湖泊沉积物碳氧同位素和介形虫Li/Ca比值与古环境重建 | |
Alternative Title | Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in lake sediments and Li/Ca ratios of ostracod shells and paleoenvironmental reconstruction |
朱正杰 | |
2009-05-27 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Place of Conferral | 地球化学研究所 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Keyword | 青海湖 程海 草海 碳酸盐碳、氧同位素 温度变化 Li/ca比值 纤维素碳、氧同位素 有机质碳同位素 太阳活动 气候和环境变化 |
Abstract | 了解过去是认识现在和预测未来的基础。晚全新世是PAGES研究的目标时段之一。寻找和解译最近2000年连续、高分辨率自然记录是古气候研究的热点与难点。本项研究有针对性地选择程海、草海和青海湖开展湖泊沉积物环境记录的精细研究,结合14C、210Pb和137Cs定年,系统探讨了碳酸盐碳氧同位素、纤维素碳氧同位素、有机质碳同位素以及介形虫壳体Li/Ca比值指标的古环境指示意义。 通过研究,本论文取得了如下成果和新的认识: 1. 建立了一套有效的四阶段湖泊沉积物有机质纤维素提取方法(5%NaOH碱洗、5%HCl酸洗、亚氯酸钠和冰醋酸混合溶液漂白以及17.5%NaOH碱洗),红外光谱鉴定提取物为纯的α-纤维素,表明该实验方法是可行的,为今后广泛开展湖泊沉积物纤维素稳定同位素研究打下了坚实基础。 2. 多指标综合辨识了程海和草海沉积物碳酸盐主要是自生碳酸盐。程海和草海沉积物有机质C/N比值结合有机质碳同位素结果表明两湖的有机质分别源于水生植物藻类和大型水草。程海和草海沉积物碳酸盐含量主要反映了湖区温度的变化。 3. 程海、草海沉积物碳酸盐与青海湖沉积物介形虫壳体氧同位素组成均反映了湖区降水/蒸发比。降水/蒸发比大的湿润期,碳酸盐δ18O值小;降水/蒸发比小的干旱期,碳酸盐δ18O值大。程海沉积物碳酸盐碳同位素组成影响因素复杂,除了受大气与湖水之间的CO2交换影响外,还受水生植物光合/吸收作用的影响;草海沉积物碳酸盐碳同位素组成更大的变化范围,反映了湖区水生植物光合/吸收作用的影响,其异常的正值可能指示了湖区细菌参与有机质碳同位素分馏过程。 4. 利用草海沉积物有机质纤维素氧同位素定量恢复了湖水氧同位素组成变化。在此基础上,结合碳酸盐氧同位素组成初步恢复了草海地区过去500年来温度变化历史:草海地区在过去500年明显存在四个冷期,包括1550-1610年,1670-1730年,1770-1870年和1890-1920年冷期,其中前三个发生在传统意义上的现代小冰期时段。与其它记录研究结果的一致性表明纤维素氧同位素结合碳酸盐氧同位素是恢复古温度变化的最有效途径之一,同时也为现代小冰期在中国西南地区的存在提供了湖泊沉积学方面的证据。 5. 不同类型水生植物湖泊,湖泊沉积物有机质δ13C值对湖泊初级生产力变化的响应过程不同。大型水草为主的湖泊(草海),其沉积物有机质δ13C值随湖泊生产力的增大呈现增加的变化趋势;藻类为主的湖泊(程海),其沉积物有机质δ13C随湖泊生产力的增大呈现减小的变化趋势,藻类易降解是导致δ13C值随湖泊生产力的增大呈现减小变化趋势的主要原因。 6. 程海沉积物碳酸盐和有机质碳同位素组成的正相关变化以及草海沉积物碳酸盐和有机质碳同位素组成的负相关变化.表明湖泊生产力变化并不是导致碳酸盐和有机质碳同位素正相关变化的主要原因,湖泊水生植物类型以及湖泊大小均起着重要作用。湖泊沉积物碳酸盐与有机质之间的碳同位素分馏(△δ13C)是一种有效的湖泊生产力指示剂,即使是在有微生物参与有机质碳同位素分馏过程的草海,△δ13C值也反映了湖泊生产力的变化过程。 7. 青海湖沉积物单一种属介形虫壳体胖真星介(Eucypris inflata)Li/Ca比值与气象记录以及邻近地区都兰和祁连山树轮宽度指数恢复的古温度变化序列的对比研究揭示,介形虫壳体Li/Ca比值与温度呈明显的负相关变化(Li/Ca比值高,温度低;Li/Ca比值低,温度高),表明介形虫壳体Li/Ca比值是一种有效的古温度代用指标。 8. 青海湖沉积物单一种属介形虫壳体胖真星介(Eucypris inflata)Li/Ca比值、氧同位素与反映太阳活动的大气14C含量和冰芯10Be含量的一致性变化表明青海湖地区温度和降雨量的同步变化主要受太阳活动控制。 |
Other Abstract | The past is the key to understand the present and to predict the future. Therefore, acquiring continuous and high resolution natural records in recent 2000 years is one of the most significant issues in the paleoclimate research. On the basis of precise 137Cs , 210Pb and 14C dating, we systematically discussed stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of carbonate, stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of sediments cellulose, carbon isotope composition of organic matter, and Li/Ca ratios of ostracod shells in Lake Chenghai, Lake Caohai and Lake Qinghai to deduce their paleoenvironmental implications. The main conclusions we have obtained are as follows: 1. An effective four processes to extract cellulose from lake sediments are established, including alkaline-washing by 5% NaOH, acid-washing by 5% HCl, bleaching by glacial acetic acid and sodium chlorite mixed solution and alkaline-washing by 17.5% NaOH solution. The result of infrared spectrum shows that spectrogram is consistent with standard α-cellulose, indicating that this procedure is simple and feasible, and also provides a good approach to study stable isotopes of lake sediments cellulose. 2. On the basis of multi-proxy methods, carbonate in Lake Chenghai and Caohai are identified to be authigenic, and organic matter in Lake Chenghai and Caohai are derived from aquatic algal and aquatic macrophytes, respectively. The carbonate content of Lake Chenghai and Caohai are both controlled by temperature variations. 3. The δ18O values of ostracod shells in Lake Qinghai, and of carbonate in Lake Chenghai and Lake Caohai mainly reflect the ratios of precipitation to evaporation. Humid periods with higher precipitation/evaporation ratios leads to lower δ18O values of carbonate, and vice versa. The δ13C values of carbonate in Lake Chenghai are both controlled by CO2 exchange between atmosphere and lake water and photosynthesis/respiration of aquatic plants. The larger range δ13C values of carbonate in Lake Caohai suggests the effect of photosynthesis/respiration of aquatic plants, and abnormal positive δ13C values indicates input of bacteria to carbon isotope fractionation of organic matter. 4. Based on the δ18O values of cellulose, we quantitatively reconstructed the δ18O values of lake water. According to δ18O values of cellulose and carbonate, temperature variations series have been reconstructed during the past 500 years in Lake Caohai. The result shows that there were four coldest intervals at Lake Caohai during the past 500 years, namely 1550-1610AD, 1670-1730AD, 1770-1870AD and 1890-1920AD coldest periods. The former three coldest intervals occurred during the Little Ice Age. Such a relationship suggests that co-analysis of δ18O values of cellulose and carbonate is one of the most effective approaches to reconstruct temperature variations, and also provides the evidence of the existence of Little Ice Age in Southwestern China. 5. In different lakes, δ13C values of organic matter have different response to lake productivity. As to lakes dominated by aqutic macrophytes such as Lake Caohai, organic matter becomes enriched in 13C with increased productivity. As to lakes dominated by aquatic algal such as Lake Chenghai, δ13C values of organic matter decrease with increased productivity, and the degradation of aquatic algal is the main factor of the decrease of δ13C values of organic matter with increased productivity . 6. The positive correlation between δ13C values of carbonate and organic matter in Lake Chenghai and the negative correlation between δ13C values of carbonate and organic matter in Lake Caohai suggests that lake productivity is not the only primary factor controlling the correlation between δ13C values of carbonate and organic matter, and the magnitude of lakes and the types of aquatic plants may play an important role. Carbon isotope fractionation between carbonate and organic matter (△δ13C) is an effective indicator of lake productivity, even though in the Lake Caohai where bacteria participates in the carbon isotope fractionation of organic matter. 7. Comparisons between variations of single species Eucypris inflata Li/Ca ratios from Lake Qinghai sediments and temperature variations inferred from meteorologic records and tree ring widths in adjacent regions Dulan and Qilianshan have revealed that Li/Ca ratios of ostracod shells are negatively correlated with temperature variations. Higher temperature corresponds with lower Li/Ca ratios, and vice versa. Therefore, Li/Ca ratio of ostracod shells is an effective indicator of palaeotemperature variations. 8. Variations of precipitation and temperature are synchronous with variations of solar irradiance reconstructed from the atmospheric 14C concentration in tree rings and variations of solar activity reconstructed from the 10Be concentration in ice cores, suggesting that, on decadal scales solar activity may be responsible for the synchronous variations of precipitation and temperature at Lake Qinghai during the past 800 years. |
Pages | 137 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3482 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 朱正杰. 湖泊沉积物碳氧同位素和介形虫Li/Ca比值与古环境重建[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009. |
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