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Thesis Advisor叶霖
Degree Grantor中国科学院研究生院
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Name硕士
Degree Discipline地球化学
Keyword都龙矽卡岩型锡锌多金属矿床 流体包裹体 稳定同位素 稀有气体 成矿流体
Abstract都龙矽卡岩型锡锌多金属矿床是南岭西段锡多金属成矿带中的典型矿床之一。前人对该矿床开展了大量地质和地球化学研究工作,但在成矿流体方面的研究方面基本上是空白。由于该矿床地质特征独特、成矿元素丰富和成矿作用复杂,目前,关于矿床成因认识方面仍然存在较大分歧,难以建立统一成矿模式。本论文在详细野外调研基础上,划分出该矿床不同成矿阶段,并对各阶段开展了详细的流体包裹体、C、H、O、He、Ar同位素地球化学研究,以探讨成矿流体的性质、来源和演化。在结合地质事实基础上,构建了都龙矿床成矿模式。通过研究,获得以下认识: (1)都龙矽卡岩型锡锌多金属矿床可分为早期矽卡岩阶段(钙质矽卡岩和镁质矽卡岩)、晚期矽卡岩阶段、氧化物阶段、早期硫化物阶段和晚期硫化物阶段及碳酸盐阶段等六个矿化阶段; (2)各成矿阶段及花岗岩中包裹体类型可分为四类:富液相水溶液包裹体(Ⅰ型)、富气相水溶液包裹体(Ⅱ型)、纯气相包裹体(Ⅲ型)与熔融包裹体(Ⅳ型)。其中,老君山花岗岩石英中发育大量和少量Ⅳ型包裹体,Ⅰ型包裹体具有中等盐度(7.2~9.5 wt % NaCl eq.),表明岩浆结晶过程中出溶出大量单相超临界流体,这种单相流体可能富含Sn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag等金属元素;晚期矽卡岩阶段的萤石中发育Ⅰ型包裹体,均一温度在376℃~419℃之间(平均398℃),盐度变化范围在7.7~11.0 wt % NaCl eq.之间;氧化物阶段的白云石中发育大量Ⅰ型包裹体和Ⅲ型包裹体,并含少量Ⅱ型包裹体,Ⅰ型包裹体均一温度变化范围为323~405℃(平均358℃),盐度在9.6~14.9 wt % NaCl eq.之间,而Ⅱ型包裹体均一温度变化范围为346℃~373℃,盐度在0.9~1.5% wt % NaCl eq.之间;早期硫化物阶段的石英、萤石中流体包裹体类型和氧化物阶段包裹体类型一致,该阶段Ⅰ型包裹体均一温度变化范围为245℃~362℃(平均304℃,),盐度为6.9~14.1 wt % NaCl eq.,其中Ⅱ型包裹体均一温度变化范围为295~317℃,盐度在0.9~1.7 wt % NaCl eq.之间;晚期硫化物阶段的石英、萤石中流体包裹体类型和氧化物阶段以及早期硫化物阶段包裹体类型一致,Ⅰ型包裹体均一温度变化范围为188℃~308℃(平均246℃),盐度在4.0~10.1 wt % NaCl eq.之间,Ⅱ型包裹体均一温度变化范围为241~268℃,盐度为0.7~1.7% wt % NaCl eq.。上述氧化物、早、晚期硫化物三个阶段中不同气液比值、均一方式不同且均一温度大致相同的包裹体密切共生,表明流体发生了沸腾作用。此外,碳酸盐阶段方解石中Ⅰ型包裹体均一温度低,变化范围在170℃~245℃之间(平均204℃),盐度在4.2%~11.7 wt % NaCl eq.之间; (3)氧化物阶段白云石δ13CPDB值介于-6.36‰~-8.76‰之间,晚期硫化物阶段方解石δ13CPDB值介于-4.95‰~-7.47‰之间,碳酸盐阶段方解石δ13CPDB值介于-4.69‰~-8.57‰之间,表明白云石和方解石δ13CPDB值与典型的岩浆碳δ13CPDB值一致,碳都来源于岩浆。此外,流体氧同位素结果表明,氧化物阶段成矿流体属于岩浆流体,从早期硫化物阶段→晚期硫化物阶段→碳酸盐阶段,成矿流体中大气降水的比例逐渐增多; (4)He、Ar同位素研究表明,硫化物阶段成矿流体3He/4He比值(0.078~0.208 Ra)明显低于地幔流体的3He/4He比值,接近地壳流体3He/4He比值,40Ar/36Ar比值(339.0~699.4)接近饱和大气水40Ar/36Ar比值。因此,成矿过程中几乎没有幔源流体的参与,硫化物阶段成矿流体是地壳流体和改造型饱和大气水之间的混合流体,地壳流体是壳源老君山花岗岩出溶的岩浆流体; (5)早期镁质矽卡岩阶段锡石是高温岩浆流体交代白云质大理岩的产物,Sn来源于岩浆流体;晚期矽卡岩阶段形成的锡石是晚期高温岩浆流体交代早期矽卡岩的产物,其中Sn由岩浆流体和富Sn石榴石所提供;氧化物阶段锡石是由富Sn岩浆流体在沸腾作用下形成;早、晚期硫化物阶段硫化物(黄铜矿、闪锌矿等)的沉淀也与流体沸腾作用有关,流体混合可能起到一定作用;而碳酸盐阶段硫化物的富集则与流体混合作用有关; (6)都龙矿床发育四种类型磁铁矿:早期镁质矽卡岩阶段磁铁矿,常与蛇纹石、镁橄榄石、锡石共生,以富Mg贫Si为特征,Mg由白云质大理岩提供,由于大量蛇纹石和镁橄榄石的形成消耗了Si导致磁铁矿中Si低;晚期矽卡岩阶段磁铁矿多与金云母、富镁绿泥石、萤石共生,以强烈富Si为特征,是富Si岩浆流体交代早期矽卡岩的产物;氧化物阶段形成的磁铁矿与白云石、锡石共生,以相对富镁贫Si为特征,其形成与富Mg贫Si 的岩浆流体有关;晚期脉状蛇纹石化磁铁矿一般呈细脉状切割白云石磁铁矿锡石矿体,以强烈富Mg相对富Si为特征,其中Mg由氧化物阶段形成的白云石提供,而Si则由富Si岩浆流体提供; (7)建立都龙锡锌矿床成矿模式:燕山晚期、滇东南地区处于岩石圈伸展的构造背景下,地幔物质上涌导致中下地壳物质熔融形成老君山花岗岩浆,该岩浆高度分异演化出富锡多金属的岩浆流体,岩浆流体顺断裂和层间滑脱带运移过程中发生长期的交代作用形成早、晚期矽卡岩和锡石,之后由于压力体制的改变,流体长期沸腾和大气水的加入导致锡石 硫化物的大量富集沉淀,从而形成了都龙锡锌多金属矿床。
Other AbstractThe Dulong skarn Sn-Zn pollymetallic deposit is one of the typical deposit in western nanling tin polymetallic metallogenic belt. Predecessors have carried out a large number of research work on ore deposit geology and geochemistry,but it is almost blank in terms of ore-forming fluid research. Due to the unique deposit geological characteristics, metallogenic element enrichment and complex mineralization of this deposit, At present, there are still considerable differences about the deposit genesis, thus it is difficult to establish unified metallogenic model. On the basis of detailed field investigation, we divide the ore deposits into different ore-forming stages, and have carried out detailed fluid inclusions, C, H, O, He and Ar isotopic geochemical research of all stages, to explore the nature, origin and evolution of ore-forming fluid. In combination with geological facts,we have constructed the metallogenic model of Dulong deposit. Through research, the following conclusions are reached: (1) The Dulong skarn Sn-Zn pollymetallic deposit can be divided into six mineralization stage, that is early skarn stage (calcium skarn and magnesia skarn), late skarn stage , oxide stage, early sulfide stage, late sulfide stage and carbonate stage; (2) The types of fluid inclusion in metallogenic stage and the granite can be divided into four categories: liquid-rich aqueous inclusions (Ⅰtype), gas-rich aqueous inclusions (Ⅱ type), pure gas phase inclusions (Ⅲ type) and melt inclusions (Ⅳ type). The quartz of Laojun Mountain granite has manyⅠtype inclusions and small amounts of Ⅳ type inclusions, and the salinity of Ⅰtype inclusions is moderate(7.2 ~ 9.5 wt % NaCl eq.), which show that in the process of magma crystallization, the single-phase supercritical fluid, riched in Sn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag metallic elements , exsolved from magma; The fluorite of the late skarn stage hostⅠtype inclusions, which have homogenization temperature between 376℃ ~ 419℃ (398℃on average), salinity range between 7.7 and 11.0 wt% NaCl eq.; The dolomite of Oxide stage develop a large number of Ⅰtype inclusions and Ⅲ type inclusions, containing a small amount of Ⅱ type inclusions.Ⅰ type inclusions homogenize as a liquid at temperatures range 323 to 405℃(358℃on average) , salinity values ranging from 6.74 to 10.36 wt.% NaCl eq. and the homogenization temperature of Ⅱ type inclusions range from 346 ℃ to 373 ℃, the salinity in 0.9 ~ 1.5% wt % NaCl eq. wt.%); The quartz and fluorite of early sulfide stage host the same types fluid inclusions as oxide stage.Ⅰtype inclusions homogenize at temperature between 245℃ and 362℃(304℃, the average), with salinity 6.9~14.1 wt% NaCl eq.,. Ⅱ type inclusions homogenize at temperature range from 295 to 317℃, with the salinity 0.9 ~ 1.7 wt% NaCl eq.; the types of fluid inclusions in quartz and fluorite of the late sulfide stage are consistent with those of oxide stage and early sulfide stage.Ⅰtype inclusions have homogenization temperature between 188 ℃ and 308 ℃ (246℃ on average), with the salinity 4.0 ~ 10.1 wt % NaCl eq.,. Ⅱ type inclusions have homogenization temperature between 241℃ and 268℃, with the salinity 0.7 ~ 1.7% wt % NaCl eq. The fluid inclusions of the oxide stage, early and late sulfide stage have different gas and liquid ratio, homogenization manner and roughly the same homogenization temperature, which indicates that fluid boiling happened. In addition, the calcite of carbonate stage hostⅠtype inclusions which have low temperature, range between 170 ℃ and 170 ℃ (204 ℃) on average, 4.2% ~ 11.7 wt % NaCl eq.,salinity; (3) The δ13CPDB value of dolomite in oxide stage is between 6.36 ‰ and 8.76 ‰. the late The δ13CPDB value of calcite in late sulfide stage is between 4.95 ‰ and 7.47 ‰,. The δ13CPDB value of calcite in carbonate stage is between 4.69 ‰ and 8.57‰, the study shows that the δ13CPDB value of dolomite and calcite is consistent with that of magmatic carbon and carbon originate from the magma;In addition, the flu
Subject Area矿床地球化学
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
鲍谈. 云南都龙矽卡岩型锡锌多金属矿床成矿流体及成矿机制研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014.
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