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Alternative TitleStable Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Composition of Corbicula fluminea Shell in Huaxi River
Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Keyword河蚬 碳同位素 氧同位素 新陈代谢作用 双壳类 花溪
Abstract双壳类生物其壳体在生长过程中记录了高分辨率的环境信息(年、季,甚至周),同时双壳类生物具有广泛的地理分布,在海洋和淡水生态系统中均有大量种类的存在并广泛地存在于古地层中,双壳类生物这些特点使其成为古气候古环境研究的理想对象。 现生壳体的就位研究就是对特定环境产物(壳体)的一些环境替代指标(碳、氧同位素、微量元素等)的环境意义的标定。根据“将今论古”观点,这些认识不仅仅是对现生生物壳体本身的认识,其基本原理、基本关系都可以用于过去环境的重建。因此可以说,对于现代生物壳体的相关研究是利用双壳类壳体化石识别和提取古气候环境信息的前提和基础。 然而人们对于双壳类的认识还十分有限,尤其是对现代生物壳体的就位分析研究还不是很多。对壳体碳、氧同位素及各种微量元素的气候环境指示意义还存在很大争议,这严重阻碍了利用古生物壳体进行提取古气候环境信息。我们对现代淡水双壳类生物河蚬(Corbicula fluminea Müller, 1774)进行了相关研究,取得了一些成果,获得了一些有意的结论,为利用古河蚬壳体,乃至其他双壳类壳体化石重建古气候古环境奠定了基础,扫除了一些障碍,它们主要包括: 1 河蚬壳体不同断面上碳、氧同位素的差异及其意义 通过对河蚬壳体不同断面上同位素的研究发现:河蚬壳体碳同位素在同一生长环的不同位置不存在显著的差异,并使得壳体碳同位素变化序列在不同断面上同样不存在显著差异,因此在做碳同位素时间序列研究时可以不考虑不同断面差异的问题,而在取样过程中可以通过延长取样的长度来获得足够量的样品进行碳同位素的测定;河蚬壳体氧同位素在同一生长环不同位置上存在差异,而导致氧同位素变化序列在不同断面上也存在差异,因此在进行壳体就位分析研究时,选取不同断面上氧同位素变化序列对研究结果影响较大,存在壳体断面选择的问题。而在取样过程中取样的长度应控制在一定范围内,避免同一生长环上距离较远位置粉末的混合。 壳体最大生长线的断面不仅方便取样分析和获得详细的信息,更重要的是其同位素记录的主要是水体环境信息,所以选取壳体最大生长线的断面进行壳体就位分析研究是合理的。 2 通过河蚬壳体高分辨率同位素组成与气候、环境参数定量对比研究明确了河蚬壳体碳、氧同位素所指示的气候环境意义 将河蚬壳体氧同位素测定值与理论计算平衡值进行对比研究,发现河蚬壳体与水体在氧同位素上达到平衡,但由于河蚬在冬季停止生长(T< 17 ℃ ),壳体对冬季时期水体信息是没有记录的,总的来说河蚬壳体记录了5月—11月左右的水体信息。河蚬壳体与水体在氧同位素上的平衡使得其成为夏季水体信息的良好替代指标。 壳体碳同位素值比预测平衡值偏负。导致壳体碳同位素不平衡的原因主要有动力学分馏作用和新陈代谢作用。动力学分馏发生在CO2的水化和氢氧化过程中,含有12C和16O 的CO2比含有重同位素的CO2活跃,因此在壳体钙化过程中发生氧、碳同位素的同步分馏,可以造成18O 约4‰和13C约10‰ ~ 15‰的亏损,所以动力学分馏使壳体的δ18O和δ13C成一定的正相关关系,并且这种分馏作用主要存在于快速成骨成壳生物中。虽然壳体的碳、氧同位素显示出一定的正相关性,但是由于壳体氧同位素的平衡,表明动力学分馏作用不是壳体碳同位素偏负的主要原因。新陈代谢作用主要是指壳体在形成中利用了呼吸作用产生的富集12C的CO2,其主要影响壳体的碳同位素,对氧同位素的影响很小甚至可以忽略。本研究河蚬壳体碳同位素的偏负及所有壳体碳同位素时间序列均显示出随壳高增大而负向的变化表明新陈代谢作用的影响是壳体与水体之间碳同位素不平衡的主要因素。壳体碳同位素的不平衡现象将导致直接利用其提取水体信息的不准确性。因此能否以及如何将新陈代谢作用对壳体碳同位素的影响排除出去成为壳体碳同位素研究的焦点。 3 河蚬壳体形成中利用新陈代谢产生的二氧化碳比例的室内养殖研究 室内养殖实验发现:随着养殖水体碳同位素的升高,养殖过程中形成的河蚬(样品A和样品B)其壳体碳同位素也随之升高,表明了δ13CDIC对壳体碳同位素的影响。壳体碳同位素值比预测平衡值偏负,这主要是由于壳体在形成过程中新陈代谢作用产生的二氧化碳的参与造成的。根据计算,壳体A在实验中沉淀部分壳体利用新陈代谢碳的比例(M值)为24%~43%,平均值为33%;壳体B为33%~75%,平均值为58%。M值随生物的生长呈下降变化,这与先前的一些研究认为M值随生物的生长呈升高变化并不一致,这说明在实验中河蚬主要是通过增加对DIC的吸收和利用来满足壳体对物质量增加的需求,而造成这种现象的原因可能是由于室内养殖环境变化情况与野外存在显著差异。个体差异以及室内养殖条件与野外情况的区别使得无法将δ13Cmeta对壳体的影响分离出去,因此只有通过对大量野外河蚬个体进行研究才能判断出是否可以以及如何将新陈代谢作用对壳体碳同位素的影响排除。 4 花溪地区河蚬壳体利用新陈代谢产生的二氧化碳比例的研究 生物软体碳同位素(δ13Ctissues)可以用来替代生物新陈代谢作用产生的碳的同位素(δ13Cmeta)组成,因此对河蚬δ13Ctissues进行了相关研究。花溪地区河蚬软体的个体样品与若干壳高接近的混合样品在有机碳同位素(δ13Ctissues)上差别很小,说明壳高大小接近的河蚬个体,软体有机碳同位素之间的差异很小,因此在进行相关研究中不需要对每一个河蚬个体都进行软体碳同位素的测定。不同大小个体之间δ13Ctissues 存在一定的差异,表现出随着壳高的增大,δ13Ctissues 先降低后增高的变化趋势, 可能表明河蚬在生长过程中其食性会发生一定的变化。经过盐酸处理的样品与未处理的样品在δ13Ctissues 上并未显示出显著的差异,这说明样品中无机碳酸盐岩的含量很低,因此对δ13Ctissues 的测定影响很小,因此以后在处理相同样品时可以省去加盐酸这一步骤。河蚬与河蚌在δ13Ctissues 十分接近,而田螺与二者差异显著,这说明同为双壳类的河蚬和河蚌在食性上比较一致,并且与腹足类的田螺存在明显的不同。 河蚬壳体碳同位素组成与壳高显示出显著的负相关关系,这主要是由于生物新陈代谢作用的结果。因此,壳体碳同位素组成与壳高之间负相关关系可以看做是碳同位素生命效应存在的一种指示剂。 花溪地区河蚬壳体利用新陈代谢碳的比例,M值变化范围为19.8% ~26.8%,平均值为22.6 %± 2.5,并且M值与壳高具有显著的正相关性,M = 0.39H + 17.36(n = 18, R2 = 0.74),这与对很多野生壳体的研究结果是一致的。不同物种之间以及同种生物在不同地区之间,M与壳高的回归方程是不同的,但就花溪地区而言,新陈代谢作用对壳体碳同位素组成的影响利用上述回归方程是可以去除的,从而实现利用古河蚬壳体提取古水体信息的目的。因此利用现代壳体建立M与壳高之间的回归方程是利用古壳体化石提取水体信息的前提和基础。 5壳体碳同位素对不同环境条件的记录的室内养殖研究 不同养殖水箱中(不同的饲养环境),河蚬壳体碳同位素组成存在较大差别,这种差别主要是由于喂养的食物在碳同位素组成(控制水体碳同位素)上存在较大差别造成的。虽然壳体碳同位素组成记录的不是水体δ 13CDIC绝对值的变化,但它反映了不同环境中水体信息的差异和变化趋势,因此壳体碳同位素可以用作δ 13CDIC定性的替代指标,另外壳体碳同位素还可以用来区分来源不同的种群或个体,而这对于鉴定生物属种、判断来源和反演古环境都是十分有意义的。 实验中河蚬壳体与无机成因文石相比, 碳同位素组成平均偏负6.16 ‰,证明了生物新陈代谢影响的存在,这一恒定分馏值的出现主要反映了实验中壳体样品数量和大小分布问题,而不能说明河蚬壳体碳同位素是水体δ 13CDIC的定量替代指标。
Other AbstractBivalve shells offer a great potential as environmental proxies. Bivalves are beneficial in that they can provide high resolution records of environmental conditions (annual、seasonal and even weeks) and have a wide geographical distribution. In addition, bivalve shells are well represented in the fossil record since the Cretaceous, potentially allowing records of environmental conditions to be extended into the past. Environmental information can be extracted from bivalve shell geochemistry (e.g., stable isotopes and elemental composition); the research of modern bivalve shell in situ is to confirm the potential and their environment significance of those environmental proxies. According to the theory of uniformitarianism, i.e., past is equal to the present, these understanding will not merely be to the modern shell itself, its principle and equations might use in the fossil shell. Therefore, the modern shell research is the foundation and prerequisite to use the fossil shell to recognite and extract the pale climate and pale environmental information. Nevertheless, Bivalve is much less studied than corals and foraminifera and is largely limited to isotopic studies. This is probably due to the fact that the literature has been contradictory regarding the faithfulness of elemental proxies in bivalves. It is the aim of this dissertation to increase our knowledge of proxy incorporation in bivalve shells. We studied on the modern freshwater bivalve corbicula (Corbicula fluminea Müller, 1774) and achieved some results, obtained some meaningful conclusions, they mainly include: 1 Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Composition and Its Significance of Different Cross-Sections of Corbicula Shell When measured the isotope composition of shell in situ, the different isotope composition between different shell cross sections will affect the environment significance judgments of shell isotope and have the adverse effect on the environment information extraction. This article has investigated carbon and oxygen isotope of the corbicula shell, the results shows: The carbon isotope profiles not obvious change in different cross sections, Therefore it can not consider the difference between cross sections, and can extend the length of sample path in the sample process to obtain the enough powder to determine the carbon isotope. The oxygen isotope profiles, however, existing difference between cross sections, so it should consider the difference oxygen isotope composition between cross sections, and in the sample process, the length of sample path should control in certain scope. Finally, according to the isotope difference between cross sections, the article had determined how to select the study cross section during the analysis of the shell. 2 Confirm the Potential and Environment Significance of Environmental Proxies We conclude that Corbicula fluminea precipitates its shell in oxygen isotope equilibrium with the ambient water and that winter values are not represented due to growth cessation. Therefore, shells of Corbicula fluminea provide reliable archives of paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental conditions.Comparison of the measured δ18Oar against the calculated values indicates that shell growth occurred from late May to early November. To evaluate potential triggers, we compared the water temperature records of shell growth cessation and onset points. Temperatures in late May (May 23, 2006) was 18 °C and every similar to 17 °C in early November (November 7, 2006). Therefore, growth cessations and onset of shell was controlled by water temperature change, for Corbicula fluminea, the temperature threshold is 17 °C, which is higher than the temperature threshold of 12 °C for unionidae. Shell δ13C values is more negative than predicted δ13C values, and we observed that all the shells followed lower δ13C values trend with increasing age, therefore the incorporation of metabolic carbon is the most likely cause of the negative offset in shell δ13C. The variable offset from equilibrium δ13C values precludes the direct use of Corbicula fluminea shell in the study of the δ13CDIC in ancient bodies of water. 3 Metabolic Effects on Shell Carbon Isotopic Composition (Raise Experiment) Corbicula fluminea (Muller,1774) was breed in the lab and selected two shell sample (shell height, A=13 mm, B=9 mm), determined carbon isotope of the increment shell (aragonite, CaCO3) and the host water, the research indicated: δ13CDIC rises from -5.24 ‰ to 1.41 ‰, shell carbon isotopes also along with it ascension, indicate the influence of δ13CDIC on the shell carbon isotope; δ13CA arrange from − 4.76 ‰ to −2.09 ‰; δ13CB from − 8.49 ‰ to −2.89 ‰; Compares with the value of the predicted equilibrium value, the δ13C of shell A and B are both negative, indicated the shell has used the metabolism carbon in the forming process. According to computation, shell A used metabolism carbon proportion (the M value) from 24% to 43%, the mean value is 33%; shell B is 33% to 75%, the mean value is 58%. The M value assumes the drop change along with the biological growth, these shows that during the experiment, corbicula mainly increase the absorption and use the DIC to satisfy the demand of material quantity. 4 Metabolic Effects on Shell Carbon Isotopic Composition (Field Experiment) δ13Ctissues of individual sample is very similiar to the sample that mix with individuals that have same shell height, showed the difference of δ13Ctissues between corbicula individual that have same shell height is very small, therefore it’s not necessary to determinate every corbicula individual. While δ13Ctissues between groups exist certain difference, along with shell grow, δ13Ctissues change tendency first reduces and then increase, may be indicated that feeding habits (foods) of corbicula be able to have certain change in the growth process. δ13Ctissues had not demonstrated remarkable difference between the hydrochloric acid processing sample and the raw sample; this suggested that the content and influence of inorganic carbonate in the sample is very small. Corbicula and anodonta in δ13Ctissues extremely close, but shows remarkable differences with the viviparus, this indicated that the feeding habits of bivalve (Corbicula and anodonta) existence obvious difference with gastropoda (viviparous). Strong ontogenic decreases in δ13Cshell are evident in all samples, and this phenomenon is caused by an increase in the amount of respiratory CO2, therefore, the anti-correlation betweenl δ13Cshell and shell height may consider as the indicator of vital effect (carbon isotope). The percent metabolic C (M) incorporated into the Corbicula shell in HuaXi River was significantly higher, with a range from 19.8% to 26.8%, than has been found in other bivalve shells, which usually contain less than 10%. There is a positive linear relationship between shell height and M(M = 0.39H + 17.36(n = 18, R2 = 0.74)). Between the different species as well as the same species in the different area, the regression equation of M and shell height are different, therefore using the modern shell to establishes regression equation of M and shell height between is the precondition and foundation to withdraw the water information though the ancient shell fossil. 5 Carbon Isotope of Corbicula Shell Indicated Different Environmental Condition The influence of metabolism effects on bivalve shell carbon isotope was confirmed by a larger numbers of studies, this phenomenon causes more complex and difficult about the explanation and application of carbon isotope. We raised the freshwater bivalve corbicula in the aquariums, with the aim to determine whether metabolism effects already blurred the shell record to the DIC. The datum shows that: there has a big different between carbon isotopic composition of the shell, which from different aquarium (different experimental condition), although it’s not represented the real δ 13CDIC value, but has reflected the different environment information; therefore the shell carbon isotope may serve as the qualitative tool to direct different environment condition. As a result of the biological metabolism influence, corbicula shell carbon isotope composition have a constant offset of 6.0 ‰ more negative than predicted inorganic aragonite δ 13C, this constant offset is likely to reflected shell sample quantity and the size distribution question in the experiment and can not prove the shell carbon isotope is the quantitative proxy of δ 13CDIC. To sum up, although metabolic carbon can complicate the δ13Cshell profile, δ13Cshell can still be a useful indicator of environmental conditions.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
闫慧. 花溪地区河蚬壳体氧、碳同位素研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009.
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