光合水生生物对DIC的利用研究——以茂兰拉桥泉-池系统为例 | |
陈波 | |
Thesis Advisor | 刘再华 |
2014 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院研究生院 |
Place of Conferral | 北京 |
Degree Name | 硕士 |
Degree Discipline | 地球化学 |
Keyword | 岩溶水 水化学 溶解无机碳同位素 昼夜变化 生物碳泵效应 |
Abstract | 随着大量研究的开展,以及对地球系统科学岩溶观认识的不断加深,岩溶作用碳循环的研究逐步向着“水-岩-土-气-生”更加系统的方向发展。特别是近年来的研究成果,碳酸盐(包括碳酸盐岩)溶解以及水生植物的光合作用对全球碳汇的贡献也作为其中一个新的研究方向,引起了国内外的关注。而碳酸盐风化能否形成稳定持久碳汇很大程度上取决于风化产生的溶解无机碳(DIC)能否被水生光合生物利用及其利用程度,后者可通过地表水水化学和?13CDIC的昼夜变化进行探讨。 本研究选取我国有代表性的岩溶地区的贵州荔波茂兰国家自然保护区拉桥村表层岩溶泉及其中游和下游池水样区,对泉水及池水进行昼夜高分辨率(15 min/次)的动态监测以获得泉口、中游及下游池水水化学的昼夜变化情况,同时测定水中溶解无机碳同位素(δ13CDIC)组成变化,揭示水生光合生物对水化学和δ13CDIC时空变化的影响。最后,通过水面静态箱法监测水面CO2浓度昼夜变化,以获得水面CO2交换通量。结合池水出入口DIC(溶解无机碳)的浓度变化,根据质量守恒估算了生长有大量水生植物(轮藻为主)的中游池在不同季节因岩溶“生物碳泵”产生的碳汇能力。监测取样时间为2013年1月至2013年10月,分为春季时段(2013年4月25~26日)、夏季时段(2013年7月25~26日)、秋季时段(2013年10月24~25日)、冬季时段(2013年1月27日~28日)。结合样品的采集和野外及室内试验数据分析和相关模型计算,获得了以下一些认识: (1)在少有水生植物生长的泉口和下游池,水化学昼夜变化不显著。在水生植物大量生长的中游池,pH、DO、SIC在白天呈逐渐增加趋势,在夜间逐渐降低,与水生生物的光合作用和呼吸作用进程相一致,而EC、HCO3-、Ca2+和pCO2呈现相反的变化规律:白天下降,晚上上升。 (2)水化学在季节上表现出了差异性,夏秋季水化学的变幅相对春冬季的要大,这与中游池中的水生植物(轮藻为主)的季节生长过程也是相一致的:夏秋季为轮藻的旺盛生长季,而春冬季为部分休眠期。在暴雨季节,陆地土壤中淋滤溶解进入水体中的物质对表层岩溶泉水和池水的水化学影响很大,特别反映在泉水的水化学变化上。 (3)水中溶解无机碳同位素(?13CDIC)在生长有大量水生植物的中游池水中昼夜动态变化明显,光合作用优先利用较轻的碳同位素(12C)而富集较重碳同位素(13C)使得?13CDIC偏正;呼吸作用释放富集较轻的碳同位素12C使得?13CDIC偏负。 (4)春夏季?13CDIC泉口和池水较偏负,而秋冬季较偏正。暴雨作用对泉口处水化学和?13CDIC的影响显著,库效应和水生植物新城代谢对下游池的水化学和?13CDIC共同作用,水生植物生长旺盛的季节,水生植物的影响占主导;反之则库效应占主导。 (5)分布有大量水生植物的中游池,在白天进行光合作用时,水生植物不仅能利用DIC,还能从空气中吸收大气中溶解进水体中的气态CO2作为无机碳源进行光合作用固碳。岩溶水生生态系统生物固碳能力在一个水文年中表现为:秋季>夏季>冬季>春季,分别达到了762 C a-1km-2,642 C a-1km-2,336t C a-1km-2,137 C a-1km-2,是海洋“生物碳泵”作用强度的20~110倍。 综上表明,陆地水生生态系统,特别是具有高DIC浓度的岩溶水环境中,碳酸盐岩因全球CO2浓度升高而风化速率加快,溶解进入水中的DIC一部分被水生植物利用后以沉积物的形式埋藏下来形成长久的碳汇。水化学与溶解无机碳同位素的变化反映了水生植物对DIC的利用状况,利用模型计算得到了生物作用的碳汇通量。陆地水体特别是有大量水生植物生长的岩溶水生生态系统可能会成为全球“碳遗失”的一个重要方向。同时,岩溶水生生态系统自身能有多少内源的有机物能够被有效埋藏以及土地利用的变化对陆地水生生态系统碳汇能力的影响是下一步需要关注的问题。 |
Other Abstract | Based on numerous karst researches and new insight into earth’s systematic view of karst processes, studies involving water-rock-soil-gas-organism interactions are of special interest when searching effects of the karst processes on the global carbon cycle. Especially, in recent years, combined processes of carbonate dissolution and aquatic photosynthesis have been considered as a new direction in the global carbon sink and drawn great international attentions. Whether carbonate weathering could provide durable and stable carbon sink or not depends mainly on the efficiency of the utilization of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) by aquatic phototrophs. To understand above-mentioned aquatic carbon sequestration process, invesitigation of diurnal variations in hydrochemical characteristics and stable carbon isotope compositions of DIC (δ13CDIC) in surface water is shown to be an efficient way. In this work, four parameters, including water temperature, pH value, electrical conductivity (EC) and dissolved oxygen (DO), were synchronously and uninterruptedly monitored with high resolution (an interval of 15 min.) at spring, midstream pond and downstream pond in four seasons at Laqiao, Maolan, SW China, a typical karst area. In addition, water samples δ13CDIC were analyzed in laboratory. Moreover, a static floating chamber was placed on air-water interface to obtain CO2 exchange flux and to evaluate the biological carbon pump effect combining with hydrochemical data. Based on the mass balance, considering the input and output of DIC in spring fed pond, carbon sequestration capacity by “biological carbon pump” in different seasons could be obtained. Field campaigns have been made in 2013, including four times, spring (April 25-26, 2013), summer (July 25-26, 2013), autumn (October 24-25, 2013) and winter (January 27-28, 2013). According to in-situ monitoring, laboratory analysis and model calculation, we came to following conclusions: (1) In the spring and downstream pond where aquatic plants are less developed, diurnal hydrochemical variations are unconspicuous, while in midstream pond where aquatic plants (dominated by Chara Fragilis) flourished, DO, pH, SIC (saturation index of calcite) and δ13CDIC values presented the largest amplitude of fluctuation (increased during the daytime while decreased in nighttime), which is synchronous with the process of aquatic metabolism (photosynthesis dominated in daytime while respiration dominated in nighttime). However, EC, [HCO3-], [Ca2+] and pCO2 (CO2 partial pressure) showed the inverse variations, i.e., decreased during the daytime while increased in nighttime. (2) Seasonal hydrochemical variations were remarkable. Compared with spring and winter, the amplitudes of hydrochemical variations in summer and autumn were larger. This is mainly because that summer and autumn are the growing seasons while spring and winter are the dormant times. In storm periods, substances which came from groundwater and soil had great impact on the hydrochemical features in the spring-ponds water system, especially in the epikarst spring. (3) Diurnal variations of δ13CDIC were conspicuous in midstream pond where aquatic plants flourished. Photosynthesis resulted in a decrease in DIC concentrations and a simultaneous increase in δ13CDIC by preferential consumption of 12C. Conversely, respiration increased DIC concentration by producing CO2 and decreased δ13CDIC value by adding isotopically light biogenic CO2 with the δ13C signature which is similar to aquatic vegetation. (4) ?13CDIC values of epikarst spring and the spring-fed two ponds were more negative in spring and summer but more positive in autumn and winter. At spring vent, storm effect on hydrochemical features and ?13CDIC values was significant. For downstream pond, however, both tank effect and metabolism of aquatic plants affected hydrochemical characteristics and ?13CDIC, i.e., aquatic metabolism was dominant in growing season while tank effect was predo |
Subject Area | 环境地球化学 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/5879 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 陈波. 光合水生生物对DIC的利用研究——以茂兰拉桥泉-池系统为例[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014. |
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