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In-situ SIMS uraninite U–Pb dating and genesis of the Xianshi granite-hosted uranium deposit, South China
Jin-Cheng Luo; Rui-Zhong Hu; Mostafa Fayek; Chu-Si Li; Xian-Wu Bi; Yassir Abdu; You-Wei Chen
Source PublicationOre Geology Reviews

The southeastern part of the Nanling metallogenic province, China is host to numerous granite-hosted vein-type hydrothermal uranium deposits. The geology and geochemistry of these deposits have been extensively studied. However, accurate and precise ages for the uranium mineralization are scarce because the uranium minerals in these deposits are usually fine grained, and may have formed in several stages. Therefore, the ages previously obtained by the bulk dating techniques are possibly a mixed age. The Xianshi uranium deposit, located in the southeastern part of the Guidong granite complex, is a major uranium deposit in South China. The uranium mineralization from this deposit is mainly fine grained uraninite in quartz or calcite veins which are spatially associated with the Cretaceous mantle-derived mafic dykes. Micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses indicate that the dominant uranium mineral occurs as a rare form of uraninite (U3O7). Three distinct generations of uranium minerals have been identified based on petrographic and field relations. Stage 1 uraninite has the lowest UO2 and highest PbO contents whereas Stage 3 uraninite has the highest UO2 and lowest PbO contents. Uraninite from the Xianshi deposit was dated using an in-situ SIMS U–Pb dating technique. The results show three distinct age groups: 135 ± 4 Ma, 113 ± 2 Ma and 104 ± 2 Ma, which are in excellent agreement with the ages of three episodes of mantle-derived mafic dykes. Therefore, the Xianshi uranium deposit has experienced at least three hydrothermal events that are responsible for the deposition of uranium ores, which are genetically related to the emplacement of three sets of mafic dykes.

KeywordGranite-hosted Xianshi Uranium Deposit south China uraninite (U3o7) sims U–pb Geochronology
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorRui-Zhong Hu
Affiliation1.State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China
2.Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg R3T 2N2, Canada
3.Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405, USA
4.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Jin-Cheng Luo,Rui-Zhong Hu,Mostafa Fayek,等. In-situ SIMS uraninite U–Pb dating and genesis of the Xianshi granite-hosted uranium deposit, South China[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,2015,65:968–978.
APA Jin-Cheng Luo.,Rui-Zhong Hu.,Mostafa Fayek.,Chu-Si Li.,Xian-Wu Bi.,...&You-Wei Chen.(2015).In-situ SIMS uraninite U–Pb dating and genesis of the Xianshi granite-hosted uranium deposit, South China.Ore Geology Reviews,65,968–978.
MLA Jin-Cheng Luo,et al."In-situ SIMS uraninite U–Pb dating and genesis of the Xianshi granite-hosted uranium deposit, South China".Ore Geology Reviews 65(2015):968–978.
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