贵州普定喀斯特地区砂岩和石灰岩母质土壤碳-硫耦合循环研究 | |
田丽艳 | |
Thesis Advisor | 郎赟超 |
2013 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院研究生院 |
Place of Conferral | 北京 |
Degree Name | 硕士 |
Degree Discipline | 环境工程 |
Keyword | 石灰土 黄壤 碳同位素 硫同位素 土壤退化 |
Abstract | 西南喀斯特地区是我国碳酸盐岩出露面积最大、岩溶最为发育的区域,也是我国土壤受侵蚀严重地区。西南地区由于石灰岩成土缓慢,水文地质结构特殊,土壤面临地上和地下双向流失,是我国少有的生态环境脆弱地区。由于过去不理性或不科学的土地利用和日益加剧的各种人类活动干扰,西南喀斯特山地发生了严重的土壤流失和石漠化,导致喀斯特生态系统严重退化。土壤是退化生态系统恢复的关键,对喀斯特地区主要类型土壤以及不同石漠化程度生态系统土壤养分循环的地球化学研究有助于我们理解生态系统正向和逆向演替的生物地球化学过程机制,并为生态系统恢复提供理论帮助。已有的研究结果证明,在西南喀斯特地区硫的循环影响碳的循环,这种生物地球化学循环的耦合为我们理解喀斯特生态环境中不同元素的生物地球化学循环及其生态环境效应提供了新的思路。为了解喀斯特地区土壤的碳、硫的地球化学循环特征及转化过程,本研究选取了西南喀斯特地区两种典型的土壤(砂岩黄壤和黄色石灰土)剖面为研究对象,分析了坡地的不同位置的剖面样品的基本理化性质(pH值、C/N值、有机碳含量)以及稳定同位素组成(δ13CSOC、δ13CSIC、δ34S硫酸盐、δ34S有机硫),得出以下初步结论:1. 砂岩黄壤和黄色石灰土pH值存在明显差异,变化趋势截然不同,前者整体高而后者低。土壤剖面上,pH值从上至下逐步升高。这两种类型土壤的pH值变化的不同主要是由土壤矿物学和化学组成的不同而导致的。2. 砂岩黄壤和黄色石灰土的有机碳(SOC)含量变化范围分别为3.1~79.7 g?kg-1和8.2~73.3 g?kg-1。由于植被覆盖、地形条件等因素的影响,沿坡面顶端到底端的方向,两种类型土壤的SOC含量均呈现出坡脚、坡顶到坡腰逐渐递减的特征。除砂岩黄壤坡顶剖面的个别层位外,两类土壤剖面SOC含量均随剖面深度的增加而降低。3. 砂岩黄壤和石灰土剖面δ13CSOC值变化范围分别为-25.4‰~-20.7‰和-23.2‰~ -18.8‰。除黄色石灰土坡腰剖面外,其余土壤剖面的δ13CSOC值均表现为随剖面表层至20~40cm升高,然后随深度增加而降低,最后趋于稳定的特征。两类坡地土壤SOC含量以及δ13CSOC值的变化,反映了不同类型植被残体的输入以及在土壤中的降解累积特征,有助于我们了解坡地堆积侵蚀以及成土过程对SOC循环的影响。4. 不同类型土壤的δ13CSIC值存在明显差异:石灰土具有较高的δ13CSIC值。δ13CSIC值沿剖面一般从上到下逐步升高。砂岩黄壤的无机碳的同位素组成表明,剖面上部土壤的碳酸盐主要是次生碳酸盐,其碳的来源主要来自土壤有机碳的降解。砂岩土壤剖面下部土壤中的碳酸盐可能也主要是次生碳酸盐,但来源于无机碳酸盐溶解的无机碳的比例明显增大。土壤无机碳的同位素组成的分布特征和变化趋势指示了土壤有机碳的降解过程及其剖面上降解程度的差异。5. 砂岩黄壤和石灰土的SO42--δ34S值分布在-6‰~+8‰之间。总体上,石灰土中硫酸盐的δ34S值比砂岩黄壤高。两种类型土壤硫酸盐的δ34S值在土壤剖面上的变化趋势也明显不同。石灰土土壤剖面表层土壤至剖面30cm左右深度,δ34S值是逐步升高的,再向下则变化不大。而砂岩黄壤剖面的δ34S值在整个剖面上相对变化小,从上至下却降低。其中坡腰砂岩黄壤剖面的δ34S值从表层土壤至100cm深度逐步降低,然后迅速升高。砂岩黄壤和石灰土的有机硫(SOS)的硫同位素组成同样显示土壤类型不同而各异的特征。石灰土SOS的δ34S值(δ34S值: +3.4‰~+5.8‰)整体上比砂岩黄壤高(δ34S值:-0.6‰~+4.8‰)并在剖面上相对于砂岩黄壤剖面变化很小。6. 两种类型土壤中硫来源和转化过程不同。石灰土剖面上部土壤的硫酸盐的δ34S值明显不同土壤有机硫的δ34S值,低于土壤有机硫的δ34S值。这说明,石灰土剖面土壤中的硫酸盐硫来自两种来源,就大气沉降和含硫有机质的氧化。大气沉降的硫酸盐一般具有较负的δ34S值,因此大气沉降硫酸盐的加入使得剖面上部土壤硫酸盐的δ34S值逐渐降低。另外,硫酸盐在厌氧条件下氧化有机质也可以导致残余硫酸盐的δ34S值升高。砂岩黄壤剖面硫酸盐的δ34S值比石灰土的低,土壤有机硫的δ34S值也低,说明其中有机硫与岩层硫有关。由于研究的砂岩含黑色有机质或还有褐煤层,所以土壤有机硫的同位素组成较低。砂岩黄壤上部的硫酸盐的δ34S值较下部高,向上逐步接近石灰土表层土的硫酸盐的δ34S值,这也说明两种类型的土壤在上部都受到大气沉降硫的影响。更深剖面部位的硫酸盐的δ34S值迅速升高应归因于厌氧条件下硫酸盐的还原和有机质的降解。 在本研究的基础上,为深入了解西南喀斯特地区土壤退化的现状,对西南喀斯特地区的土壤进行了文献调研。该地区独特的地质环境以及土壤成土的特殊性加剧了土壤退化进程,人为因素是加剧土壤退化的根本原因。防治土壤退化除了要加强该地区的耕地资源保护、综合治理、提高人们的保护土地的意识以及加强监督等措施外,还要进行科学施肥,避免造成土壤养分不均衡、浪费等现象. |
Other Abstract | In southwest China, there exists one of the largest karstic areas in the world, developed with diverse karstic landforms. In this area, soil and water loss is serious. The ecosystems in the karstic areas of southwest China are fragile, due to the slow soil-formation rate of limestone, complex hydrological structure, and soil loss through surface and underground ways. In past several decades, people living in these areas irrationally used the land, which resulted in serious loss of soil and finally in intensive rocky desertification. The seriously degraded ecosystems have lost their production capacity, and are unable to support the living of human. The soil is critical to restoration of degraded ecosystem, and it is important to understand the properties of soils and the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients, such as carbon, sulfur and nitrogen, in the soil-plant systems. Accordingly, studies on biogeochemical features and nutrient cycling of the soils in different degraded ecosystems are necessary for us to get better understanding of the ecological processes and to help manage the ecosystems. It has been demonstrated that the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur affects that of carbon. The coupled cycling of sulfur and carbon is the key for us to understand the nutrient cycling processes and their eco-environmental effects in the karstic ecological systems. In order to get knowledge about carbon and sulfur cycling signatures and the processes affecting the cycling, this work studied the basic chemical, physical, and biological characteristics, variation in stable isotope composition (δ13CSOC、δ13CSIC、δ34SSO4、δ34SSOS) of soil profiles developed on sandstone and limestone in hill slop. Several conclusions have been reached as follows. The sandstone and limestone soils have different pH values: the former has lower pH values than the latter. Along the soil profiles, the soil pH values decrease with increasing depth. The difference in soil pH values between these two soil types should be ascribed to the different mineralogical and chemical compositions. The soil organic carbon (SOC) contents of the sandstone and limestone soils are not obviously different, varying between 3.1~79.7 g?kg-1 and 8.2~73.3 g?kg-1, respectively. The soil profiles from the top down to the lower site show different SOC contents, generally with higher SOC contents in the profile in the lower site compared to the upper site, which should be resulted from topography, different vegetation cover. The two types of soil profiles show higher SOC contents in tope soil and much lower SOC contents in the deep soil. The δ13CSOC values of the sandstone and limestone soil profiles are between -25.4‰~-20.7‰ and -23.2‰~ -18.8‰, respectively. All of the soil profiles show a general slight decrease of the δ13CSOC values from tope soil to the deep soil. However, the detailed variations in the δ13CSOC values especially for the tope soils are complex. Except for two sandstone soil profiles, all of the other soil profiles show δ13CSOC values increasing from the surface soil to the soil at 20-40cm depths, and the δ13CSOC values of soils at lower depths show gradually decrease trend with decreasing soil depths. The variation signatures of the δ13CSOC values along the soil profiles can be explained in terms of SOC decomposition, input of different plant type (C3 and C4 type plants), and soil erosion at upper and accumulation at the lower site. The soil inorganic carbon (SIC) in limestone soils shows higher δ13CSIC values than that in the limestone soils. The sandstone soil profiles show a general decrease in δ13CSIC value from top to bottom soils. Compared to the SIC in the limestone soil, the SIC in the sandstone soils is mainly derived from organic carbon decomposition and expiration of plant roots, and the carbonate in the soils is mainly secondary. The difference in variation of the δ13CSIC values in different soils indicate the different source of SIC, different extents of organic carbon decomposition, and different cycling processes in the different typ . |
Subject Area | 环境地球化学 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/5836 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 田丽艳. 贵州普定喀斯特地区砂岩和石灰岩母质土壤碳-硫耦合循环研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2013. |
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