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A synthetic fluid inclusion study of the solubility of monazite-(La) and xenotime-(Y) in H2O-Na-K-Cl-F-CO2 fluids at 800°C and 0.5GPa
Li Zhou;  John Mavrogenes;  Carl Spandler;  Heping Li
Source PublicationChemical Geology

Alkali-rich F-Cl-CO2-bearing aqueous fluids are thought to be common ore-forming fluids of carbonatite-associated rare earth element (REE) deposits. Solubilities of synthetic monazite-(La) and xenotime-(Y) end-members in such fluids were determined at 800 °C and 0.5 GPa in a series of piston-cylinder experiments. At run conditions, solutions of NaCl/KCl (1.9 mol/kg) ± CO2 (5% mole), NaCl/KCl (1.7 mol/kg) ± NaF/KF (0.2 mol/kg) were trapped as synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz, and subsequently analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). The resultant concentrations in these fluids are extremely low, ranging from 2.92 × 10− 6 to 3.05 × 10− 5 mol La/kg H2O and 3.97 × 10− 6 to 2.74 × 10− 5 mol Y/kg H2O. Such low solubilities indicate that fluids expelled from carbonatite melts contain insufficient phosphate and REEsimultaneously to form REE deposits. Mixing REE-bearing fluids with phosphate-bearing aqueous fluids or interacting with apatite in the wall rock may be a key control on the deposition of REE phosphate minerals. In addition, our results show that, at nearly equal total ligand molality, solubilities of La and Y are both higher in F or CO2-bearing solutions than in Cl-only solutions, and the highest solubilities obtained overall were in NaCl + NaF solutions, which significantly increase by a factor of 9.4 for La and 6.1 for Y relative to NaCl-only solutions. Moreover, the solubility differences between xenotime and monazite in F/CO2-bearing solutions, shown as Y/La (molality ratio), are higher in K-bearing solutions than in Na-bearing solutions. Y/La in the NaCl + F/CO2 solutions are close to 1, whereas in the KCl + F/CO2 solutions Y/La increase to 2.9 and 2.0, respectively. These results indicate that during the evolution of carbonatitic fluids, enrichment of Na and F can significantly increase solubilities of all REE, whilst enrichment of K may promote the fractionation of HREE from LREE in the presence of F or CO2.

KeywordRee Deposit monazite xenotime solubility hydrothermal Fluids synthetic Fluid Inclusions
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Key Laboratory of High-temperature and High-pressure Study of the Earth's Interior, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China
3.Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra 2601, Australia
4.Department of Earth and Oceans, College of Science, Technology and Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville, 4811, QLD, Australia
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li Zhou;John Mavrogenes;Carl Spandler;Heping Li. A synthetic fluid inclusion study of the solubility of monazite-(La) and xenotime-(Y) in H2O-Na-K-Cl-F-CO2 fluids at 800°C and 0.5GPa[J]. Chemical Geology,2016,442:121-129.
APA Li Zhou;John Mavrogenes;Carl Spandler;Heping Li.(2016).A synthetic fluid inclusion study of the solubility of monazite-(La) and xenotime-(Y) in H2O-Na-K-Cl-F-CO2 fluids at 800°C and 0.5GPa.Chemical Geology,442,121-129.
MLA Li Zhou;John Mavrogenes;Carl Spandler;Heping Li."A synthetic fluid inclusion study of the solubility of monazite-(La) and xenotime-(Y) in H2O-Na-K-Cl-F-CO2 fluids at 800°C and 0.5GPa".Chemical Geology 442(2016):121-129.
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