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Study of atmospheric mercury budget in East Asia using STEM-Hg modeling system
Li Pan; Che-Jen Lin; Gregory R. Carmichael; David G. Streets; Youhua Tang; Jung-Hun Woo; Suraj K. Shetty; Hsing-Wei Chu; Thomas C. Ho; Hans R. Friedli; Xinbin Feng
Source PublicationScience of The Total Environment

East Asia is the largest source region of global anthropogenic mercury emissions, and contributes to atmospheric mercury concentration and deposition in other regions. Similarly, mercury from the global pool also plays a role in the chemical transport of mercury in East Asia. Annual simulations of atmospheric mercury in East Asia were performed using the STEM-Hg modeling system to study the mass budgets of mercury in the region. The model results showed strong seasonal variation in mercury concentration and deposition, with signals from large point sources. The annual mean concentrations for gaseous elemental mercury, reactive gaseous mercury and particulate mercury in central China and eastern coastal areas were 1.8 ng m− 3, 100 pg m− 3 and 150 pg m− 3, respectively. Boundary conditions had a strong influence on the simulated mercury concentration and deposition, contributing to 80% of the concentration and 70% of the deposition predicted by the model. The rest was caused by the regional emissions before they were transported out of the model domain. Using different oxidation rates reported for the Hg0–O3 reaction (i.e., by Hall, 1995 vs. by Pal and Ariya, 2004) led to a 9% difference in the predicted mean concentration and a 40% difference in the predicted mean deposition. The estimated annual dry and wet deposition for East Asia in 2001 was in the range of 590–735 Mg and 482–696 Mg, respectively. The mercury mass outflow caused by the emissions in the domain was estimated to be 681–714 Mg yr− 1. This constituted 70% of the total mercury emission in the domain. The greatest outflow occurred in spring and early summer.

KeywordMercury chemical Transport east Asia seasonal Variation mass Budget
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Department of Civil Engineering, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA
2.School of Environmental Science & Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, Guangdong, China
3.Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research at University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
4.Argonne National Laboratory, DIS/900, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, USA
5.NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, 5200 Auth Road WWB #207, Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA
6.Department of Advanced Technology Fusion, 1 Hwayang-dong, Gwangjin-Gu, Seoul Korea, Seoul, Seoul 143-701, South Korea
7.Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA
8.Department of Chemical Engineering, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA
9.National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307, USA
10.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li Pan,Che-Jen Lin,Gregory R. Carmichael,et al. Study of atmospheric mercury budget in East Asia using STEM-Hg modeling system[J]. Science of The Total Environment,2010,408(16):3277-3291.
APA Li Pan.,Che-Jen Lin.,Gregory R. Carmichael.,David G. Streets.,Youhua Tang.,...&Xinbin Feng.(2010).Study of atmospheric mercury budget in East Asia using STEM-Hg modeling system.Science of The Total Environment,408(16),3277-3291.
MLA Li Pan,et al."Study of atmospheric mercury budget in East Asia using STEM-Hg modeling system".Science of The Total Environment 408.16(2010):3277-3291.
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