xiangyuan Sheng
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High-mg Potassic Volcanic Rocks  sr-nd-pb-hf Isotope  heterogeneous Lithospheric Mantle  metasomatism  jinshajiang–ailaoshantibetan Plateau  
Nature and evolution of fluid inclusions in the Cenozoic Beiya gold deposit, SW China 期刊论文
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, 卷号: 161, 页码: 35-56
作者:  Heqing Liu;  Xianwu Bi;  Huanzhang Lu;  Ruizhong Hu;  Tingguang Lan;  Xinsong Wang;  Mingliang Huang
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Porphyry Deposit  beiya Gold Deposit  fluid Inclusion  la-icp-ms