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其他题名Study on temporal and spatial variation of plant water use in karst rocky desertification area---A case study in Wangjiazhai catchments in Qingzhen City,Guizhou Province
关键词喀斯特石漠化 稳定同位素 水分利用 水分来源 喀斯特小生境 时空变化 小流域
摘要本研究以西南喀斯特地区的王家寨小流域为研究对象,以植物叶片δ13C值为植物水分利用效率的指示值,结合利用氢氧同位素对植物的水分来源进行确认,通过研究小流域中不同土壤类型石漠化样地、不同季节、不同等级石漠化样地及喀斯特不同小生境中常见植物种水分利用效率及水分来源的差异,旨在从小生境、植物种、植物群落等不同尺度上探讨石漠化发生过程对植物长期水分利用的影响,了解不同水源的利用对植物水分利用效率的影响,了解喀斯特生态系统特有生境中植物对水分的竞争和利用策略,以加深对生态系统水分平衡的认识。通过研究,得出了以下几点认识: 1 喀斯特石漠化区植物叶片δ13C值的时空变化 (1)在本研究区,不同土壤类型区域植物群落δ13C值均随着石漠化的进行趋正,方差分析结果显示黄壤序列植物群落叶片δ13C值存在显著差异(F(3,80)0.01=2.720.05)。整个生长季中,常见种叶片δ13C值与土壤含水量的相关关系研究表明大多数种在大多数时间随土壤水分的减少其WUE提高。 (4)本研究区小生境类型主要有石面、石沟、石缝、及土面。各小生境内植物叶片δ13C值基本上随石漠化进行趋正,即小生境尺度上植物叶片δ13C值随石漠化进行趋正。基于石漠化梯度和小生境类别的双因素方差分析表明,生长于不同石漠化等级及不同小生境的植物叶片δ13C 值总体差异显著。土面上生长的植株叶片δ13C值最负,说明较厚的土层、较多的土量能供给植物较为充足的水分、养分,避免或减小了植物的水分胁迫。对各小生境植物叶片δ13C值与各小生境主要环境因子进行相关分析,结果表明植物叶片δ13C值与小生境土壤厚度、0-10cm土壤平均含水量以及日均大气相对湿度呈显著负相关,而与日均光照强度呈显著正相关。 (5)石漠化过程中常见植物种叶片解剖结构中的栅栏组织厚度、上角质层厚度、下角质层厚度、最大导管直径均呈现逐渐增大的趋势,而海绵组织厚度则呈现逐渐减少的趋势,方差分析结果显示各解剖结构均呈现显著性差异(p<0.05)。另外,对叶片解剖结构指标与叶片δ13C值的相关分析表明,所研究的植物种叶片上述解剖形态结构中除下角质层厚度与叶片δ13C值相关关系不显著(p>0.05)外,其余指标均与其叶片δ13C值呈现显著的正相关关系(p<0.05),说明植物的WUE与植物叶片解剖结构的变化存在着内在的相关关系。 2 喀斯特石漠化区植物水分来源的时空变化 (1)由于07年降雨丰富,其喀斯特皮下水显著低于06年,但是06年喀斯特皮下水的季节变化却不大,这是由于06年为特大欠水年,观测期内降雨仅721mm,为正常年份的60%,“活塞效应”不明显。2006年对各等级石漠化样地植物水分来源研究结果表明:(12月)土壤水及小枝木质部水分的δD及δ18O值明显高于夏季(7、9月)。降雨较多的7月,强、中度石漠化大多数植物主要利用土壤水,轻、无石漠化样地植物则利用土壤水和喀斯特皮下水。9月,由于干旱严重,各石漠化样地大多数植物均不同程度的利用了喀斯特皮下水。 (2)对研究区各小生境植物水分来源的研究表明:各小生境土壤水分δD、δ18O各不相同,石缝小生境土壤水分δD、δ18O最负,石面土壤水分δD、δ18O最正,土面、石沟居中。强度石漠化土壤剖面水分δD、δ18O值>中度石漠化样地>轻度石漠化样地>无石漠化样地,显示随着石漠化的进行,样地蒸发越强烈。整体上,石缝中植物比其他生境更容易利用喀斯特皮下水,无石漠化样地的植物比石漠化样地的植物更容易利用喀斯特皮下水,常绿植物比落叶植物利用更多的喀斯特皮下水,乔木比灌木利用更多的喀斯特皮下水。 3 植物稳定性氢氧同位素与碳同位素耦合 通过对研究区植物叶片δ13C值和不同水源和植物木质部δD、δ18O值的测定,结果表明无石漠化样地植物具有更负的δ13C值,即其水分利用效率(WUE)低于石漠化样地,这是由于无石漠化样地喀斯特水赋存的二元结构,植物除了可以利用浅薄土层的水分,还拥有稳定的浅层地下水即喀斯特皮下水,这已通过植物木质部水分δD、δ18O值的测定得到佐证。落叶种具有比常绿种更正的δ13C值,即其水分利用效率(WUE)高于常绿种,这是由于常绿种比较稳定的利用了浅层地下水,具有稳定的水分来源,使得常绿种的水分利用效率(WUE)较低。土面生境植物具有比其他生境更负的δ13C值,是因为较大的土面面积、较厚的土厚,较多的土量提够给植物较多的水分,养分,土壤水分较充足,避免或减少了植物的水分胁迫,植物WUE较低。
其他摘要Moisture is one of the limiting environmental factors for growth of plants in the karst area. Taking the foliar δ13C values as the indicator of plant water-use efficiency (WUE), and combining stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of xylem water in plants, we determined the foliar δ13C, δD and δ18O values of several local plant species in Wangjiazhai catchments, in order to discuss the impact of karst desertification on plant water use in micro-habitat, population, community levels, get insight into the impact of use of different waters on the long term patterns of plant water use, provide new information on plant water competition and water use strategy in karst peculiar habitat, and improve our understanding to water balance in karst ecosystem. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. Temporal and spatial distribution of foliar δ13C values in karst rocky desertification areas (1) The average foliar δ13C values, i.e. WUE increase obviously (p<0.01) with increase of karst rocky desertified degrees in both yellow soil and rendzina area, which indicates that the effects of different karst rocky desertification degrees on WUE are obvious. Correlation analysis between the foliar δ13C values of plant species and environmental factors indicates that moisture and light are the main factors which affect the foliar δ13C values of plants.The average foliar δ13C values, i.e. WUE in yellow soil area are lower than those in rendzina area, which could be caused by the thicker yellow soil. (2) Slope positions have little effect on the foliar δ13C values along the hillslope in study area, which could be caused by the particular complex topography and physiognomy in the karst region. (3) The foliar δ13C values differ among the species tested, Pyracantha fortuneana is most negative, Viburnum utile most positive, the others medium. The foliar δ13C values of plants is significantly different throughout the growing season (p<0.01), the foliar δ13C values are significantly higher in April than in July, September and December (p<0.05), there is no significant difference in July, September and December (p>0.05). Correlation analysis between soil moisture indicates that the foliar δ13C values decrease with increase of soil moisture. (4) The types of micro-habitat include stony surface, soil surface, stony gully and stony crevice in study area. The foliar δ13C values in various micro-habitat almost increase with the karst rocky desertification. The foliar δ13C values are more negative in the soil surface than the other micro-habitats, which indicates that the thicker soil could provide the plants sufficient water and nutrients, avoid or alleviate plant water stress. Correlation analysis between the foliar δ13C values and environmental factors of various micro-habitat indicates that moisture, soil thickness and light are important factors which affect the foliar δ13C values of plants in micro-habitat. (5) There exist significant differences in the anatomical structures of plant leaves, including the thickness of palisade and spongy tissues, palisade tissue thickness/sponge tissue thickness, upper cuticle thickness, lower cuticle thickness, the plant maximum conduit diameter and plant stomata density with karst rocky desertification(p<0.05). All tissues tend to increase in thickness along with the karst rocky desertification, except for sponge tissue of plant leaves. All other anatomical structures have obviously positive correlation with the foliar δ13C values(p<0.05), except that the lower cuticle thickness have no significant correlation with the foliar δ13C values. 2. Temporal and spatial distribution of plant water source in karst rocky desertification areas (1) δD and δ18O values of subcutaneous in 2007 were more negative than 2006 obviously beacause there had more abundant rainfall in 2007 than in 2006, δD and δ18O values of subcutaneous in 2006 were steady and changed little during 2006, which could be caused by the scarce rainfall in 2006. There was 721mm rainfall in 2006, just 60% of the normal year, which caused the piston effect insignificantly. δD and δ18O values of soil water and plant xylem water were enricher in December than in July and September. In rainy season (July), most of plants in strong and medium rocky desertification areas (S, M) mainly used soil water, whereas plants in no and slight rocky desertification areas (N, SL) use both soil water and subcutaneous water. In September, after half a month without rain, most plants in all plots used subcutaneous water to certain extent. (2) δD and δ18O values of soil waters in different micro-habitat are different. δD and δ18O values of soil water in stony crevice are most negative, those of soil water in stony surface are most positive. Soil water δD、δ18O values of different soil layer in no karst desertification plot are obviously more negative than karst desertification plots, which indicats evaporation become stronger with the process of karst rocky desertification. Overall, plants in stony crevice are inclined to use more subcutaneous water than micro-habitats; plants in no rocky desertification plots use more subcutaneous water than slight, medium, strong desertification plots; and the evergreen species use more subcutaneous water than deciduous species. 3.coupling water sources and carbon metabolism by stable isotope Based on the analysis the relationship between carbon isotope discrimination and the hydrogen isotope ration of xylem water for the study species, the results are as follow: the plants in non-desertification plots have the more negative δ13C values than desertification plots, the plants in non-desertification plots utilizing the steady subcutaneous water are associated with less water use efficiency and more negative δ13C values. The deciduous species show higher foliar δ13C values than the evergreen species. Evergreen species utilizing more subcutaneous water that is stable are associated with less water use efficiency and more negative δ13C values. The plants in soil surface show lower foliar δ13C values than in other micro-habitat. Soil surface could provide more stable water source as its thicker soil than other micro-habitat, avoiding or alleviating plant water stress.
GB/T 7714
杜雪莲. 喀斯特石漠化区植物水分利用的时空变化研究----以贵州清镇王家寨小流域为例[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2008.
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