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Reduction and surface complexation of mercury by anaerobic microorganisms 会议论文
244th National Fall Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Philadelphia, PA, AUG 19-23, 2012
作者:  Hu, HY;  Zheng, W;  Schaefer, J;  Feng, XB;  Liang, LY;  Elias, D;  Gu, BH
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Distribution of HCHs and DDTs in Agricultural Soil of Pudong New Area, Shanghai 会议论文
2nd International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering (CESCE), Haikou, PEOPLES R CHINA, DEC 14-15, 2011
作者:  Liu, YC;  Meng, F
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Agricultural Soil  Hchs  Ddts  Pudong New Area  
Selenite reduction by Bacillus L 会议论文
Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts (戈尔德施密特会议文集), Goldschmidt Conference(2011戈尔德施密特地球化学会议), Prague , Czech Republic(捷克 布拉格), August 14-19, 2011
作者:  Y.-Q. YUAN(袁永强);  J.-M. ZHU(朱建明);  L. LE(雷磊);  C.-Q. LIU(刘丛强)
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Influence of surfactant-Tween80 on degradation of benzo( a) pyrene and its accumulated metabolites by Bacillus-07 会议论文
4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA, JUN 18-20, 2010
作者:  Zang shuyan;  Li Panpan
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Changes of Soil Enzyme Activities in the Process of Karst Forest Degradation in Southwest China 会议论文
1st International Symposium of Molecular Environmental Soil Science at the Interfaces in the Earths Critical Zone, Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 10-14, 2009
作者:  Fang Liu;  Shijie Wang;  Xiuming Liu;  Yuansheng Liu;  Jian Long
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Impact of Estradiol Benzoate and Progesterone on the Activity of Carbonic Anhydrase of Erythrocytes in Ducks (Anatis domesticae Caro) 会议论文
4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA, JUN 18-20, 2010
作者:  Wu, Y.Y.;  Zhao, X.Z.;  Li, P.P.
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Iron isotope fractionations under different digenetic environments in lake sediments 会议论文
Conference on Goldschmidt 2010 - Earth, Energy, and the Environment, Knoxville, TN, JUN 13-18, 2010
作者:  Song, L. T.;  Liu, C. -Q.;  Wang, Z. -L
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Geochemistry and environmental impact of cadmium in cadmium-rich Pb-Zn mine wastes of Southwest China 会议论文
Conference on Goldschmidt 2010 - Earth, Energy, and the Environment 会议地点: 会议日期:, Knoxville, TN, JUN 13-18, 2010
作者:  H. LI;  T. XIAO;  D. L;  Z. ZHU;  Z. NING
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Selenium fractionation in Se-rich soils and rock spoils in Enshi by alkaline extraction 会议论文
Conference on Goldschmidt 2010 - Earth, Energy, and the Environment 会议地点: 会议日期:, Knoxville, TN, JUN 13-18, 2010
作者:  H-B QIN;  J-M. ZHU;  L. LEI;  H. SU
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Stable isotope geochemistry of strontium in a typical karst forest ecosystem 会议论文
Conference on Goldschmidt 2010 - Earth, Energy, and the Environment, Knoxville, TN, JUN 13-18, 2010
作者:  Han, Guilin;  Eisenhauer, Anton
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