滇东南白牛厂多金属矿床成岩成矿地球化学及年代学 | |
李开文 | |
Thesis Advisor | 张乾 |
2013 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院研究生院 |
Place of Conferral | 北京 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Degree Discipline | 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 |
Keyword | 白牛厂多金属矿床 薄竹山花岗岩 成岩作用 成矿作用 滇东南 |
Abstract | 白牛厂多金属超大型矿床位于云南省蒙自县境内,是滇东南三大多金属矿床之一(都龙、个旧和白牛厂矿床)。该矿床金属储量巨大,其中银储量达超大型规模,铅、锌、锡均达大型规模,同时伴生丰富的In、Cd、Ga、Ge等分散元素。矿体主要赋存于华南加里东褶皱系滇东南褶皱带西北缘的中寒武统碎屑岩之中。自上世纪80年代后期以来,该地区进行了大量的找矿勘探和科研工作,获得了丰富的经济效益和大量科研成果,但有关矿床成因及矿床与花岗岩体的关系存在较大的争议,直接制约了找矿工作的进一步进行。本文通过系统研究区域地质背景、岩体及矿床地质地球化学和年代学,探讨矿床成因,建立成矿模式,主要取得以下成果: 1. 岩体地质学及地球化学特征。 薄竹山岩体主要岩性为黑云母二长花岗岩,相对富钾贫钠,为过铝质钙碱性S-型花岗岩类;相对富集大离子亲石元素Rb和高场强元素Th、U、Ce,而Sr、Ba、Nb、Hf、Y元素亏损;不同单元花岗岩微量和稀土元素特征基本一致,显示具有相似的岩浆来源和演化过程。 2. 花岗岩锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf年代学特征 薄竹山陈家寨序列花岗岩年龄为(84.22±0.74) Ma-(88.1±0.66) Ma,薄竹山序列花岗岩年龄为(85.09±0.46) Ma-(87.42±0.64) Ma,大山脚独立单元年龄为(85.27±0.84) Ma,各个岩体形成时代一致,均属于晚白垩世,该年龄值同时排除了喜山期岩浆侵入活动。锆石Hf同位素组成较为均一,具有壳源特征,两阶段Hf模式年龄主要集中在1200 Ma-1600 Ma,表明花岗岩主要源自中元古代陆壳重熔。构造环境显示薄竹山花岗岩体主要形成于同碰撞向板内环境的转换时期,可能与晚白垩世华南岩石圈大规模伸展作用有关。 3. 矿床元素及同位素地球化学特征 矿石稀土元素特征表明白牛厂矿床和花岗岩经历了相似的地质地球化学过程,方解石C-O及石英H-O同位素组成显示成矿流体主要来自深部岩浆,矿石硫化物硫和铅同位素组成表明成矿物质主要由花岗岩浆所提供。闪锌矿和矿石与薄竹山花岗岩具有相似的Sr、Nd同位素组成,较高的(87Sr/86Sr)i比值和较低的(143Nd/144Nd)i比值显示成矿物质主要来自陆源。 4. 矿床年代学特征 白牛厂矿床锡石U-Pb等时线年龄为(87.4±3.7) Ma-(88.4±4.3) Ma,闪锌矿Rb-Sr等时线年龄为(126.00±0.41) Ma,闪锌矿Sm-Nd等时线年龄为(79±31) Ma, 矿石全岩Sm-Nd等时线年龄为(83±16) Ma,方解石Sm-Nd等时线年龄为(81±19) Ma,以上所得成矿年龄均与薄竹山花岗岩成岩时代(84.22±0.74 Ma-88.10±0.66 Ma)一致,显示成矿主要与燕山晚期岩浆作用有关,并非是海底喷流沉积作用的产物,热水喷流沉积成矿作用在白牛厂矿床很可能是不存在的。结合个旧、都龙和大厂矿床成岩与成矿时代,表明南岭西段在晚白垩世发生了大规模的岩浆侵入和成矿作用,成岩与成矿时代的高度吻合性表明二者可能受控于同一构造体系。 7. 矿床成因 元素及同位素地球化学研究表明,白牛厂矿床成矿物质主要源自花岗岩浆,年代学数据显示成岩与成矿具有高度吻合性,矿床形成主要与岩浆作用有关。因此,白牛厂矿床属于典型的岩浆热液矿床。 |
Other Abstract | The Bainiuchang super-large deposit, located in Mengzi county, Yunnan Province, China, is one of the biggest polymetallic deposits at Southeastern Yunnan, which is characterized by large scale Ag, Pb, Zn, Sn reserves with lots of dispersed elements (In, Cd, Ga,Ge, etc). It occurred geologically in the Middle Cambrian fine clastic-rock formations at the northwestern terminal of the Caledonian fold system in South China. Since the Bainiuchang deposit was found in late 1980’s, many prospecting and scientific research have been performed and rich economic benefit and scientific achievements were obtained, but it is debatable on the genesis and the relations between the deposit and the granite rocks, and further ore-prospecting work was restricted. Detailed studies on the regional geology, geochemistry and chronology of the Bozhushan granite and the Bainiuchang deposit have been carried out in this study, and ore-forming genesis was discussed, and a metallogenic model was proposed. The main conclusions are listed as follows: 1. Geology and geochemistry of the Bozhushan granite. The Bozhushan granite, dominated by biotite monzogranite, has a characteristic of silicon and alkaline enrichment, high-K, and low-Na content and belongs to peraluminous and calc-alkaline S-type granite. It enriched in Rb, Th, U, Ce and depleted in Sr, Ba, Nb, Hf and Y. Trace elements compositions and REE chondrite-normalized patterns of each unit have the same characteristics, which is suggested to be the same magmatic origin and evolution process. 2. U-Pb and Lu-Hf chronology of zircons from the Bozhushan granite U-Pb zircon dating of the Chenjiazhai sequence, Bozhushan sequence and Dashanjiao separate unit are (84.22±0.74) Ma-(88.1±0.66) Ma, (85.09±0.46) Ma- (87.42±0.64) Ma and (85.27±0.84) Ma, respectively. All consistent ages belong to Late Cretaceous and exclude the Himalayan period of magmatism |
Subject Area | 矿床地球化学 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/5802 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 李开文. 滇东南白牛厂多金属矿床成岩成矿地球化学及年代学[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2013. |
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