贵州高原湖泊细菌分布及其制约因素与溶解有机质的关系 | |
Alternative Title | The distribution and constraints of bacteria and its relationship with dissolved organic matter in lakes of Guizhou Province |
陆婷 | |
2009-05-25 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Place of Conferral | 地球化学研究所 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Keyword | 湖泊 Sybr Green i 细菌 影响因素 Doc |
Abstract | 细菌不仅是水生生态系统中生物量的重要组成部分,而且在水生食物网的能量流动和生物地球化学循环(尤其是碳循环)中起着关键性作用。为了深入了解细菌在湖泊微生物环(Microbial loop)中的作用及其对碳循环的影响,我们利用SYBR Green I染色的荧光显微镜计数法,研究了阿哈湖和百花湖的细菌垂直分布以及环境因素和病毒对细菌丰度分布的影响,探讨了细菌及其影响因素与溶解有机碳(DOC)的相互关系。初步得出了以下几点认识: 1.SYBR Green I染色计数阿哈湖和百花湖细菌丰度变化范围的结果为(3.32~16.60)×106个.ml-1,平均值为百花湖(BH)>阿哈湖入湖区(AHB)>阿哈湖湖心区(AHA),两湖细菌由湖水表层至底层大体上呈减少趋势。 2.两湖DOC的浓度范围为1.48~2.96 mg.L-1,病毒丰度变化范围为(1.87~12.50)×107个.ml-1,病毒丰度与细菌丰度的比值VBR变化范围为4.09~12.77,原生动物的丰度变化范围为18.79~53.86个.ml-1,类蛭弧菌的丰度变化范围为0.00~1.30个.ml-1,且均为百花湖>阿哈湖入湖区>阿哈湖湖心区。 3.pearson相关系数分析结果显示,阿哈湖和百花湖中细菌丰度与温度、pH、DO呈显著正相关,与电导率呈显著负相关,与病毒丰度呈极显著正相关,与原生动物丰度和类蛭弧菌丰度没有相关性。表明两湖中细菌丰度不但受温度调节,还与pH、DO和电导率这些环境因子关系密切。根据有限的数据,两湖的三类捕食者中,病毒的丰度大于原生动物和类蛭弧菌的丰度。 4.阿哈湖中细菌丰度与DOC呈极显著性正相关,而百花湖中细菌丰度与DOC无相关性。阿哈湖和百花湖中DOC均与DO呈极显著正相关,与pH呈显著正相关。这表明与细菌丰度关系密切的环境因素亦与DOC密切相关。在阿哈湖湖心区,病毒丰度与DOC有呈显著正相关,在阿哈湖入湖区和百花湖中,病毒丰度与DOC没有相关性。在阿哈湖入湖区虽然DOC与病毒丰度没有相关性,但DOC与VBR呈极显著性负相关。 |
Other Abstract | Bacteria are not only the important components of in natural aquatic ecosystems but also have a key role in energy flux of aquatic food webs and biogeochemical cycles, especially in carbon cycle. In order to get better understanding of the role of bacteria in lake microbial loop and their impact on the carbon cycle, we investigated the vertical distribution of bacterial in Lake Aha and Baihua using epifluorescence microscopy with SYBR Green I staining. The impact of environment factors and viruses on bacterial abundances and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was studied. The following points come to the preliminary recognition: 1. Bacterial abundances were 3.32 to 16.60×106cells.ml-1 using SYBR Green I method. The mean value of them showed the trends with BH>AHB>AHA. Bacterial abundances decreased from surface to bottom water. 2. In two lakes, DOC concentrations ranged from 1.48 to 2.96 mg.L-1. Viral abundances were 1.87 to 12.50×107 cells.ml-1. The virus/bacterium rate (VBR) varied from 4.09 to 12.77. Protozoa abundances were 18.79 to 53.86 cells.ml-1. BALOs abundances were 0.00 to 1.30 cells.ml-1. The mean value of them showed the trends with BH>AHB>AHA. 3. Pearson correlation analysis indicated that bacterial abundances were correlated positively with temperature, pH and DO (P<0.05) and correlated negatively with conductivity (P<0.05) and correlated positively with viral abundances (P<0.01) and not associated with protozoa abundances and BALOs abundances in two lakes. The results showed that bacterial abundances are not only affected by temperature, but also closely related with some environmental factors such as pH, DO and conductivity. Among the three kinds of predators, abundances of viruses were more than those of the protozoa and BALOs in the two lakes based on limited data. 4. Bacterial abundances were correlated positively with DOC (P<0.05) in Lake Aha but have no correlation with DOC in Lake Baihua. In two lakes, DOC was correlated positively with DO (P<0.01) and correlated notably with pH (P<0.05). It shows that the environmental factors correlated with bacterial abundances also have a correlation with DOC. Viral abundances were correlated positively with DOC in AHA but not correlated with DOC in AHB and Lake Baihua. Although DOC was not correlated with viral abundances, DOC was correlated negatively with VBR (P<0.01). |
Pages | 49 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3510 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 陆婷. 贵州高原湖泊细菌分布及其制约因素与溶解有机质的关系[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009. |
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