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Alternative TitleThe Grain Size Distribution Characteristic of the Weathering Crusts Underlying Carbonatites and Its Indication meaning on the provenance and formation processes in Karst Terrains, Guizhou Province
Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral中国科学院地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Degree Discipline环境地球化学
Keyword碳酸盐岩 风化壳 物源指示 剖面演化 粒度分布特征 岩溶地区 贵州
Abstract以贵州为中心的中国西南岩溶区是世界上连片分布面积最大的岩溶区,其上分布着厚度不一的红色土层。由于碳酸盐岩易溶蚀、酸不溶物含量极低(一般<5%)、成土慢,同时在风化过程中伴随着巨大的体积缩小变化,原岩结构和半风化带无法保留,岩-土界面呈突变接触关系,缺失过渡层,宏观上缺乏直接的野外地质证据支持二者之间存在着明确的继承关系,因此对于岩溶上覆风化壳的物质来源,长期以来一直存在着争议。对岩溶区风化壳成因存在的不同认识,成为利用风化壳进行一系列科学研究的障碍,因此正确理解岩溶上覆风化壳的物质来源和成因显得十分紧迫和重要。本文在已有成果的基础上,选择灰岩、白云岩与碎屑岩呈镶嵌产出的贵州岩溶台地(包括湘西吉首的一个剖面)作为研究区域,尝试利用粒度分析这一反映沉积若(物)的结构组成的研究手段,通过对20条剖面的精细采样分析.系统地探讨了不同基岩与仁覆风化壳的粒度分布特征,并以此为主线,结合磁化率、pH值、地球化学和矿物学资料,对贵州岩溶上覆风化壳的物质来源和剖面演化过程进行了探讨,取得了以下几点认识:第一,在碳酸盐岩上覆风化壳的成因研究中,粒度分析是一个有效而直观的物源示踪方法。不同沉积背景下形成的沉积岩其粒度分布特征是不同的,而在此基础上发育的风化壳就继承了母岩的粒度分布特征,粒度频率分布曲线表现出和母岩的一致性和渐变过渡性,在风化程度不是特别强烈的条件下(排除如铝土矿化的红土化阶段),风化壳仍保留了“源”的信息。而由碳酸盐岩发育的风化壳就继承了基岩酸不溶物的粒度分布特征。由不同粒度组成的沉积岩发育的风化壳,其粒度组成也存在着明显的浪异。第二,通过对贵州岩溶区不同基岩(包括碎屑岩)及其上覆风化壳的粒度分析表明,各风化剖面的粒度分布特征与下伏基岩有明显的继承性,而各剖面之间的粒度分布存在着明显的差异,说明岩溶区上覆风化壳没有共同的物质来源,碳酸盐岩上覆风化壳是碳酸盐矿物溶蚀、残余酸不溶物长期积累的结果。第三,在非等体积风化过程中,风化前锋即“岩一土界,”是一个重要的地球化学作用场所,在这一狭窄的界面上,不仅碳酸盐矿物充分淋失,而且残余酸不溶物也开始了分解,同时岩一土界面的风化梯度明显强于已成风化剖而后期的演化强度。即从基岩酸不溶物到风化壳底部,风化强度突变性增大,而风化壳的后期演化则是一个缓慢的过程。第四,由于充沛的水热条件,风化壳的淋溶淀积作用普遍存在,粘粒含量在剖面七部由下向上表现为逐渐降低的“倒置”现象。在风化壳发育浅薄的石灰土剖面,淀积层甚至可以直接淀积在剖面底部。第五,石灰土尽管发育程度较低,可以看作碳酸盐岩风化壳演化的早期阶段,但是在形成石灰土的过程中,各风化指标已表现出显著的变化,具有了红色风化壳的发育特征。因此从严格意义上讲,石灰土已不具有从基岩到红色风化壳的“过渡层”身份。第六,石灰土剖面普遍具有典型残积风化的特征,粒度和地球化学指标表现为单调变化的趋势。而红色风化壳的粒度参数在整体上具有风化壳正向演化特征的基础上,在剖面上表现为强烈的波动,地球化学指标及矿物学组成在剖面上也呈现相应的波动。造成这种现象的原因可解释为:一是风化前锋向下拓展过程中风化条件的变化,二是后期古地下水位的波动对风化剖面的改造。石灰土剖面形成时间短,在浅薄的风化壳发育过程中,风化条件和水文状况稳定,风化壳的发育完全是在气下由大气降水形成的风化溶液对一剖面由浅入深的风化作用形成的,未受到后期地下水的改造。而厚层红色风化壳,形成时间长,在其长期的地质演化过程中,风化条件的变化和古地下水位的波动将会频繁的发生。尤其岩一土界面是一个重要的地球化学风化界面,在风化前锋向下拓展过程中,风化条件的变化必然影响到相应层位风化程度的差异性,因此造成剖面上风化指标的波动性。在风化前锋,由风化条件的差异性导致粒度及地球化学指标的波动性,在这一过程中,粒度及地球化学指标的变化是可预测的,即强烈的风化条件可以导致粒度变细,粘粒含量增加,CIA增大,反之亦然,风化过程表现为活动元素的净带出。然而,由古地下水位的波动对风化剖面的改造作用是可变的,不可预测的,既可使剖面的物质被带出,也可以带入一些活动元素,如K、 Na等的交代。同时,地下水对剖面粒度组成的影响也很复杂,物质的带入不一定就会使粒度变粗,粘粒含量降低,而物质的带出也不一定就导致粒度变细,粘粒含量增加。在两种机理的相互叠加影响下,使风化壳的演化趋势更趋复杂化。风化剖面中,粘粒含量和CIA之间既有同步变化的层段,也有呈强烈反相关的层段,还存在没有明显相关肋层段。作为等体积变化的典型剖面-吉首剖面,其风化过程具有碎屑岩的发育特征,“粘粒含量从下向上表现为顺次增大的趋势,如果也存在古地下水对剖面的改造作用,那么说明对粒度的影响是微弱的。第七,对于红色风化壳,不管是碳酸盐岩风化过程中由于风化条件的差异造成的风化指标波动还是受后期地下水的改造作用引起的,剖面整体上仍具有向上风化程度增强的趋势。PH向上逐渐降低、磁化率的增大均表明了风化强度的增强,“这与剖面愈向上经历的风化时间愈长所对应的。第八,碳酸盐岩风化壳和结晶岩风化壳的形成过程相比,前者母岩的风化起点高,即母岩的成熟度高。由于碳酸盐岩风化壳的风化母质是基岩酸不溶物,而酸不溶物本身就是表生风化条件下的产物,因此可以说风化母岩就是风化壳,基本上不含易风化的斜长石类矿物。在A-CN-K风化趋势三角图解上,已表现为风化壳发育的第二演化阶段,即沿着A-K端线向A点逼近。第九,在结晶岩及碎屑岩类风化过程中所证实的守恒元素,在碳酸盐岩非等体积风化过程中其比值发生了显著变化,这是碳酸盐岩风化成土作用过程中的一个特点,可能会引起某些所谓的守恒元素的地球化学分异,但其成因尚不清楚。在风化剖面中守恒元素的比值保持稳定,具有其它岩类风化的特点。
Other AbstractIn southwestern China, karst region centered on Guizhou Province is the vastest one in the world and is overlain by non-isopachous red earth. Since carbonate rock is easy to solve, acidic insoluble residua is very low (generally less than 5%), pedogenesis process is very slow, weathering crust volume is intensively reduced during weathering, mother rock texture and semi-weathering layer cannot be retained, contact relation of rock-earth interface shows abrupt change, transitional layer is absent, and macroscopically there isn't direct field geological evidence to support that inheritable characteristic exists between basement rock and overlying weathering crust, the provenance of overlying weathering crusts in karst regions has been on the debate for a long time. Because different viewpoints exist about the genesis of weathering crusts in karst regions, which becomes the obstacle to use weathering crusts to undertake a series of scientic researches, to precisely understand the provenance and genesis of overlying weathering crusts in karst regions is very pressing and important. On the basis of results obtained, this paper selects karst terrains of mosaic occurrence among limestone, dolostone and clastic rock in Guizhou Province (including Jishou profile in western Hunan Province) as research area, attempts to use the grain size analysis method to discuss the grain size distribution characteristic of different basement rocks and overlying weathering crusts in detail. Based on the grain size analysis, merging with magnetic susceptibility, pH value, geochemistry and mineralogy data, Author discusses the provenance and profile development of overlying weathering crusts in karst region of Guizhou Province, and obtains several significant innovations as follows: 1. The grain size analysis is a valid and intuitionistic method during the research on the genesis of weathering crusts underlying carbonatites. Sedimentary rocks derived from different sedimentary backgrounds possess different grain size distribution features, and weathering crusts developed on the basis of them inherit the grain size distribution characteristic of protolith rocks, their grain size frequency distribution curves show consistency and gradual transition with protolith rocks. Under the condition of moderate weathering intensity, weathering crusts still retain the information of the provenance. Weathering crusts developed on the carbonatites inherit the grain size distribution features of acidic insoluble residua of basement rocks. Weathering crusts developed on the sedimentary rock containing different grain size compositions take on obvious discrepancy in this aspect too. 2. The grain size analysis results of different basement rocks and overlying weathering crusts show that the grain size distribution feature of every weathering profile obviously inherits that of its underlying basement rock. Among weathering profiles the grain size distribution features show remarkable diversities, which accounts for that there isn't the same provenance about weathering crusts in karst region of Guizhou Province. Weathering crusts underlying carbonatites are the offspring of basement rock weathering action through the dissolution of carbonates and long-term accumulation of acidic insoluble residua. During non-isometric weathering, weathering front (i.e. interface between rock and earth) is a important place of geochemical action. On this narrow interface, carbonate is dissolved wealthily, acidic insoluble residua is decomposed as well. Furthermore, weathering gradient on the weathering front obviously excesses that of weathering profile formed during subsequent weathering, i.e. from acidic insoluble residua of basement rock to the bottom of weathering crust, weathering intensity abrupt increases, and subsequent development of weathering crust is a slow process. Owing to plentiful water and heat condition, the phenomenon of eluviation and illuviation widely occurs in weathering profiles. Clay content shows gradual reduction from down to up, i.e. inverted phenomenon. In limestone soil profile which development intensity' is weak and which thickness is thin, illuvium layer may directly exist at the bottom of weathering profile. Though development intensity of limestone soil is low and it may be referred to as the early stage of weathering process of carbonatite, various weathering indices have shown significant change during the formation of limestone soil and possess the weathering feature of red weathering crust. In a strict sense, limestone soil cannot be looked as "transition layer" from basement rock to red weathering crust. Limestone soil profiles widely have typical in situ weathering features, and their grain size and geochemistry indices show monotonous change trend. Though the grain size parameters of red weathering crusts also have normal weathering features of weathering crusts on the whole, they show intensive fluctuation in the profiles. Geochemistry indices and mineral compositions show corresponding change in the profiles too. The cause resulting in this phenomenon may be explained as follows: On the one hand, owing to change of weathering condition during downward progress of weathering front; on the other hand, owing to reconstruction of paleo groundwater table fluctuation on weathering profile. Formation time of limestone soil profiles are short, during development of weathering crusts, weathering condition and hydrologic status are steady, development of weathering crusts progresses completely from shallow to deep under the condition of atmospheric precipitation and isn't altered by subsequent groundwater. As for thick red weathering crusts, by virtue of long formation time, variation of weathering condition and fluctuation of paleo groundwater table will occur frequently. Particularly, the interface between rock and earth is an important geochemistry interface, during progress of weathering front downward, variation of weathering condition inevitably influences the discrepancy of weathering degree of corresponding layers, so it induces the flucuation of weathering indices. On the weathering front, the discrepancy of weathering condition results in the fluctuation of grain size and geochemistry indices. During this process, the variation of grain size and geochemistry indices may be predicted, i.e. intensive weathering condition may result in occurrence of thinner grain, clay grain content and CIA increase, vice versa. Weathering process shows net loss of active elements. But reconstruction action of paleo groundwater table fluctuation on weathering profiles is changeable and cannot be predicted, it may not only import some matter into the profiles, but also export some matter out of the profiles, e.g. K-metasomatism or Na- metasomatism. Meanwhile, the effect of groundwater on the grain size composition of weathering profiles is very complex, import of allochthonous matter uncertainly implies that grain size becomes coarse and clay content reduces, export of profile matter also uncertainly implies that grain size becomes thin and clay content increases. Through common effect of two sorts of mechanism, development trend of weathering crusts tends to be more complex. In the profile, between clay content and CIA, some layers show good positive correlation, some layers show intensive negative correlation, other layers show non-correlation. Jishou profile is a typical of isometric weathering profile, its weathering process shows development feature of clastic rock and its clay content gradually increases from bottom to top. If there is reconstruction action of paleo groundwater on Jishou profile, its effect on grain size is weak. As for red weathering crusts, whether weathering indices fluctuation in the profiles are due to the discrepancy of weathering condition or the reconstruction of subsequent groundwater on profiles, profiles show that the trend of weathering intensifying upward on the whole. Both gradual fall of pH value and increase of magnetic susceptibility upward indicate strengthening weathering degree, and this is accordant with weathering time of profile undergone. Compared formation process of weathering crust developed on carbonatite with crystalline rock, weathering jumping-off point of former mother rock is high, i.e. maturity degree of mother rock is high. Weathering mother matter of carbonatite weathering crust is acidic insoluble residua of basement rock, and acidic insoluble residua itself is the result through supergenic weathering condition, so may say that weathering mother rock is weathering crust and basically don't contain easy weathering minerals such as plagioclase. On the ternary diagram of weathering trend of A-CN-K, has shown second development stage of weathering crust, i.e. along with A-K joint line and tending to A apex. 9. Some conservative elements which have been proved during weathering of crystalline and clastic rock, their ratios produce obvious variation during non-isometric weathering of carbonatite, this is a characteristic during weathering and pedogenesis of carbonatite and may cause some so-called conservative elements to present geochemistry fractionation. But its geochemistry mechanism is not clear yet. In the weathering profile, the ratios of conservative elements are constant and show weathering features of other types of rocks.
Document Type学位论文
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GB/T 7714
冯志刚. 岩溶上覆风化壳的粒度分布特征及其对物源和形成过程的指示意义[D]. 中国科学院地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2004.
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