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Alternative TitleSource of Mineralized Substances and Ore-Forming Mechanism of Xinjiang Sawaya'erdun Murantau-Type Gold Deposits
Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral中国科学院地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Degree Discipline地球化学
Keyword流体包裹体 成矿物质来源 萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床 西南天山 新疆
Abstract萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床是我国90年代金矿地质工作者在新疆西南天山地区寻找穆龙套型金矿床的一个突破。本文通过对新疆萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的矿石矿物组成、稀土元素地球化学、同位素地球化学以及流体包裹体特征等方面的研究,探讨了萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床地质地球化学特征、金的赋存状态及成矿流体特征、成矿流体来源,提出了该矿床的成矿机制,取得如下认识:1.流体包裹体岩相学研究表明,萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的流体包裹体主要为V+L相和富CO_2相包裹体,前者为NaCl-H_2O体系,后者主要有L_(CO2)、L_(CO2)+L、V_(CO2)+L、V_(CO2)+L_(CO2)+L相包裹体;并发现极少量含子晶流体包裹体。2.通过流体包裹体显微测温学研究,表明金矿床的均一温度成矿早阶段为270~320 ℃,成矿主阶段为170~250 ℃,成矿晚阶段为110-250 ℃,呈逐渐降低的趋势,低温成矿作用明显。3.单个流体包裹体的激光拉曼分析表明,流体包裹体中除含有CO2之外,还含有一定量的N_2和CH_4。4.成矿物质来源的复杂性。萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床矿石中微量元素组成、稀土配分模式大都反映了成矿金属物质主要来自赋矿地层本身。金属硫化物的6345:-3.4‰~+2.6‰,西南天山地区下古生界地层中广泛存在各类火山岩可能是该矿床的主要硫源,部分可能有深部物质的参与。矿石中主要脉石矿物石英和菱铁矿 中包裹体水的氢氧同位素组成为δD = -72%~-62‰,δ~(18)O = -11.6‰~+5.4‰。成矿流体主要为大气降水补给的地下卤水,并有少量岩浆水的混合。5.Ar-Ar同位素地球化学研究表明,萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的主要成矿时代为印支晚期,210 Ma。6. 对矿石中的流体包裹体进行了温度、压力、成分、pH、含盐度等的分要的,并系统的进行了矿床形成时的物理化学条件的理论计算,基中包括EH、PH、f_(O_2)、f_(S_2)等及金在矿液运移中的搬运形式。指出减压过程或伴生沸腾的减压过程,是矿床形成过程中矿质卸载的基本机制,此外,酸蚀变过程(如绢云母化等)中由于H~+的消耗促进了溶液中pH值的升高;含高炭质的围岩,降低了矿液的氧逸度以及含矿热液与地表下渗冷水的混合等诸多因素,则是矿订形成的辅助机制。
Other AbstractThe Murantau-type gold deposit is an important type of deposits in the world. The Sawaya'erdun gold deposit, located in the west of Xinjiang, is one of Murantau-type gold deposits found in China in recent years. Since the dicovery of the First Murantau-type gold deposit in southwestern Tianshan Mountains, a large amount of investigations on geological background, ore component, wallrock alteration, occurrence of gold etc. have been carried out and lots of research have been achieved. On the basis of previous research, the author has undertaken the research on isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulphur, lead, silicon, Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar and carried out fluid inclusion studies including fluid inclusion phase assemblages, microthermometry, Laser-Raman spectrometry of single inclusion. Through the above work, some data and photos of fluid inclusions were taken, and the major achievements are obtained as following: Carrying out a large amount of study on the isotope characters of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulphur, lead, silicon, thus there is relatively overall understanding in the question of source of mineralized substances and ore-forming mechanism of Xinjiang Sawaya'erdun Murantau-type gold deposits. 1. Undertaking isotopic geochronological study on Ar-Ar, adopted the fast-neutron activation dating technique to test 40Ar-39Ar age of quartz from Au-bering quartz veinlet ore in the deposit, and well-defined plateau age of 210.59 Ma ±1.92 Ma, the lowest apparent age of 208.07 Ma+1.22 Ma, and isochron age of 207.14 Ma+1.92 Ma. The age values are close to crystallizing age of the quartz. Combined with other geochronological data and the geological features, it is concluded that the Indo-Chinese epoch may be the principle mineralization period for gold deposits in the southwestern Tianshan Mountains. 2.The typical phase assembladges of the fluid inclusions show that there are mainly NaCl-HbO type of inclusions with V+L phases and CCVrich type of inclusions with L_(CO2), L_(CO2)+L, V_(CO2)+L, V_(CO2)+L_(CO2)+L, or V_(CO2) phases respectively. The CO_2-rich 'inclusions and normal NaCl+H2O inclusions are commonly observed in same samples with the same homogenization temperature (Th). 4. A large amount of microthermometric data of fluid inclusions indicates that the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz vein from early stage are mainly varied from 270 to 320 ℃, higher than that of main stage which varied from 170 to 250 ℃. 5. Laser-Raman analysis for individual inclusions indicate that the inclusions contain CO_2, N_2, CH_4 respectively.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
李恩东. 新疆萨瓦亚尔顿(穆龙套型)金矿床物质来源与成矿机制[D]. 中国科学院地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2003.
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