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Thesis Advisor夏勇 ; 刘建中
Degree Grantor中国科学院研究生院
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Name硕士
Degree Discipline地质工程
Keyword贵州新华 稀土矿 地球化学特征 地质过程 控矿因素

The Xinhua phosphorite-hoste rare earth element deposit in Guizhou province,the second largest rare earth element deposit in China after Bayan Obo, is a giant rare earth element deposit. This rare earth element deposit occurs in the Gezhongwu Formation, and locates on the southwest of the north Guizhou Uplift in Upper Yantze Platform. The type of the deposit belongs to the phosphorite-type REE deposit.Previous studies on the Xinhua deposit focus on the phosphate, and most of workare related with the mineralization regularity, ore formation mechanism, and metallogenic prediction for phosphate, but few work is related with the rare earth element, especially the enrichment regulation, ore-forming processes, and ore-controlling factors . In this study, we colligated the previous study, and conducted field investigation and experiment research, and most of our work focus on the occurrence, enrichment regulation, ore-controlling factors of rare earth element. Our results are as following:a. It shows that the REY mainly occur in apatite by EPMA, SEM and correlation analyses; LA-ICPMS analysis indicates the REY concentrations in dolomite (∑REY =10ppm) are lower than in apatites (∑REY is from 500 to 1000ppm). XRF and EPMA analyses suggest the apatite type is fluorapatite.b. the rare earth elements were sourced from the hot water by the result of major elements (Fe/Ti、(Fe+Mn)/Ti、Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)) from whole rocks, enrichment of specific elements (Sb、Ag、As、Pb、U、Ni、Ba) in hot water sediments, Zr-Cr, U-Th, and Fe-Mn-(Ni+Cu+Co)*10 diagrams, Eu anomalies of whole rocks and apatites, and the REE concentrations. In addition, according to the geological characteristics of the study area, we suggest that deep sea sediments with hot water characteristics may be the source of ore-forming materials. By chondrite-normalized REE patternsindicate that ore-forming materials consist of deep sea sediments andhot water sedimentary.c. Based on REY patterns , clustering analysis of sample elements in high or/and low REY concentrations group, major elements combinations(Al2O3, Ca, TFe2O3, SiO2) of samples of high REY concentrations in factor analysis, significant correlations between LaN/SmN and Ce anomalies, Ce anomalies and DyN/SmN, and Ce and Eu anomalies, we suggest that post-ore modification facilitated the enrichment of REY.d. In study area, mineralization system consists of ore-forming materials sources, materials migration, materials deposition, post-ore modification and re-concentration, which is presented by deep sea sediments, ascending currents, paleo-karst-Gezhongwu Formation-apatite and faults, respectively. Therefore, ore-controlling factors of the Xinhua rare earth element deposits include the hot-water sedimentation, paleo-karst, strata, apitite, and faults. 

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Document Type学位论文
First Author Affilication中国科学院地球化学研究所
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
郭海燕. 贵州新华磷(稀土)矿床稀土地球化学特征及控矿因素[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2017.
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