海绵钛生产中铜丝除钒废物回收过程的矿物学研究 | |
Alternative Title | Mineralogical Research of Waste Recycle in the Process of Removing Vanadium by Copper Wire during the Production of Sponge Titanium |
孙莹 | |
2008-10-09 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Place of Conferral | 地球化学研究所 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Keyword | 海绵钛 钒 铜 环境矿物学 |
Abstract | 海绵钛是钛工业的基础原材料。近年来国内海绵钛产业发展迅速,到2007年其产量已达到两万多吨。海绵钛生产产生大量的废渣、废气、废液等污染物质,对环境造成严重污染,是制约海绵钛产业发展的瓶颈。虽然国家早就将海绵钛生产的环境污染治理问题列为国家重大攻关课题,但长期以来却未从根本上得到很好的解决。本论文以海绵钛生产中铜丝除钒工艺产生的废物为对象,对其中的物质组成及其来源进行了分析,探索对该废物处置与综合回收技术。 除钒杂质是四氯化钛精制作业中极为重要的环节,铜丝除钒是国内采用的主要工艺技术,其产生的废物中含有铜、钒等有用资源。本文首先对海绵钛生产中四氯化钛精制环节铜丝除钒工艺产生的废物的物质组成进行研究,在确定其主要成分是含铜、钒的化合物基础上,设计了综合回收铜、钒等有用资源的技术方案——采用氢氧化钠进行碱处理形成铜钛沉淀物和含钒碱溶液;铜钛沉淀物用硫酸浸出得到硫酸铜溶液和钛沉淀物;硫酸铜溶液进一步电解得到电解铜;含钒碱溶液采用盐酸处理沉淀钒,再经焙烧得到五氧化二钒。在研究过程中主要采用环境矿物学的研究方法,利用化学分析、X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜观察等手段,查明该废物及回收过程产物的特点。 本文通过实验研究,得到以下主要结论: 1.海绵钛生产中铜丝除钒工艺产生的废物主要是水洗池废液,约占90%以上;水洗池废液中铜、钒的浓度很高,分别是5.4g/L、3.6g/L。水洗池沉淀物中的铜、钒主要是以(Cu0.95V2O5)CuO,Ni2V2O7的结晶态形式存在。 2.在废物的化学分析结果和X射线衍射分析结果的基础上,设计了对废物综合回收电解铜、五氧化二钒等资源的技术方案。该回收技术路线下电解铜的初步回收率可达97%,钒的一次回收率约为78%。 3.对回收过程中的各阶段产物进行了化学分析、物相分析和微观形貌观察,研究结果表明铜、钒、钛等资源得到了较好有分离和回收。 |
Other Abstract | Sponge titanium is the most important material of titanium industry. The output of sponge titanium increases quickly in China, and it is up to 20000t in 2007. The production of sponge titanium would bring lots of waste (solid, gas, liquid), which not only begets environmental pollution, but also makes useful resources wasteful. Although our country has given consideration about the controlling pollution in the production of sponge titanium, primary problems have not solved yet. In this paper, the chemical component and phase of the waste, which comes from removing vanadium by copper wire in the production of sponge titanium, have been analyzed, and the origin and utilization technique of the waste have also been studied. Removing vanadium from rough TiCl4 is a very important process in the sponge titanium’s production, and the ball of copper wire is widely used in this process in China. The waste in this process contains copper and vanadium. In this thesis, the chemical component and phase of the waste have been researched firstly, and experimental results indicate that its main compositions are copper and vanadium. Then, a new technology has been designed to recycle the copper and vanadium : the waste is treated with NaOH, and then it would come into being sediment of copper and titanium and solution which contains vanadium; the sediment of copper and titanium is treated with H2SO4, and then it would come into being sediment of titanium and solution of CuSO4, the solution of CuSO4 is electrolyzed to get copper; the solution which contains vanadium is treated with HCl, and then it would come into being sediment of vanadium, the sediment of vanadium is baked to get V2O5. In this research, the environmental mineralogy theory and some instruments, such as chemistry, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscope have been used to analyze chemical composition, phase, and microcosmic appearance of the waste and some products. The results and conclusions of the thesis have been listed as follows: 1.Removing vanadium by copper wire which is the important process in the production of sponge titanium would bring waste, whose main part is the liquid in water washing pond, which almost occupies more than 90%;The main compositions of the liquid in water washing pond are copper (5.4g/L) and vanadium (3.6g/L). Crystals of the sediment in water washing pond are mostly (Cu0.95V2O5)CuO and Ni2V2O7. 2.Depending on chemistry and X-ray diffraction analysis of the waste, a new technology is designed to recycle copper and vanadium from the waste. More than 97% copper and 78% vanadium can be recycled by the technology. 3.The chemical composition, phase, and microcosmic appearance of the products in recycle process have been analyzed. It is convinced that copper, vanadium, and titanium are well recycled by this technology. |
Pages | 57 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3432 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 孙莹. 海绵钛生产中铜丝除钒废物回收过程的矿物学研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2008. |
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