滇西北中甸地区燕山晚期花岗岩浆系统成岩成矿作用 | |
王新松 | |
Thesis Advisor | 毕献武 |
2014 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院研究生院 |
Place of Conferral | 北京 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Degree Discipline | 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 |
Keyword | 中甸 燕山晚期 花岗岩 斑岩型铜矿床 |
Abstract | 三江特提斯成矿域是世界特提斯成矿带的重要组成部分,也是我国重要的铜多金属矿集区。三江地区,斑岩型Cu矿床主要发育在印支期和喜山期,前人对这两期成矿作用的成矿特征及构造背景已进行了充分的研究,但燕山期斑岩型Cu矿床研究仍然较弱。中甸岛弧是义敦岛弧的南段,也是三江特提斯成矿域重要的Cu多金属成矿亚带。近年来,随着勘探的深入,在岛弧内新发现了四个与花岗斑岩有关的Mo-Cu矿床,它们分别是休瓦促石英脉型Mo-W矿床、热林石英脉型Mo-W-Cu矿床、红山矽卡岩型-斑岩型Cu-Mo矿床和铜厂沟矽卡岩型-斑岩型Mo-Cu矿床。这四个矿床成矿作用均受到了北北西向、北西向高角度断层的控制,矿区内岩体和矿体均呈北北西或北西向分布;矿化类型主要有石英脉型、矽卡岩型和斑岩型。本文通过对这四个矿床进行了较为详细的成岩成矿年代学和岩体的Sr-Nd-Hf-O同位素研究,从而对岩体的性质及构造背景进行了较详细的限定;结合对四个矿区的流体包裹体及金属硫化物S同位素的研究,初步地探讨了四个矿床的成因,最终通过四个矿床之间的对比总结出了较为合理的成岩成矿模型。 红山矿区矽卡岩型Cu矿石中辉钼矿Re-Os定年结果显示其成矿年龄为81.2 ± 2.6 Ma,该年龄和红山斑岩型Mo矿化年龄一致,而且和前人报道的休瓦促、热林和铜厂沟矿区的辉钼矿定年结果一致,在85 Ma~77 Ma之间,指示着这四个矿床成矿时代均为燕山晚期。锆石原位U-Pb定年结果显示,休瓦促、热林、红山和铜厂沟矿区燕山期岩体年龄在87.4 Ma~79.4 Ma之间,在分析误差范围内,和矿区内的矿化年龄相一致,说明这四个矿床的矿化作用和燕山晚期的花岗岩浆作用有着密切的时空及成因关系。 休瓦促、热林、红山和铜厂沟矿区四个燕山期岩体均具有相对较高的Si、K和较低的Mg、Ca和P,铝饱和指数A/CNK值在0.95–1.10之间。它们呈现出了中到较强结晶分异程度的准铝质到弱过铝质I型花岗岩特征,可能经历了角闪石、斜长石、黑云母、磁铁矿、含钛矿物(榍石、钛铁矿等)和磷灰石的结晶分异作用。这四个燕山期岩体具有相似的(87Sr/86Sr)i (0.7069 to 0.7098)、εNd (-5.3 to -8.5)、εHf (-8.6 to -2.3)和δ18O (5.9‰ to 8.4‰)值,指示着它们可能来自于相似的源区,可能主要来自于下地壳的部分熔融并有少量地幔物质的加入。结合热林、红山和铜厂沟岩体具有较高的Sr/Y和La/Yb比值,说明它们可能来自于加厚下地壳的部分熔融。结合青藏高原东部地区中生代火成岩的时空分布及热演化历史,义敦岛弧燕山晚期的岩浆及成矿作用可能形成于与拉萨和羌塘地块晚白垩纪碰撞相关的晚碰撞-碰撞后的伸展环境。而且,该期火成岩的出现说明青藏高原东侧的抬升及拉萨羌塘地块的碰撞时代至少要早于80 Ma。 流体包裹体研究显示成矿流体性质为中高温、中低盐度(T:146.6~550.0 ℃,S:4.18~18.63 wt% NaCl eq.)或者中高温、中高盐度(T:125.2~393.7 ℃,S:4.45~47.4 wt% NaCl eq.)的H2O-NaCl±CO2型热液。红山矿床成矿石英脉中流体包裹体以富液相流体包裹体为主,同时 CO2包裹体和含子晶包裹体也广泛发育;气相成分包括H2O、CO2和CH4,子矿物常见NaCl、KCl、方解石、辉钼矿;呈现出了典型的斑岩型矿床的成矿流体特征。流体包裹体岩相学及温度盐度特征,显示成矿流体可能经历过相分离作用,同时与低温低盐度的流体发生了混合作用。四个矿床的金属硫化物具有集中的S同位素分布特征(δ34SCDT:-0.38~4.98 ‰)及较高的辉钼矿Re含量(15~100 ppm),显示它们的成矿物质均主要来源于花岗岩浆,即这四个矿床矿化与花岗岩浆作用有着密切的成因联系。 综合对休瓦促、热林、红山和铜厂沟岩体及矿床地球化学性质的研究,初步建立起中甸地区燕山晚期成矿模型,即在燕山晚期源自于加厚下地壳部分熔融、中等到较强分异的87.4-79.4 Ma I型花岗岩侵入到上地壳。随着深部岩浆房的结晶分异作用,而分异出成矿流体,这些成矿流体伴随着岩浆而侵入到三叠系的地层中,由于岩浆分异程度及不同围岩地层组成,而形成不同类型的矿化。它们在义敦岛弧南端构成了一条与燕山晚期花岗岩浆作用有着密切的时空及成因关系的Mo-Cu-(W)成矿带。 结合区域构造演化背景的研究,认为中甸地区及义敦岛弧燕山晚期的成矿作用形成于拉萨-羌塘地块碰撞的晚碰撞-碰撞后伸展环境,可能是一种扭张走滑伸展的构造环境。由于这种构造环境导致了义敦北端地幔熔体与中(下)地壳变沉积岩混合而形成的A型花岗岩及其相关的Sn-Ag-Pb-Zn矿化,而南端中甸地区则形成了加厚下地壳部分熔融形成的I型花岗岩及伴生的Mo-Cu-(W)矿化。 |
Other Abstract | The Sanjiang Tethyan Metallogenic Domain (STMD) is an important part of the Tethyan giant metallogenic belt. Porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au mineralization events in the STMD occurred in the Indosinian and Himalayan periods, and extensive documentation. Yanshanian porphyry Mo ± Cu mineralization in the STMD is known in the literature, but it remains poorly studied. The Yidun Arc is a part of the STMD in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Recently, four newly discovered Mo-Cu-(W) ore deposits related to granitic intrusions were found distributed along the north-south strike in the southern Yidun Arc, which are identified as the Xiuwacu, Relin, Hongshan, and Tongchanggou deposits herein. These four deposits formed along high-angle north-northwest or north-west strike-slip faults, with vein-type and porphyry-type Mo-Cu mineralization developed in the intrusions. Molybdenite Re-Os and zircon U-Pb dating together with zircon Hf-Oisotopes and whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopes of the intrusions were studied to discern the relationship between mineralization and magmatism, metallogenesis, and tectonic settings. Molybdenite from skarn-type mineralization at the Hongshan deposit has a Re-Os isochron age of 81.2 ± 2.6 Ma (MSWD = 1.3, n = 5) consistent with previously published zircon U-Pb ages and Re-Os ages of porphyry-type Mo mineralization. These results indicate that the Hongshan is a Late Cretaceous porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo deposit. Zircon U-Pb ages of the granitic intrusions in the Xiuwacu, Relin, and Tongchanggou deposits varying from ~87.4 Ma to ~82.7 Ma. Combined with published molybdenite Re-Os age spectrum (~85 Ma to ~81.2 Ma), it is proposed that the Mo-Cu-(W) mineralization in the Shangri-La region is spatially and temporally related to the Late Cretaceous granitic intrusions. The four intrusions are relatively high in Si, K, and low in Mg, Ca, and P, and they are moderately to highly fractional metaluminous and slightly peraluminous (A/CNK = 0.96 – 1.07) I-type granites. Amphibole, feldspars, biotite, Fe-Ti oxides (titanite, ilmenite et al.), and apatite were probably involved during the fractionation process. They have relatively high (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.7069 to 0.7098) and δ18O (5.9‰ to 8.4‰), and negative εNd (-5.3 to -8.5) and εHf (-8.6 to -2.3) values, and ancient Nd and Hf model ages (1.3-1.7 Ga), which indicates that they were derived from similar sources predominately through partial melting of ancient mafic-intermediate lower continental crust, probably with a component of mantle contribution. In additon, the Relin, Hongshan, and Tongchanggou intrusions have high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, it indicates that they were derived from thickened lower crust. Combined with the distribution of the Late Mesozoic ignous intrusions and the cooling history of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, we propose that four intrusions in the southern Yidun Terrane were generated under a late- or post-collision environment related to the Lhasa-Qiangtang collision during the Late Cretaceous. Furthermore, the occurrence of these late- or post-collision magmas probably indicates that the timing of the Lhasa-Qiangtang collision and the uplifting of the eastern Tibetan Plateau was probably earlier than the Late Cretaceous, and the Lhasa-Qiangtang collision did not cease until ca. 80 Ma at least. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the ore-forming fluids are moderate-high tempature and moderate-low salinity (T:146.6~550.0 ℃,S:4.18~18.63 wt% NaCl eq.) or moderate-high tempature and moderate-high salinity (T:125.2~393.7 ℃,S:4.45~47.4 wt% NaCl eq.) H2O-NaCl±CO2 fluids. The fluids inclusions in the quartz-vein from the ores in the Hongshan deposits are dominated by two-phase liquid-rich aqueous inclusions, while CO2-rich and daughter-bearing fluid inclusions are also common. The vapor phase are composed of CO2, CH4, and H2O, and daughter minerals include NaCl, KCl, CaCO3 and molybdenite. Generally, the ore-forming fluids in Hongshan deposits show the characteristics of |
Subject Area | 矿床地球化学 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/5894 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 王新松. 滇西北中甸地区燕山晚期花岗岩浆系统成岩成矿作用[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014. |
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