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Thesis Advisor刘丛强 ; 李思亮
Degree Grantor中国科学院研究生院
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Name博士
Degree Discipline地球化学
Keyword反硝化细菌法 氮氧同位素 硝酸盐 雨水 流域
Abstract氮是重要的生态系统生源要素之一,不但关系着人类粮食的供给,而且与地表环境和生态热点问题密切相关。由于活性氮在环境中的累积不断增加,使得生态系统面临着诸多环境问题,而河流氮迁移和转化是流域氮循环重要环节。河流是连接陆地和水生生态系统间物质输送的重要纽带,陆地向水体输送氮等营养盐,不仅使水质恶化,导致水体富营养化和生境恶化,而且还与流域生态功能维持、农业优化管理、水质管理、其它生源要素循环(如C,S和P等),以及温室气体排放等密切相关。 稳定同位素技术被认为是研究元素来源及其转化的有效手段,本研究在国内实验室率先成功实现了反硝化细菌法测试水体硝酸盐氮氧同位素,该方法具有需要水样量少,前处理化学试剂消耗少等优点。国内前期利用双同位素法研究硝酸盐来源主要集中在我国南方的部分河流,本研究在前人的研究基础上选取了不同尺度河流为对象展开对硝酸盐的来源及转化进行相关研究,包括我国北方的松花江,辽河,黄河三大河流,同时选取西南典型农业区小流域(普定后寨河流域)对氮的季节转化过程及反硝化做了相关研究,并采集了雨水进行测试来辅助判断其硝酸盐同位素与地表水体中硝酸盐同位素差别。通过对流域水溶性含氮化合物浓度及同位素分析,水体氢氧同位素分析,探讨了流域内主要河流氮的来源及转化过程,并估算流域氮输出通量,得到以下主要认识。 1、利用Trace Gas Pre-concentrator-Isoprime系统可以满足对致金色假单胞菌(P. aureofaciens ATCC 13985)反硝化作用后的N2O的富集、分离、测试等前处理工作。通过对不同样品用量进行测试分析,样品浓度大小仪器信号及测试稳定性等方面的综合考虑,50 nmol NO3-样品较利于操作和计算。反硝化细菌经5-10 d后离心浓缩5倍,吸取入3 mL菌液于顶空瓶内,密封后利用高纯氮气吹扫3 h以上,通过对样品及标准的测试结果表明标准偏差大多数好于0.3‰,与国际类似研究结果相近,可满足地表水体样品分析要求。 2、松花江流域内各主要河流间水溶性含氮化合物浓度及其同位素组成存在较为明显的空间差异,其中嫩江及其支流含氮化合物浓度较低且主要以溶解性有机氮为主。松花江及第二松花江流域内植被覆盖,土地利用及人为活动可能是影响硝酸盐浓度存在空间差异的主要因素,河流中硝酸根和溶解性有机氮两种主要的含氮化合物。河流中硝酸盐同位素组成受到硝化作用,混合作用及一定程度反硝化作用的影响。丰水期土壤有机氮是流域硝酸根主要的来源,特别是在嫩江流域。化肥和污水是硝酸根另外的两个主要贡献者。枯水期硝酸根主要来源于土壤有机氮和污水的混入。辽河流域内主要河流含氮化合物浓度存在明显的差异,其中丰水期含氮化合物浓度较高,枯水期NH4+浓度及NH4+/DIN值明显升高,表明氮污染已经影响到流域水质健康,其氮氧同位素特征与松花江类似,其硝酸盐主要来源于污水和有机质硝化作用。海河流域天津段地表水体水样中无机氮形态以硝氮为主要的无机氮形态;部分水样以铵氮为主要形态,其中铵氮污染较重,靠近市区周边的河流、以及市区排污河的铵氮污染较重,通过对市区周边河流及市区排污河水样同位素值分析表明,生活污水的排放是影响水质的重要因素。、 3、黄河流域内主要河流丰水期硝酸根浓度在上游相对较高,中游受沿途支流的汇入的影响浓度出现较大波动,下游波动较小。枯水期干流及支流水体硝酸盐浓度较丰水期略高,且中游浓度较下游略高。丰水期δ15N-NO3- 值集中在6‰ - 8‰,枯水期δ15N-NO3- 值较丰水期有较高值范围,90%样品主要集中在 6‰ - 10‰的范围内。由同位素取值可判断水体硝酸盐主要来自硝化作用,干流除M15受水利设施的影响表现出较为明显反硝化作用外,其它水样无明显反硝化作用发生的同位素证据。上游农业活动较弱,河流硝酸盐以土壤有机氮来源为主,中游灌溉区化肥经硝化作用形成的硝酸盐影响了干流硝酸盐同位素组成,该段硝酸盐同位素组成是土壤有机氮和化肥混合作用的结果。中游峡谷区,支流多且流经地区水土流失严重,土壤有机氮的输入对水体硝酸盐的贡献较大且干流沿程受人为活动的影响较大,硝酸盐主要来源于土壤有机氮和污水。下游城镇生活生产废水的输入,可能是下游水体硝酸根主要来源。枯水期化肥来源和土壤有机氮的来源对河水中硝酸盐的贡献相对较少。 4、综合流量和流域内降水里的季节变化规律对流域氮输出通量进行估算,黄河氮输出通量为23.33×104吨;辽河氮输出总量约为6.99×104吨;松花江氮输出总量约为11.67×104吨;海河氮输出总量约为7.00×104吨。七大流域中氮输出通量占化肥使用量的比例呈现明显的南北差异,平均值为6.7%。对流域内陆地氮通量的认识有助于对流域内氮素进行科学管理,我国长江流域、黄河、珠江、松花江、辽河、海河、淮河七大流域陆地氮通量分别为 85.45 kg/(hm×yr)、59.76kg/(hm×yr)、88.63 kg/(hm×yr)、52.54kg/(hm×yr)、115.07kg/(hm×yr)、157.32 kg/(hm×yr)、218.41 kg/(hm×yr)。 5、已有的研究表明降雨在局部地区有可能是地表水体中硝酸盐重要来源,本研究选取贵阳对雨水进行了将近两年的采样,降水中δ15N-NO3-值范围为-6.8‰ - 3.3‰,均值-2.2
Other AbstractNitrogen is an essential nutrient element that plays an important role in the ecological systems. It’s not only related to the supply of food, but also has closely relationship with the environment and ecological hot issues. The nitrogen cycle in a river basin is one of key nutrient cycle. River systems play a very important role in nutrient transportation and transformation in the Earth’s surface environments. The nutrient that been transported from the terrestrial to aquatic eco-system deteriorate the water quality, lead to eutrophication and affect ecological system. Moreover, it also related to maintain the ecological function, manage agriculture and water management, and tightly couple to the cycling of other nutrients other biogenic elements cycle (such as C, S and P), as well as greenhouse gas emission. Stable isotope techniques are considered to be useful tools to identify sources and their transformations. In this study,the denitrifier method was first developed in China for nitrate isotopic measurement in our laboratory. This method has many advantages, such as small volume water, sample simple pretreatment,no cross contamination.The previous studies to identify the nitrate in rivers mainly distribute in southern of China. The main content of this study were to identify the nitrate sources and its transformations in different river scales, including Songhua River、Liao River、Yellow River. Meanwhile, we also choose the typical karst agriculture catchment (Houzhai Catchment) to study the seasonal variation of nitrogen transformation and denitrification. The dual isotopes of nitrate in atmospheric precipitation were also analysis to know the variation of isotopic composition between precipitation and surface water. The dissolved nitrogenous compounds, dual isotopes of nitrate as well as dual isotopes of water were measured for collected samples. Several important conclusions have been drawn as follows: 1、The Trace Gas Pre-concentrator unit coupled to an IRMS instrument can meet the concentration, separation and measurement for the reactive N2O gas. By measuring samples with different amounts, 50nmol nitrate is conducive to operations and calculations. The cells were harvested and concentrated 5 fold and split into 3 mL aliquots in 20 mL headspace vials after 5 – 10 days. The vials were sealed and then purged for at least 3 h with high-purity N2 to ensure anaerobic conditions. Nitrate was added to the sample vials and cultured overnight to allow complete conversion of NO3- to N2O. Samples and standard were measured with standard deviation less than 0.3‰ that similar to other studies and can meet surface samples analysis.
Subject Area环境地球化学
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
岳甫均. 利用氮氧同位素辨析不同尺度河流氮来源及其转化过程[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2013.
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利用氮氧同位素辨析不同尺度河流氮来源及其(8519KB) 暂不开放LicenseApplication Full Text
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