滇东南薄竹山花岗岩岩石学、地球化学特征及其与成矿关系 | |
Alternative Title | Petrology and geochemical characteristics of Bozhushan granite pluton in southeastern Yunnan and its relationship to mineralization |
解洪晶 | |
2009-05-26 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Place of Conferral | 地球化学研究所 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Keyword | 薄竹山花岗岩 薄竹山接触带矿床 白牛厂矿床 滇东南 地球化学 铅同位素 |
Abstract | 滇东南地区北西以弥勒-师宗断裂与扬子地块分界,南西以红河断裂为界与哀牢山断块毗邻,南连越北古陆,东部文麻断裂与南岭褶皱系连为一体,是我国重要的锡、银、铅、锌等矿产基地,自西向东分布着个旧、白牛厂和都龙三个超大型银锡多金属矿床,在这三个大型矿床附近各分布着一个大花岗岩体,个旧和老君山岩体已有相当多的研究,而对于薄竹山岩体、薄竹山岩体接触带周边矿床和与临近白牛厂矿床的研究则相对薄弱。本文主要对薄竹山岩体进行岩石学、地球化学研究,并且借助铅同位素,对薄竹山岩体接触带矿床和白牛厂矿床的成矿物质来源作了分析,阐明这些矿床的形成与薄竹山花岗岩体的关系。 薄竹山花岗岩体分两期侵入,第一期岩石类型主要为中粒黑云母二长花岗岩,属于过铝质花岗岩,主要形成于同碰撞阶段;第二期主要为细粒二长花岗岩,形成于板内的伸展环境。与第一期相比,第二期花岗岩更加富硅富碱、贫钙贫镁,稀土配分曲线显示Eu亏损更加强烈,更加富集Rb、Ta、Tb、Y,而亏损Ba、Sr、La、Ce等元素。Sr-Nd同位素显示,两期花岗岩可能分别来源于中元古界地壳和太古宙古老基底。 薄竹山岩体长石铅同位素组成均一,其接触带矿床矿石铅与岩体长石铅分布趋势一致,所以接触带矿石铅可能主要由薄竹山岩体提供。对于白牛厂矿床,除个别样品外,矿区内西北白羊矿段和东南部其他矿段矿石铅组成一致,说明整个白牛厂矿区的矿石铅来源比较单一,并且与薄竹山附近矿化点矿石具有相似的铅同位素分布范围,说明两种矿石铅来源可能相同,都来源于薄竹山花岗岩浆。白牛厂矿区内赋矿地层铅与矿石铅同位素演化趋势完全不同,所以赋矿地层不可能为矿石铅的重要来源。 综合薄竹山岩体及矿石的铅同位素组成特征,我们发现白牛厂矿区内矿石铅主要来自薄竹山岩体,主要为矿区内隐伏岩体提供。白牛厂矿床早期可能发生过喷流沉积作用,但没有带来大量银、铅、锌等成矿物质,后来燕山期花岗岩浆侵入,带来大量银、铅、锌等成矿物质,形成了现在的白牛厂矿床。 |
Other Abstract | The southeastern area of Yunnan province is separated from Yangtze platform by the Mile-Shizong fault in the northwest, abuts on the Ailaoshan block in the southwest, links with the North Vietnam ancient land in the south and is in line with the Nanling fold system at the Wenma fault in the east, which is an important mine base of Sn, Ag, Pb, Zn, and so on, and from east to west, the three superlarge Sn deposits are Gejiu, Laojunshan and Bainiuchang, each of which is embayed by a granitic pluton. Gejiu and Laojunshan pluton have been deeply studied other than Bozhushan pluton and its related deposits. In this paper, we mainly investigate Bozhushan pluton from petrology and geochemistry, and then analyse the source of ore-forming materials of contact ore deposits and Bainiuchang ore deposit by dint of lead isotope aiming to illuminate the relationship between the ore deposits and Bozhushan pluton. Bozhushan granite is comprised by two intrusions. The first one is dominated by medium grained biotite monzogranite, belonging to peraluminous(average A/CNK=1.14) S-type granite and generated in a syn-collisional setting, and the second is mainly consists of fine grained monzogranite, which is formed in an extensional setting. Comparing with the first intrusion, the second has a characteristic of positive Rb、Ta、Tb、Y and negative Ba、Sr、La、Ce. Based on the Sr-Nd isotope, both of them have a higher 87Sr/86Sr and lower εNd, but the model age tell us they are derived from the different magmatic source, mesoproterozoic crust and archaeozioc basement, separately. Bozhushan pluton showing a narrow lead isotope from the feldspar, consist with the ore deposits in Bozhushan contact zone, is the source of the Bozhushan contact mines. As for the Bainiuchang ore deposit, the baiyang ore blocks and the southeastern ore blocks share the similar lead isotope except of some peculiar samples, indicating the single lead origin of ore deposits in Bainiuchang and Bozhushan contact zone. All of these imply the ore-forming materials resulting from Bozhushan granite. The lead isotopic ratios of the ore-hosted strata (Cambrian sedimentary rocks) are completely different with the ore body, showing the Cambrian sedimentary rocks making a little or no contribution to the Bainiuchang ore deposits. By comparing the lead isotopic composition of granite, ores and sedimentary rocks, we recognize that the lead of ore deposits in Bainiuchang is not derived from the ore-hosted strata but largely from the Yanshanian magmatic pluton. So the ore-forming materials are probably supplied by the concealed pluton under the mine body. In the early stage, the Bainiuchang ore deposit may go through exhalative sedimentary process without bringing much ore-forming materials. With the intruding of Yanshanian granite, lots of ore-forming materials come and form the Bainiuchang ore deposit. |
Pages | 65 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3506 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 解洪晶. 滇东南薄竹山花岗岩岩石学、地球化学特征及其与成矿关系[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009. |
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