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贵州主要土壤中 Ca 2+与胡敏酸相互作用的特征和机制研究
Alternative TitleStudy on the Characteristics and Mechanism of the Interaction between Ca2+ and Humic Acids in Main Soil Types in Guizhou Province
Thesis Advisor肖保华
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral中国科学院地球化学研究所
Keyword喀斯特区域土壤 胡敏酸 钙离子 胡敏酸结构 络合作用
我国西南喀斯特区域是全球最大的喀斯特生态区域(面积约54km2)之一。贵州省喀斯特地区是我国西南喀斯特区域的核心,也是全球喀斯特地貌发育最典型、最复杂、分布面积最大的片区之一。贵州省喀斯特地区广泛分布着石灰土、黄壤、红壤、紫色土、黄棕壤、棕壤以及水稻土等15种不同类型土壤,其中,黄壤与石灰土分布区域最广,分别占全省土壤面积的46.4%17.5%。研究发现,石灰土有机质含量较高,但其有机质活性及稳定性远不及其 他类型酸性土壤中的有机质,并且石灰土地区较其他土壤类型地区极易受到扰动,并且极易出现土壤退化甚至石漠化。数据显示,中国西南喀斯特岩溶地区土壤中的钙含量达1%~3%,研究表明高含量的钙可能使得石灰土有机质与其他土壤有机质存在明显差异。过去研究人员对土壤有机质稳定性的研究主要关注酸性土壤环境以及其中Fe3+Al3+与有机质的相互作用,而碱性土壤环境中Ca2+与有机质之间的相互作用受到的关注相对较少。因此,本文选择贵州省内几种典型土壤为研究对象,探究 Ca2+对土壤有机质的影响以及它们之间的作用机制。
腐殖质是由动植物残体降解合成的一类天然高分子有机质,是土壤与沉积物有机质的重要组成部分,为方便研究,研究人员通常将腐殖质分为(1)富里酸,(2)胡敏酸以及(3)胡敏素。前人对石灰土有机质中腐殖质研究发现,石灰土腐殖酸(HAs)分子量集中于较高分子量范围,且腐殖酸(HAs)物理化学性质较为稳定。对于这一现象,学界持有两种不同观点:(1)一种观点认为,Ca 2+
能够与土壤胡敏酸形成 HA-Ca,使胡敏酸分子结构及化学性质发生显著变化,从而使胡敏酸不易被降解利用。(2)另一种观点则认为,区域内大量存在的CaCO3 可以将土壤胡敏酸包裹,使胡敏酸无法与外界环境接触,进而无法被降解利用。然而对于两种观点谁才是导致喀斯特地区胡敏酸差异的主导因素仍无定论。因此,本文对 HA-Ca 进行研究,主要(1)关注区域内各不同土壤类型中胡敏酸与 Ca 2+相互作用过程,(2)探究 Ca 2+对这些胡敏酸结构组成的影响。
Other Abstract

The karst region in southwest China is one of the largest karst ecological regions in the world, located in the center of east Asia region, one of the three continuous karst development regions in the world, with an area of about 540,000 km2 . The karst region of Guizhou province is one of the most typical, complex and largest distributed areas of karst development in China and even the world. It is also the core area of karst region in southwest China. There are 15 different types of soil widely distributed in karst areas of Guizhou province, including limestone soil, yellow soil, red soil, purple soil, yellow brown soil, brown soil and rice soil, of which, yellow soil and limestone soil are the most widely distributed areas, accounting for 46.4% and 17.5% of the soil area respectively. It was found that the content of organic matter in limestone soil was higher, but the activity of organic matter was less than that in acidic soil such as yellow soil, the area of limestone soil is highly susceptible to disturbances compared with other soil types, and it is prone to soil degradation and even rocky desertification.. According to the data, the content of calcium in the soil of

karst areas in southwest China is up to 1%~3%. The researchers believe that the high content of calcium makes the organic matter of limestone soil significantly different
from other soil organic matter. In the past, the research on the stability of soil organic matter mainly focused on the acidic soil environments and the interaction between
Fe3+ or Al3+ and soil organic matter, but paid little attention to the interaction between Ca2+ and soil organic matter in alkaline soil environments. Therefore, this paper
selects several typical soils in Guizhou Province as research objects, and further explores the effects of Ca2+ on soil organic matter and the mechanism of action between them.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
汤海明. 贵州主要土壤中 Ca 2+与胡敏酸相互作用的特征和机制研究[D]. 中国科学院地球化学研究所. 中国科学院大学,2019.
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