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Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral中国科学院地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Degree Discipline地球化学
Keyword黑色富硒岩石 自然硒 硒化物 硒的结合态 赋存状态 微束分析 连续化学浸提实验 淋滤实验 硒的环境效应 恩施渔塘坝 湖北省
Other AbstractYutangba the only site in the world where a sudden incidence of Se (selenium) poisoning took place in 1963, is located in the northern part of Shuanghe Town of Enshi City in the SW of Hubei Province, China. It is one of the most typical high-Se areas in Enshi Prefecture, and thus it is selected as our study area. Using SEM-EDX, TEM-EDX, EPM (electron probe microanalyser) and sequential extraction technique, we systematically studied the modes of occurrence of Se and Se fractionation in black Se-rich rocks of Yutangba. By doing the leaching experiment using column and mixed flow reactor, under the condition of three different initial solutions (pH=2.0, 4.0, 6.5), we preliminary studied the leaching behavior of Se in black Se-rich rocks and the change of pH in leachate. 0n the basis of the distribution of Se in the rocks, soils, water and vegetables in Yutangba, we preliminary assessed the Se impact on the local environment. Based on the above studies, major conclusions are drawn as follows: 1. Native Se, which varies morphologically due to different mechanisms, has been discovered within the abandoned stone coal spoils and Se-rich carbonaceous siliceous rock. According to its origin, native Se is mainly divided into three types, which are derived from natural burning of stone-coal, weathering and tectonic activity. But. based on its occurring environments and conditions, native Se can be divided into five kinds. The first is produced near the surface of abandoned stone coal spoils with well developed crystal morphology and the largest grain size up to 28mm. The second is closely associated with quartz and carbonaceous matter with good crystal morphology but very small grain size as micro-needles. The third oecurs as micro-acicular crystals, found in the highly carbonaceous mudstone. The fourth is formed from weathering of Se-rich rocks, Se-bearing minerals (such as pyrite) and surface redox of the larger Se crystals. The fifth is elemental Se (Se~0) or selenides with microorganism morphology, only found in the carbonaceous siliceous rock. Elemental Se extracted from all rock samples indicates that there is elemental Se in the black Se-rich rocks, and there are two types. One could be found in the carbonaceous siliceous rock as Se micro-grains, and the other is enveloped as Se nano-grains by organic matter such as kerogen. 2. At present, a series of selenides has been tbund within the Se-rieh carbonaceous siliceous rock, which are krutaite(CuSe_2), klockmannite(CuSe), naumanite (Ag_2Se), mandarinaoite(Fe_2(SeO_3)_3) and Se-bearing pyrite. Based on the known assemblage of Se minerals and their thermodynamical phase relations, it is possible to find other Se minerals such as clausthalite, chalcomenite and so on. As to native selenium or selenides with microorganism morphology in Se-rich rocks, a further study is necessary. 3. The Se fractionation in black Se-rich rocks of Yutangba has been studied by sequential extraction experiment. Results show that Refractory-Se (F5:59%) and Organic- Se (F2:20%) are predominant, the others are sulfide and selenide-Se (F4:1 3%), elemental Se (F3:4%) and available Se (F1:4%), respectively. Significant correlations among F1, F2, F3 and F4 are found. This is suggestive of a probable conversion or combination among these four fractions. If the slope (S) in linear regression equations is used as an index on behalf of the transformed magnitude among F1, F2, F3 and F4 fractions, based on _(F1-F3)=0.363>S_(F1-F4)=0.180>S_(F1-F2)=0.120, it could be predicted that the elemental Se is easier to be transformed to available Se than the sulfide and selenide-Se, while organic-Se is more difficult to be transformed. Correlative coeffhicient R_(F2-F3)=0.6999>R_(F3-F4)=0.58 77 indicates that elemental Se prefers to combine with organic matter instead of forming selenides. 4. The significant correlations among the total Se, the Se in four fractions (F 1, F2, F3, F4) and the sum of these four fractions in black Se-rich rocks, show that the distribution of Se among different fractions is controlled by the total Se. However, the fact that available Se is higher in weathering rocks than it in fresh rocks, ,indicates that Se in Se-rich rocks exposed in the air is a major factor affecting the local environment. To some extent, the weathering magnitude of rock and modes of occurrence of Se in rocks affect the extraction efficiency, and hence the higher or lower extraction efficiency may be served as an index to distinguish fresh rocks from weathered rocks. 5. The results from the leaching experiment using column and mixed flow reactor show that Se contents in leachates are gradually decreased along with the increase of the ratio of leachate volume to sampling weight and prolonging time. Se content is different in leachate frorn the different types of rocks. Se content in leachate is not controlled by the total Se in rocks but the modes of occurrence of Se, pH, Eh, rocks type, rock features and its mineral conposition. Se content in leaehate is the highest in carbonaceous siliceous rock, with carbonaceous siliceous rock coming next, followed by carbonaceous silicalite. 6. Se content in leach-rte differs signifificantly under the different pH conditions and tends to decrease in the following order pH=2.0>pH=6.5>pH=4.0. The change of pH in leachate is mainly dependent on the ratio of carbonate to pyrite in the rocks. The results from mixed flow reactor show that, under anoxic (nitrogen) and oxlc (oxygen) conditions, carbonate presents the characters of lagging neutralization, and this feature is sometimes more obvious, persistent to affect pH than acidification produced by pyrite oxidation in Yutangba environment. 7. The results from studying Se impact on the local environment of Yutangba demonstrate that the Se-rich carbonaceous siliceous rock and carbonaceous shale of the Pennian (Maokou and Wujiaping) are the original source of Se for soils and plants in Yutangba, and these Se-rich rocks are also a predominant factor for Yutangba developed into a high-Se area. In Yutangba, Se content in brook water (59.36±17.31μg/1) and drinking water(48μg/l) has reached the hazardous level, and Se content in corn(8.07±5.02mg/kg)has also reached the potential toxic level for the local human inhabitants. So, Yutangba is still an area with high risk of Se poisoning, and Se poisoning is possible to take place. The manners of cultivating activities and life of local inhabitants are the main factors that cause Se to accumulate in food chain, and high risk of Se poisoning is mainly controlled by Se content in com (main food). To some extent, a sudden incidence of Se poisoning took place in Yutangba in the past is probably caused by human factors under favorable natural conditions such as exposed Se-rich rocks, heavy rain for a long time and so on. in conclusion, the discovery of native Se and selenides in Yutangba is of important significance. It not only would be helpful to further study on mineralogy and ore geochemistry, but also provides a good study area for us to carry out a detailed study on the environmental geochemistry of Se and its effect to human health and ecology. Native Se is widely distributed in Yutangba, and this demonstrates that its forming process is not only tho. key phase for Se transforming armong the different Se fractionations in Sc-rich rocks, and also for Se releasing, mobilizing and transporting during Se-rich rocks weathering. Higher content of available Se in weathering rocks indicates that the Se in Se-rich rocks exposed in the air is a main factor affecting the local environment. In Yutangba, Se is perhaps undergoing such a geochemical process that Se released from weathered Se-rich rocks is re-deposited. This may be the main reason why we can find the sanples with extremely higher Se content within abandoned stone coal spoils and caroonaceous siliceous rock. The extremely accumulated Se at special sites is important to study the geochemistry of Se in the environment and assess the relationships between human health and Se effects. But this phenomenon is regarded as the bass for mining, we should hold prudent attitude to carefully deal with these problems. So, to the local government, it is important to protect black Se-rich rock in Enshi prefecture from mining again; and thoroughly manage the abandoned stone coal spoils produced from the mining of black Se-rich rocks.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
朱建明. 渔塘坝黑色富硒岩石中硒的赋存状态及其对局域环境的效应研究[D]. 中国科学院地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2001.
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