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Alternative TitleTheoretical Study on REE Diffusion in Minerals: the Reliability of Sm-Nd Isotope Dating of Scheelite
Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Keyword扩散作用 稀土元素 矿物 Sm-nd同位素体系 白钨矿
Abstract元素在矿物中的扩散作用,对其在地质体中的配布有着重要影响,被越来越多的用来解决地球化学动力学方面的问题。稀土元素(REE)能反映重要的地球化学信息,作为地球化学的示踪剂被广泛应用于探讨各类岩石成因和矿床成因。因此,查明REE在矿物中的扩散行为对于地学研究具有重要意义。 前人对元素(如O、Ar等)在不同矿物中扩散行为的理论研究,大多采用的是矿物晶格单独制约扩散速率的模型,由于稀土元素的离子半径各不相同,用此类模型来探讨其在不同矿物中的扩散行为是不合适的。为了寻求获取矿物中稀土元素扩散参数的简捷途径,本博士论文通过对前人关于矿物中REE扩散作用研究的实验结果进行分析归纳,探讨了扩散体系不同因素对扩散行为的控制规律。在此基础上,使用多元统计分析方法建立了预测REE在不同矿物中扩散参数的多变量模型,由此模型计算的1atm、无水环境下REE的扩散参数与实验测定结果在实验误差范围内相当吻合。与前人的模型相比,多变量模型能更全面地反映扩散体系各因素对扩散速率的制约。 此外,为了检验白钨矿Sm-Nd同位素定年方法的可靠性,本论文从不同角度进行了研究: (一) 理论验证 矿物内部的微量元素信息能否有效保存,在很大程度上取决于其扩散速率,因此本文从扩散动力学角度对白钨矿Sm-Nd同位素体系的封闭性进行了探讨。通过理论计算并结合实验模拟验证的方式获得了白钨矿中Sm、Nd的扩散参数,得出在1atm、无水环境下Sm和Nd的扩散方程为: Nd:D=4.00exp(-438kJmol-1/RT)cm2/s Sm:D=1.85exp(-427kJmol-1/RT)cm2/s 借助这些扩散数据,对白钨矿中Sm-Nd信息受扩散作用的影响程度做了分析。结果表明,在大多数地质环境下,Sm、Nd在白钨矿晶体中的扩散速率很低,同位素体系容易保持封闭不受热力学作用的影响。 (二) 地质验证 以湘西沃溪Au-Sb-W矿床为研究对象,通过对不同矿体的白钨矿进行Sm-Nd同位素年龄测定,将其结果与其它同位素方法得到的年龄数据以及野外地质关系、区域构造演化等进行了对比。结果表明,沃溪Au-Sb-W矿床的白钨矿Sm-Nd年龄结果与Ar-Ar年龄是一致的,与野外地质关系及区域构造演化特征等也相当吻合。 通过本论文的工作,得出以下主要成果和认识: (1)首次建立了适合于计算REE在不同矿物中扩散参数的理论模型,为研究矿物中REE的扩散行为提供了可靠的理论方法。 (2)首次获得了白钨矿中Sm-Nd的扩散参数,探讨了白钨矿中REE的扩散性质,并建立了1atm、无水环境下Sm和Nd在此矿物中的扩散方程。 (3)通过扩散动力学研究,得出白钨矿中Sm-Nd同位素体系的封闭性较为理想,为评价Sm-Nd同位素方法是否适合于制约白钨矿的成矿年龄提供了理论依据。 (4)通过不同同位素定年结果的比较以及与野外地质关系、区域构造演化等的对比,得出白钨矿Sm-Nd同位素年龄结果是真实有效的,从矿床学角度为评价该同位素定年方法的可靠性提供了实践证据。
Other AbstractDiffusion of elements in minerals is one of essential geochemical behaviors, which could affect the information preservation of trace elements and their isotope systematics in minerals, so diffusion of trace elements is widely applied in solving geochemical kinetic problems. Rare earth elements (REEs), as tracers containing important geochemical information (e.g. 147Sm, 143Nd), were used to explore the genesis of ore deposits and rocks. Therefore, it is important to investigate diffusion behaviors of REEs in minerals. The previous researches on elements (e.g. O, Ar) diffusion in different minerals, mostly adopted the model of porosity, presumed that mineral structure as the only factor influencing the relative mobility of ion in lattice. However, the REEs with small differences in ionic radii could lead to pronounced difference of diffusion behavior, which could not be explained by the porosity model. In order to find an appropriate method for investigating diffusivities of REEs in minerals, the previous experimental data have been summarized and analyzed, and the effects of crystal-chemical factors on the mobility of ions in minerals are also considered in this doctoral dissertation. On these bases, a multivariate model is constructed. It is revealed that, diffusion parameters of REEs in minerals calculated by multivariate model, are in a good agreement with experimental results. Sm-Nd dating method on scheelite has great potential in determining the exact time of hydrothermal mineralization, in order to assess the reliability of this approach, the following methods are adopted in this doctoral dissertation. By employing theoretical study, the closure of Sm-Nd isotope systematics has been investigated in scheelite. The diffusion parameters and Arrhenius relations of Sm and Nd in scheelite under the condition of dry and 1 atm are obtained: Nd:D=4.00exp(-438kJmol-1/RT)cm2/s Sm:D=1.85exp(-427kJmol-1/RT)cm2/s Based on above diffusion data, the closure temperatures and the preserved conditions of Sm-Nd isotope systematics in sceelite are discussed in this dissertation. In addition, the Woxi Au-Sb-W deposit is studied to test the reliablitity of scheelite Sm-Nd dating. The results of Sm-Nd dating of scheelite from different orebodies coincide well with Ar-Ar ages, tectonic evolution and geochronological data of some Au (Sb-W) deposits in western Hunan. Some important conclusions could be drawn in this dissertation as follows: 1. For the first time, the multivariate model for REEs diffusion in different minerals is obtained, which provides a suitable approach for studying diffusion of REEs. 2. Diffusion of REEs in scheelite is revealed for the first time, diffusion parameters and Arrhenius relations of REEs in scheelite are obtained. 3. The diffusion rates of both Sm and Nd in scheelite is very slow, thus the closure temperatures of Sm-Nd in this mineral are relatively high, and original isotope information in scheelite should be preserved under all geological conditions except the most extreme thermal condition. 4. The successful dating of scheelite Sm-Nd isochron for the Woxi Au-Sb-W deposit, further demonstrates that Sm-Nd isotope dating of scheelite is reliable.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
张东亮. 矿物中REE扩散作用的理论研究——兼论白钨矿Sm-Nd定年方法的可靠性[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009.
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