地球物理联合反演在金属矿探测中的应用 | |
成联正 | |
Thesis Advisor | 王赟 ; 王平 |
2014 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院研究生院 |
Place of Conferral | 北京 |
Degree Name | 硕士 |
Degree Discipline | 环境工程 |
Keyword | 地球物理反演 重磁 遗传算法 差分进化 联合反演 |
Abstract | 通常情况下,地球物理反问题的解表现出非唯一性,如何获得接近真实模型解一直以来是众多科研人员奋斗的目标。在该论文中,简要阐述了重磁正演理论,地球物理反演理论,并基于重磁解析解建立重磁二维模型;另外,在研究大量遗传算法的基础上,将差分进化与遗传算法结合,开发了一种强有力的遗传算法----差分进化遗传算法,以差分进化和局部投影搜索为主要手段,辅以自适应方向变异。测试函数结果表明,该算法优于传统遗传算法,在求解速度及稳定性上显著提高。 利用改进的遗传算法,完成了单一方法的反演、重磁理论数据联合反演。从反演结果来看,模型的粗剖分和细剖分各有优劣;粗剖分忽略了模型细节结构信息,但是对模型位置信息的反应要优于细剖分。联合反演过程不单是目标函数简单的加权联合,在遗传算子操作中,不同物理场参数的基因段也发生了交叉,以重磁为例进行的理论联合反演结果表明联合反演更能真实地展现不同物性参数约束下的地球物理异常体的空间展布。 野外数据的反演在本文中以安徽杜村为例,反演仅考虑磁数据反演,结果表明改进的遗传算法具有实用性。 |
Other Abstract | It’s significant to research and explore ore body with geophysical inversion methods. This dissertation is concerned with the geophysical inversion problem which is ill-posed and has non-unique solution. The goal of the thesis is to review and devleop new techniques for solving such problems. It’s universally known that a appropriate computational tool is considerabley significant and necessary for inversion. In adition, these problems are not easy to solve because of the multiplicity of local and global minima. The thesis can be divided into three parts. In the first part, field forward problems are reviewed simplly, Emphasis is given to Geometric Trellis Storing, which is to separate geometric trellis from forward formula that is invariable during the whole process of inversion , and to store the trellis as a array which would make the following reiterative forward computation as a simple reading of array and multiply it with corresponding cell property. Therefore, the technique facilitates the inversion of gravity and magnetic anomalies faster. In the second part of this thesis, linear and nonlinear optimization algorithms are discussed, especially attention for genetic and differential evolution theory. The later has been shown to be a simple yet efficient optimization approach in solving a variety of benchmark problems as well as many real-world applications. In this paper, it is used for improving the traditional GA which may perform badly with the increasment of varible number. Simultaneously, projection-based exploration search method and adaptive directed mutation are also adopted. Based on these, a novel, simple and efficient real coded hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed and then employed to solve complex function optimization problems. Test results indicate that the proposed algorithm is fast, accurate, and reliable. Finally, improved GA is applied to geophysics inversion, then gravity and magnetic model tests demonstrate that this technique is preeminent, consiquently, it is available to apply the improved GA to joint inversion and field data inversion. |
Subject Area | 矿床地球化学 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/5877 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 成联正. 地球物理联合反演在金属矿探测中的应用[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014. |
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