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关键词汞通量 动力学通量箱 微气象学法 农田生态系统 环境因子 经验模型
摘要汞是全球性的持久性有毒环境污染物。在联合国环境规划署的倡导下,包括中国在内的94个国家已于2013年10月签署了旨在减少汞使用和汞排放的“水俣公约”。大气汞的来源包括人为源和自然源,其中自然源汞排放量远大于人为源,准确估算自然源汞排放是正确认识汞减排环境效益的前提。受观测技术和对汞释放机理认识的限制,目前对自然源排放量的争议很大。本研究通过改进和评估汞通量观测方法,在典型农田地表开展通量观测,使用实验室和野外观测结合建立模拟土壤汞排放的经验模型。得出以下结论: (1). 通过模型模拟、实验室验证和野外实验建立了内部流场均一的新型动力学通量箱。实验室控制环境条件下的通量测定表明新型通量箱的重新性显著优于传统通量箱,通量与流速的关系与模型模拟一致,通量箱内测定区域的地表剪切应力分布均一且与采样流速间呈线性关系。因此,新型通量箱可通过剪切应力与自然环境下的剪切应力相关联。通过测定自然环境下的地表摩擦速度和已知操作流速下的通量箱内摩擦风速,本研究建立了计算自然风速环境下的通量值方法,克服了传统通量箱以单一操作流速表征地表大气复杂环境的缺陷。 (2). 通过两次野外观测同步对比了新型通量箱通量箱法(NDFC)、传统通量箱法(TDFC)、弛豫涡旋积累法(REA)、空气动力学梯度法(AGM)和波文比法(MBR)共5种汞通量箱测定方法。微气象学法和通量箱法测定的Hg0通量变化有明显的时空差异,微气象法通量表现为连续动态的变化,而通量箱法通量则表现稳定的逐步渐进变化。AGM和MBR,TDFC和NDFC通量间均显著相关,但梯度法和通量箱法通量相关性不显著。三种微气象学法的观测通量的中位值无显著差异,但REA通量的变化区间比梯度法大。TDFC的累积释放通量是各方法中最低的,约为AGM和MBR的42%和31%,而NDFC的累积通量则同MBR相近(~5.3%差异)。虽然NDFC不能完全表征大气环境条件,但NDFC在一定程度上建立了连接通量箱和微气象学法观测Hg0通量的新思路。鉴于REA测定通量的分辨率较低,梯度法更适宜于测定低矮生态系统Hg0交换通量。 (3). 系统评估了各通量测定方法的系统误差和随机误差。DFC通量的最大系统误差~10%,系统误差呈与辐射和光照相似的日变化分布,但其85%都分布在-2 – 2 ng m-2 h-1通量区间。准确测定大气汞的浓度差(deltaC)和微气象条件是决定微气象法误差的关键。梯度法的浓度差测定精度约0.064 ng m-3,而弛豫涡旋积累法浓度差的分辨率与大气汞浓度呈正相关0.069+0.022C。AGM, MBR 和 REA在野外对比研究中的随机误差分别为16 - 27%, 12 - 23% 和 19 - 31%(四分位数间距)。本研究中各微气象学方法的双通道采样均是间歇性上下通道采样,大气Hg0浓度波动的误差使间歇性采样的误差很大,33% - 62%的通量采样误差主要来源于浓度差的测定。浓度差的间歇性采样是当前通用微气象学采样误差的重要来源,表明在短时间通量采样特别是在大气Hg0浓度波动较大时的会引入较大误差,建议后续研究采用双通道的同步采样以减少大气汞浓度波动导致的误差。 (4). 测定了典型油菜-水稻轮作的干湿交替农田系统与大气间的季节性汞交换通量。油菜地表土壤是大气汞的强排放源,汞交换通量范围为-32.2- 463.7ng m-2 h-1,平均释放通量10.1 - 89.4ng m-2 h-1;而淹水稻田上覆水是大气汞的弱释放源,水气界面的汞交换通量均值为-0.3 - 2.7ng m-2 h-1。土地耕作方式的不同(淹水和旱作)显著影响了地表与大气间的汞交换过程及排放通量。微气象学法汞交换通量呈显著季节性差异,旱作油菜田是大气汞排放源,油菜田冬季和春季汞的平均释放通量分别为4.7ng m-2 h-1和26.5ng m-2 h-1。生长期稻田是大气中的汇,平均沉降通量-15.8ng m-2 h-1;而通量箱的观测显示稻田上覆水实际是大气汞的弱排放源,这说明生长季水稻是大气汞的重要汇。生长期淹水稻田与大气间汞交换的日变化证实白天沉降量显著高于夜间,说明汞通过气孔进入水稻叶片是汞沉降的主要途径。 (5). 通过实验室析因实验和野外测量,建立了基于太阳辐射、土壤湿度、温度和大气汞浓度的土壤汞释放经验估算模型。土壤湿度、土壤温度和太阳辐射间除单因子促进土壤汞释放外,其因子间的协同作用也显著促进汞释放。大气汞浓度是抑制土壤汞释放的重要环境因子,与土壤湿度间的拮抗作用显著降低土壤汞释放。析因实验和野外观测的环境因子作用一致,即四个单因子与因子间的相互作用对汞交换通量均有显著影响(p< 0.001)。野外测量汞通量的回归模型能很好的模拟自然环境下的汞释放通量(r~ 0.87 – 0.97),基于多因子及因子间相互作用的回归模型较传统线性模型能更好的模拟土壤向大气的汞释放通量。
其他摘要Mercury (Hg) is a global distributed persistent toxic pollutant. In order to protect the human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and release of mercury and mercury compounds, the UNEP Minamata Convention on Mercury was signed by 94 countries in the October of 2013, whereof China was one of the most important signatories. Anthropogenic and natural emission constitute the sources of atmospheric Hg, where natural emission was estimated up to two times of anthropogenic emission. Accurate estimate natural Hg emission inventory is essential to understand the environmental effect of global Hg reduction. However, due to the complicated mechanisms in the air-surface exchange of Hg and high uncertainty in the measurement techniques, here is remain strong debate in the natural Hg emission for two decades. In this study, we developed a novel dynamic flux chamber, evaluated the comparability and uncertainties of contemporary Hg flux measurement techniques, investigated Hg emission from a typical oilseed-rice rotated agricultural land and developed empirical models using laboratory factorial experiments and field data. The main conclusions can be summarized as follow: (1). we performed an integrated modeling, laboratory and field study to design a DFC capable of producing a steady and uniform air flow over a flat surface. Laboratory flux measurements demonstrated that the new design improves data reproducibility as compared to a conventional DFC, and reproduces the model-predicted flux trend with increasing sampling flow rates. A mathematical relationship between the flushing flow rate and surface friction velocity, a variable commonly parameterized in atmospheric models, was developed for field application. For the first time, the internal shear property of a DFC can be precisely controlled using the sampling flow rate, and the flux under atmospheric condition can be inferred from the measured flux and surface shear properties. (2). we deployed a collocated set of micro-meteorological (MM) and enclosure measurement systems to quantify Hg0 flux over bare soil and low standing crop in an agricultural field. The techniques include relaxed eddy accumulation (REA), modified Bowen-ratio (MBR), aerodynamic gradient (AGM) as well as dynamic flux chambers of traditional (TDFC) and novel (NDFC) designs. Fluxes measured by the MM and DFC methods showed distinct temporal trends. The former exhibited a highly dynamic temporal variability while the latter had much gradual temporal features. The correlations between NDFC and TDFC fluxes and between MBR and AGM fluxes were significant, but the correlation between DFC and MM instantaneous fluxes were from weak to moderate. Statistical analysis indicated that the median of turbulent fluxes estimated by the three independent MM-techniques were not significantly different. Cumulative flux measured by TDFC is considerably lower (42% of AGM and 31% of MBR fluxes) while those measured by NDFC, AGM and MBR were similar (~5.3% difference). This implicates that the NDFC technique, which accounts for internal friction velocity, effectively bridged the gap in measured Hg0 flux compared to MM techniques. Due to the restriction of REA resolution, gradient methods was suggested to measure the low stand ecosystem flux. (3). during the comparison, relative bias for DFC-derived fluxes was estimated to be ~ ±10%, although ~85% of the flux observations within ±2 ng m-2 h-1 in absolute term. The DFC flux bias showed a diurnal pattern similar to those of temperature and sunlight. For MM methods, the quantification of concentration difference (delta C) and micrometeorological conditions (e.g., the level of atmospheric turbulence) is the most critical. The precision in measurements was estimated to be 0.064 ng m-3 for MBR and AGM method. For Hg0-REA system, delta C was depending on Hg0 concentration (C) at 0.069+0.022C. The estimated flux uncertainties for the triad of MM-techniques were 16 - 27%, 12 -
GB/T 7714
朱伟. 地气界面汞通量观测方法和典型农田地表与大气汞交换通量及控制因素研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014.
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