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Heterogeneous mantle source and magma differentiation of quaternary arc-like volcanic rocks from Tengchong, SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Mei-Fu Zhou; Paul T. Robinson; Christina Yan Wang; Jun-Hong Zhao; Dan-Ping Yan; Jian-Feng Gao; John Malpas
Source PublicationContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

The Tengchong volcanic field north of the Burma arc comprises numerous Quaternary volcanoes in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The volcanic rocks are grouped into four units (1-4) from the oldest to youngest. Units 1, 3 and 4 are composed of olivine trachybasalt, basaltic trachyandesite and trachyandesite, and Unit 2 consists of hornblende dacite. The rocks of Units 1, 3, and 4 form a generally alkaline suite in which the rocks plot along generally linear trends on Harker diagrams with only slight offset from unit to unit. They contain olivine phenocrysts with Fo values ranging from 65 to 85 mol% and have Cr-spinel with Cr# ranging from 23 to 35. All the rocks have chondrite-normalized REE patterns enriched in LREE and primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns depleted in Ti, Nb and Ta, but they are rich in Th, Ti and P relative to typical arc volcanics. Despite minor crustal contamination, Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (0.706-0.709), epsilon Nd values (-3.2 to -8.7), and epsilon Hf values (+4.8 to -6.4) indicate a highly heterogeneous mantle source. The Pb isotopic ratios of the lavas (Pb-206/Pb-204 = 18.02-18.30) clearly show an EMI-type mantle source. The underlying mantle source was previously modified by subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic and Indian continental lithosphere. The present heterogeneous mantle source is interpreted to have formed by variable additions of fluids and sediments derived from the subducted Indian Oceanic lithosphere, probably the Ninety East Ridge. Magma generation and emplacement was facilitated by transtensional NS-trending strike-slip faulting.

KeywordArc-like Volcanic Rocks Heterogeneous Mantle Source Sr–nd–pb–hf Isotopes Magma Chamber Processes Tengchong Se Margin Of The Tibetan Plateau
Subject Area矿床地球化学
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Mei-Fu Zhou,Paul T. Robinson,Christina Yan Wang,et al. Heterogeneous mantle source and magma differentiation of quaternary arc-like volcanic rocks from Tengchong, SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,2012,163(5):841-860.
APA Mei-Fu Zhou.,Paul T. Robinson.,Christina Yan Wang.,Jun-Hong Zhao.,Dan-Ping Yan.,...&John Malpas.(2012).Heterogeneous mantle source and magma differentiation of quaternary arc-like volcanic rocks from Tengchong, SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau.Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,163(5),841-860.
MLA Mei-Fu Zhou,et al."Heterogeneous mantle source and magma differentiation of quaternary arc-like volcanic rocks from Tengchong, SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau".Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163.5(2012):841-860.
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