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Identifying ore-related anomalies using singularity mapping of stream sediment geochemical data, a case study of Pb mineralization in the Qinling region, China
Qin-Ping Tan;  Xueqiu Wang;  Yong Xia;  Qingqing Liu;  Jian Zhou
Source PublicationGeochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis

The Qinling region is located in the central part of the China mainland and carries abundant mineral resources. Stream sediment and rock geochemical data of the Qinling region collected from the Regional Geochemistry-National Reconnaissance Project of China and the China Geochemical Baselines Project, respectively, were used to identify the Pb distribution pattern and to explain the geogenic sources of geochemical anomalies. The singularity mapping technique was applied to extract local Pb ore-related geochemical anomalies from complicated geochemical backgrounds. One geochemical mega-province, one geochemical province, and three regional anomalies were delineated in a Pb geochemical map of the Qinling region. The spatial distributions of the regional anomalies are all consistent with that of known Pb metallogenic districts, but only local high anomalous areas in the geochemical province and mega-province contain economic Pb ore deposits. Regions with singularity indices of less than 1.884 occupy 2.70% of the total study area, but contain 60% of the total known Pb deposits in a Pb singularity map of the Qinling region. Targets delineated in the Pb singularity map not only highlighted known areas of Pb mineralization, but also identified areas of high potential for undiscovered ore deposits in the Qinling region.

KeywordQinling Stream Sediment Rock Singularity Mapping Geochemical Anomaly
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Key Laboratory of Geochemical Exploration, Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Langfang, Hebei 065000, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, Guizhou 550081, China
3.UNESCO International Centre on Global-scale Geochemistry, Langfang, Hebei 065000, China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Qin-Ping Tan;Xueqiu Wang;Yong Xia;Qingqing Liu;Jian Zhou. Identifying ore-related anomalies using singularity mapping of stream sediment geochemical data, a case study of Pb mineralization in the Qinling region, China[J]. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis,2018,18(3):177-184.
APA Qin-Ping Tan;Xueqiu Wang;Yong Xia;Qingqing Liu;Jian Zhou.(2018).Identifying ore-related anomalies using singularity mapping of stream sediment geochemical data, a case study of Pb mineralization in the Qinling region, China.Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis,18(3),177-184.
MLA Qin-Ping Tan;Xueqiu Wang;Yong Xia;Qingqing Liu;Jian Zhou."Identifying ore-related anomalies using singularity mapping of stream sediment geochemical data, a case study of Pb mineralization in the Qinling region, China".Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 18.3(2018):177-184.
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