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Thesis Advisor毕献武
Degree Grantor中国科学院研究生院
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Name博士
Degree Discipline地球化学
KeywordPb Zn S来源 成矿流体 元素超常富集机制 金顶铅锌矿 云南省
Abstract三江地区广泛发育包括金顶超大型矿床在内的大量的新生代Pb、Zn、Cu、Ag多金属矿床,是我国最重要的贱金属成矿带之一。金顶超大型铅锌矿床是中国目前最大的铅锌矿床,也是世界上铅锌金属储量超过一千万吨的十几个超大型矿床之一。该矿金属规模巨大,成矿时代新,赋存于兰坪盆地内部,以沉积岩容矿,其形成虽与盆地沉积演化和流体活动有关,但明显受盆地形成后新生代逆冲推覆-走滑构造系统的控制,成矿特征显著区别于以沉积岩为主岩的MVT、SEDEX和SST型铅锌矿床,成矿机制独特。虽然对该矿床的研究前人已取得大量的研究成果,但是由于其成矿的特殊性和复杂性,若干基础科学问题仍然没有得到很好的解决,诸如成矿时代、成矿流体性质、金属来源等,对该矿床的成因至今尚未达成共识。基于近年来在该地区地质地球物理研究的进展,以及分析测试技术的进步与创新,深入研究金顶铅锌矿床成矿元素超常富集机制,对于系统地研究大陆碰撞背景下贱金属矿床的成矿机制具有重要的理论和实际意义。 本研究在充分调研前人的研究成果的基础上,通过野外考察和室内研究,系统开展了金顶铅锌矿床矿石中矿物的共生、伴生关系研究,利用近年来发展起来的Re-Os测年技术,硫化物矿物SIMS原位硫同位素分析技术和非传统稳定同位素分析技术,开展了黄铁矿Re-Os测年,不同成矿阶段金属硫化物原位硫同位素组成、金属硫化物铅同位素、锌同位素、汞同位素地球化学特征研究,并结合对不同矿化阶段与金属硫化物共生之脉石矿物流体包裹体的地球化学、碳-氧-氢同位素、稀有气体同位素和微量元素特征的研究,深入探讨了金顶铅锌矿的成矿时代、成矿流体的性质及特征、成矿金属和硫的来源以及还原硫的形成机理、矿质沉淀方式等,进而提出金顶铅锌矿床成矿元素超常富集的可能机制。取得的主要认识如下: (1)金顶铅锌矿床大致经历了沉积成岩期、热液矿化期和表生期。根据矿石中矿物的穿插关系,热液期矿化作用可划分为早、晚两个阶段;基于矿区地质条件的制约,热液成矿时间大致介于始新世至渐新世(37 ~ 28 Ma),与区域性铅、锌、银、铜矿化的时代一致。 (2)通过对盆地中蒸发岩建造的调查并结合金属硫化物的硫同位素分析认为,盆地中的蒸发岩建造不仅为金顶铅锌矿提供了丰富的矿化剂,而且是成矿过程中硫的主要来源。早矿化阶段金属硫化物的硫同位素强烈亏损34S(δ34S - 42.1‰ ~ - 10.2‰),指示沉淀硫化物所需的还原硫(H2S)主要来自细菌还原硫酸盐作用(BSR),晚矿化阶段相对富集34S(δ34S – 8.4‰ ~ - 7.7‰),暗示了还原硫可能来自硫酸盐热化学还原作用(TSR)。通过与兰坪盆地众多贱金属矿床的硫同位素对比发现,细菌成因的还原硫对金顶矿床成矿金属的沉淀具有至关重要的作用。 (3)通过对不同矿化阶段矿石矿物和与之共生的脉石矿物的流体包裹体、碳-氧同位素、稀有气体同位素、铅同位素、锶同位素、锌同位素、汞同位素以及微量元素地球化学的研究认为:热液矿化早阶段成矿流体以盆地热卤水为主,可能受到了少量的深源组分的影响;晚矿化阶段成矿流体以古大气降水为主。成矿金属主来来自于盆地中的围岩地层和新生代岩浆岩。含金属的流体与富H2S的流体的混合是导致金属硫化物沉淀的主要方式。 (4)对比研究认为金顶铅锌矿床的成矿特征区别于典型的MVT、SEDEX和SST型铅锌矿床,可能代表沉积岩容矿的一种新类型。 (5)新生代三江地区强烈的碰撞造山运动造成区内强烈的构造、岩浆、沉积和变质作用,这些作用相互叠加使本区成为地壳各圈层、各时代、各来源物质大混合、大迁移、再循环的场所,为成矿元素的富集创造了条件。兰坪盆地新生代隐伏岩体既为成矿提供物源,也是驱动成矿流体系统的主要热源;蒸发岩建造既为成矿流体提供了丰富的矿化剂,也为金属硫化物沉淀提供了硫源;金顶矿区有机质既是成矿金属活化迁移的介质,也是控制成矿环境的重要因素;沘江深大断裂为区域含矿热液提供了运移通道;金顶穹窿及次级断裂破碎带提供了充足的容矿空间;赋矿围岩具有有利的容矿条件,并且配备了良好的屏蔽层,使矿液能够有效的聚集成矿。金顶铅锌矿床的形成是一系列成矿有利因素耦合的结果。
Other AbstractMany Cenozoic Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag polymetallic deposits, including the Jinding super giant Zn-Pb deposit, are concentrated in Sanjiang Region, one of the most important base metal mineralization belts in China. The Jinding deposit is the largest Zn-Pb deposit in China, and also is one of the dozen super giant deposits with Zn+Pb reserve more than 10 million tons in the world. The deposit, with enormous metal reserves and young mineralization age, is hosted in sedimentary rocks within the Lanping basin. Although it is genetically associated with the sedimentary evolution of the basin and the hydrothermal acitivities, the ore emplacements are obviously controlled by the overthrusting strike-slip system in Cenozoic after the formation of the basin. Therefore, the Jinding deposit shows a unique metallogenic mechanism with mineralization characterizations different from those of sediment-hosted MVT, SEDEX and SST Zn-Pb deposits. A large number of achievements have been made in the genesis of the Jinding deposit. However, some basic scientific issues, such as mineralization epoch, properties of ore-forming fluids and the source of metals have not been satisfactorily resolved due to its particularity and complexity, which greatly make it difficult to reach a consensus on the origin. Based on progresses in studies on geology and geophisics in the Lanping basin, and new analytical methods, further studies in abnormal enrichment mechanisms of ore-forming metals in the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit are theoretically and practically significant to a systematic understanding in the base metal metallogenesis under continental collisional settings. Based on previously published literatures, systematic field investigations and laboratory analysis have been carried out to identify the symbiotic and associated relationship of minerals and mineral assemblages in the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit. Using techniques of Re-Os dating, in situ sulfur isotopes measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and nontraditional stable isotopes developed in recent years, a systematic study of Re-Os dating of pyrite, in situ S isotopes, Pb isotopes, Zn isotopes and Hg isotope of sulfide minerals from different mineralization stages, together with fluid inclusion geochemistry, C-O-H isotopes, He-Ar isotopes, Sr isotopes and trace elements of gangue minerals associated with different sulfide mineralizations has been conducted. Based on these scientific results obtained, we comprehensively discussed the age of the mineralization, the attributes of the ore-forming fluids, the sources of ore-forming metals and sulfur, the mechanisms of sulfate reduction, as well as sulfide precipitation, and brought forth the possible mechanism of abnormal enrichment of ore-forming metals in the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit.
Subject Area矿床地球化学
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
唐永永. 云南金顶铅锌矿床成矿元素超常富集机制研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2013.
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