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Distribution and source appointment of rare earth elements in offshore sediments of Western Xiamen Bay, Southeast China
Gongren Hu;  Chengqi Lin;  Qiuli Yang;  Yu Yan;  Huabin Huang;  Ruilian Yu;  Jianyong Cui;  Yan Yan
Source PublicationJournal of Geochemical Exploration

The REEs concentrations in offshore sediments (surface sediments and core sediments) of Western Xiamen Bay and some potential sources (parent materials, Pb-Zn deposit, vehicle exhaust, atmospheric dust, ship paint, coal combustion and domestic sewage sludge) were determined to investigate the geochemical characteristics and major sources of REEs in the sediments of Western Xiamen Bay. The results showed that the mean concentrations of REEs in surface sediments and core sediments were 245.9 mg·kg−1 and 220.0 mg·kg−1, respectively, which were close to the background value of topsoil in Xiamen City. There were negative Eu anomaly and no Ce anomaly in general and LREEs had a significant enrichment relative to HREEs. The results of enrichment factor showed that REEs were slightly enriched in surface sediments. The patterns of chondrite-normalized REE exhibited a negative slope, indicating that the REEs in surface sediments were mainly from the continental crust. Parameters and normalized patterns of REEs suggested that the sediments in Western Xiamen Bay were mainly from terrestrial sources and also affected by anthropogenic activities such as domestic sewage sludge and coal combustion. The results of Pearson's correlations, chondrite-normalized REEs distribution patterns and ternary plot of (La/Yb)N-(La/Sm)N-(Gd/Yb)N for the surface sediments and some potential sources indicated that the REEs accumulated in the surface sediments might be related to natural sources (parent materials and Pb-Zn deposit) and anthropogenic activities (coal combustion and domestic sewage sludge).

KeywordRees distribution Pattern sediments source Appointment western Xiamen Bay
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.College of Chemical Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China
2.Key Lab of Environmental Monitoring of University in Fujian Province, Xiamen 361024, China
3.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550081, China
4.Analytical Laboratory of Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing 100029, China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Gongren Hu;Chengqi Lin;Qiuli Yang;Yu Yan;Huabin Huang;Ruilian Yu;Jianyong Cui;Yan Yan. Distribution and source appointment of rare earth elements in offshore sediments of Western Xiamen Bay, Southeast China[J]. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,2019,201:31-39.
APA Gongren Hu;Chengqi Lin;Qiuli Yang;Yu Yan;Huabin Huang;Ruilian Yu;Jianyong Cui;Yan Yan.(2019).Distribution and source appointment of rare earth elements in offshore sediments of Western Xiamen Bay, Southeast China.Journal of Geochemical Exploration,201,31-39.
MLA Gongren Hu;Chengqi Lin;Qiuli Yang;Yu Yan;Huabin Huang;Ruilian Yu;Jianyong Cui;Yan Yan."Distribution and source appointment of rare earth elements in offshore sediments of Western Xiamen Bay, Southeast China".Journal of Geochemical Exploration 201(2019):31-39.
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