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Acoustic shock wave-induced short-range ordered graphitic domains in amorphous carbon nanoparticles and correlation between magnetic response and local atomic structures 期刊论文
Diamond and Related Materials,, 2024, 卷号: 141, 页码: 110587
作者:  Sivakumar Aswathappa;  Lidong Dai;  Sahaya Jude Dhas Sathiyadhas;  Martin Britto Dhas Sathiyadhas Amalapushpam;  Muthuvel Vijayan;  Ikhyun Kim;  Raju Suresh Kumar;  Abdulrahman I. Almansour
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Reduction of amorphous carbon clusters from the highly disordered and reduced graphene oxide NPs by acoustical shock waves-Towards the formation of highly ordered graphene 期刊论文
Diamond and Related Materials, 2023, 卷号: 137, 页码: 110139
作者:  A. Sivakumar;  Lidong Dai;  S. Sahaya Jude Dhas;  S.A. Martin Britto Dhas;  V. Mowlika;  Raju Suresh Kumar;  Abdulrahman I. Almansour
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