华南下寒武统层序框架的初步构建―以遵义松林地区为例 | |
Alternative Title | A Preliminary Stratigraphic Framework for the Lower Cambrian in South China: A Case Study for the Songlin Area, Zunyi |
周明忠 | |
Subtype | 博士 |
2008-05-23 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Place of Conferral | 地球化学研究所 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Keyword | 下寒武统 牛蹄塘组 钾质斑脱岩 磷块岩 Ni-mo多元素富集层 锆石shrimp U-pb年龄 华南地区 扬子地台 |
Abstract | 华南下寒武统保存着国际著名的生物群(如澄江生物群),同时蕴藏着磷块岩、重晶石、稀土及Ni-Mo-PGE等丰富的矿产资源,因此,它一直为地质科学家们持续关注的热点之一。关于华南下寒武统的研究,前人在古生物学方面已经取得了卓著的成就,主要表现在国际权威期刊上(如期刊《Science》和《Nature》)已发表大量的关于澄江生物群的研究成果,对早期生命演化研究具有重要而广泛的影响。然而,华南下寒武统年代学及国际对比研究方面已明显滞后,公开发表的华南下寒武统的高精度、可靠的锆石U-Pb年龄数据至本研究论文截稿时止仍然仅有唯一的一个,即Jenkins et al. (2002)报道的国际前寒武系-寒武系界线层型候选剖面―云南晋宁梅树村剖面的朱家菁组中谊村段中部(第5层)钾质斑脱岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄(538.2 ± 1.5 Ma)。因而,华南下寒武统中的重要生物群、矿床及具全球对比意义的C同位素漂移事件缺乏地层精确年龄的约束,进而制约了早期生命演化理论、矿床成因解释及地层国际对比等方面研究的发展。 近来,发现华南下寒武统赋存独特的钾质斑脱岩层,它们在横向上广泛分布于云南东部、四川峨眉麦地坪、贵州西部(如织金和金沙岩孔)及北部(如遵义松林)、湖北宜昌泰山庙和湖南张家界等地区,在地层序列垂向上主要产出于朱家菁组中谊村段中部、石岩头组底部以及它们的相当层位。这些钾质斑脱岩既是建立地层框架等时层潜在的物质基础,亦是获取地层精确锆石U-Pb年龄的具重要意义的研究对象之一。因此,对它们进行系统研究可望改观华南下寒武统年代学及国际对比研究方面的落后现状。 同时,华南下寒武统广泛产出的磷块岩既具有重要的资源价值,另一方面,任一磷块岩层代表着一次独立的成磷事件,因而将华南地区下寒武统磷块岩进行区域上的对比研究,从而以磷块岩层作为等时层,对构建华南下寒武统地层框架具有重要的地层学意义。 此外,华南下寒武统产出的Ni-Mo多元素富集层广泛分布于扬子地台范围,西起云南东部,东部延至浙江诸暨地区,在NE-SW向延伸近1600 km,它既代 表了重要的成矿事件,亦为关键的地球化学异常层位。因此,对Ni-Mo多元素富集层进行区域上的对比研究,明确它在华南下寒武统各重要剖面的产出位置,对于构建华南下寒武统层序框架具有重要意义。 遵义松林地区的下寒武统因赋存Ni-Mo-PGE矿床及与滇东地区澄江生物群相当的遵义生物群而日益受到国内外地质学家们的广泛关注。该区牛蹄塘组底部产出磷块岩、钾质斑脱岩及Ni-Mo多元素富集层,与滇东地区梅树村剖面出露的地层具有潜在的可对比性。因此,本研究选取近年来日益受科学家们关注的遵义松林地区下寒武统作为研究对象,重点对该区牛蹄塘组底部的钾质斑脱岩开展矿物学、地球化学和年代学研究。同时,将遵义松林地区下寒武统剖面上磷块岩、钾质斑脱岩、Ni-Mo多元素富集层主要与滇东地区梅树村剖面的相应岩层进行地球化学对比研究。研究的目的在于通过对华南地区上述两条代表性的下寒武统剖面进行地层对比研究,初步构建华南下寒武统具时间、空间涵义的层序框架,从而约束华南下寒武统中的重要生物群、矿床及具全球对比意义的C同位素漂移事件的时间,进一步促进华南下寒武统的划分和全球对比。论文获得以下主要结论性认识: (1)滇东地区朱家菁组中谊村段中部钾质斑脱岩及其邻近的磷块岩可构成华南下寒武统层序框架的第一个标志层。这一标志层在贵州大部分地区(或华南地区的多数下寒武统剖面)缺失。该标志层的磷块岩稀土元素总量和Y含量高于新元古代陡山沱期磷块岩,低于遵义松林地区牛蹄塘组底部及其华南其它地区相当层位(石岩头组底部及戈仲伍组)的磷块岩。第一个标志层的钾质斑脱岩的原始岩浆为亚碱性系列的酸性岩浆,其典型特征为具有较低的Zr(变化范围144×10-6~291×10-6,平均196.4×10-6)、Nb(变化范围10×10-6~13×10-6,平均11.86×10-6)含量和较高的Zr/Nb比值(变化范围为12.63~24.24,平均值为16.55)。这一层钾质斑脱岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为538.2±1.5 Ma(Jenkins et al., 2002)。 (2)遵义松林地区牛蹄塘组底部钾质斑脱岩和磷块岩分别相当于滇东地区石岩头组底部钾质斑脱岩和磷块岩,它们构成华南下寒武统层序框架的第二个标志层。该标志层中钾质斑脱岩的原始岩浆性质为中性岩浆,其碱性程度高于朱家菁组中谊村段中部钾质斑脱岩的原始岩浆。相对于中谊村段中部钾质斑脱岩,该层位的钾质斑脱岩具有高的Zr(变化范围187.0910-6~391.5710-6,平均值318.4010-6)、Nb(49.6910-6~140.0010-6,平均值90.6810-6)含量和低的Zr/Nb(2.60~4.32,平均值3.61)比值。该钾质斑脱岩的年龄为518 ± 5 Ma。该标志层的磷块岩以极其富REE和Y为特征,其稀土元素总量平均值为636.01×10-6,Y含量平均值262.43×10-6,明显高于滇东地区中谊村段磷块岩(∑REE平均值为195.45×10-6,Y含量平均值为91.2310-6),它们代表早寒武世时期一次特殊的以极其富REE和Y为特征的成磷事件。 (3)Ni-Mo多元素富集层可以作为构建华南下寒武统层序框架中的第三个等时标志层。滇东地区梅树村剖面的Ni-Mo多元素富集层被重新校正在玉案山组底部(即13层,Ni、Mo含量分别为135×10-6和583×10-6)。Ni-Mo多元素地球化学标志层的典型特征为在剖面上具Ni、Mo等多种微量元素及贵金属元素的最高异常。该标志层的Re-Os年龄为537~542 Ma,可能代表的不是地层层序的年龄。 (4)初步建立华南下寒武统时间框架。约束了华南地区下寒武统Ni-Mo-PGE矿床的下限年龄应为518 ± 5 Ma。同时,该时间框架亦约束了滇东地区澄江生物群及最古老三叶虫的下限年龄(518 ± 5 Ma),考虑到石岩头组底部钾质斑脱岩的产出位置与玉案山组中部澄江生物群的产出层位存在相当的距离(大于80 m),因此,前人对澄江生物群的推测年龄(525~530 Ma)可能有些偏老。此外,初步约束了华南地区具全球对比意义的C同位素正漂移事件的年龄(538~518 Ma)。该时间框架是建立在两个相互支持的地层高精度锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄的基础之上,而国际前寒武系-寒武系界线年龄的最新研究成果为542 Ma,因此,它支持将华南地区的前寒武系-寒武系界线置于朱家菁组中谊村段中部钾质斑脱岩层(第5层)的下伏地层的方案。结合华南地区最新的地层古生物学研究成果(朱茂炎等,2001;Zhu et al., 2003),将这一界线置于朱家菁组中谊村段底界可作为一种合理的选择。 |
Other Abstract | The Lower Cambrian outcropped in South China has been attracting the attentions of geologists not only for its well-known biota (e.g. the Chengjiang biota), but also for its mineral resources such as phosphorite, barite, rare earths, Ni-Mo-PGE ore deposits etc. Previous studies on the paleontology of the Lower Cambrian in South China have obtained distinguished achievements. Numerous contributions about the Chengjiang biota have been published on the internationally authoritative journals (e.g. Science, Nature) and have a world-wide and significant impact on researches on the evolution of life during early Cambrian. However, studies on geochronology and global correlations for the Lower Cambrian here are still lagging behind. Up to now, there is only one high-precision, reliable U-Pb zircon age (538.2 ± 1.5 Ma) from the K-bentonite at the middle Zhongyicun Member (Bed 5) of the Zhujiaqing Formation at the Meishucun section (Yunnan Province, South China) which is a candidate stratotype for the global Precambrian-Cambrian boundary (Jenkins et al., 2002). As result, the important biota, ore deposits, and globally correlatable carbon isotope excursion occurred in the Lower Cambrian of South China are poorly constrainted by high-precision isotope age. Further, studies on the evolution of life, genesis of ore deposits, and global correlation for the Lower Cambrian in South China have been hampered. Recently, K-bentonites in the Lower Cambrian in South China have been discovered. These K-bentonites outcropped laterally at many areas such as eastern Yunnan, Maidiping (Emei, Sichuan Province), western and northern Guizhou, Taishanmiao (Yichang, Hubei Province), and Zhangjiajie (Hunan Province). Vertically, they occurred mainly at the middle Zhujiaqing Formation, the bottom of the Shiyantou Formation and their equivalent horizons. The K-bentonites possess significant potential not only for locating the isochronous bed of the stratigraphic framework but also for U-Pb dating. Consequently, systematic investigations carried out on them would possibly improve the laggard status of researches on the Lower Cambrian in South China. Meanwhile, the widespread phosphorites in the Lower Cambrian over the Yangtze Platform are valuable as an important resource. Any phosphorite bed,on the other hand, represented a unique phosphogenetic event. Thus, correlation study conducted on these phosphorites plays an important role in constructing the stratigraphic framework for the Lower Cambrian in South China. Moreover, the early Cambrian black shales in South China contain Ni-Mo multi-element-rich layer which extends more than 1600 km along a NE-SW strike belt on the Yangtze Platform (from estern Yunnan to the Zhuji area in Zhejiang Province). It represented an important event of mineralization as well as a significant geochemical layer. Accordingly, correlating this layer regionally and confirming its definitive position at the important sections of the Lower Cambrian in South China are also significant for building up the early Cambrian stratigraphic framework. The early Cambrian sequences in the Songlin area have increasingly interested geologists for containing Ni-Mo-PGE ore deposits and the Zunyi biota which is equivalent to the Chenjiang biota in eastern Yunnan. The phosphorite, K-bentonite, and the Ni-Mo multi-element-rich layer occurred at the bottom of the Niutitang Formation in the Songlin area, Zunyi are potentially correlatable with those outcropped at the Meishucun section, Yunnan Province. Detailed investigations of mineralogy, geochemistry, and geochronology have been conducted on the K-bentonite occurred at the bottom of the Niutitang Formation in this area in this study. Besides, we correlated the phosphorites, K-bentonite, and Ni-Mo multi-element enriched layer in the Lower Cambrian of the Songlin area to their equivalents in South China. This study aims at correlating the corresponding sequences at the aforementioned two typical areas and constructing the stratigraphic and temporal framework for the Lower Cambrian in South China. The framework would calibrate the age of the important biota, ore deposits, and the carbon isotope excursion better and improve the subdivision and global correlation of the Lower Cambrian in South China. The following conclusions were draw. (1) The phosphorite in the Zhongyicun Member of the Zhujiaqing Formation and its intercalated K-bentonite (Bed 5) served as the first marker bed for the stratigraphic framework of the Lower Cambrian in South China. This marker bed had been denuded in many profiles on the Yangtze Platform. In comparison with the Neoproterozoic phosphorite in Weng’an, the phosphorite in the Zhujiaqing Formation is characterized by relatively higher REE and Y contents (average 195.45×10-6 and 91.23×10-6, respectively). The K-bentonite of this marker bed is the result of acidic volcanism, and has relatively low Zr (average 196.4×10-6), Nb (average 11.86×10-6) contents and high Zr/Nb ratios (average 16.55). The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of the K-bentonite has been revised as 538.2 ± 1.5 Ma (Jenkins et al., 2002). (2) The phosphorite and its closely overlying K-bentonite occurred at the base of the Niutitang Formation in the Songlin area are equivalent to the phosphorite and the overlying K-bentonite at the bottom of the Shiyantou Formation at the Meishucun section, respectively. They have been considered as the second marker bed for the stratigraphic framework in this study. The phosphorite in this unit can be distinguished from that within the Zhongyicun Member for its particularly high REE (with an average of 636.01×10-6) and Y concentrations (average 262.43×10-6). The K-bentonite of the marker bed has relative higher Zr(with an average of 318.40×10-6), Nb (average 90.68×10-6) and lower Zr/Nb ratios (average 3.61) than that in the Zhujiaqing Formation. It is the result of alkaline volcanism. The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of the K-bentonite is 518 ± 5 Ma. (3) The Ni-Mo multi-element-rich layer acted as the third marker bed for the stratigraphic framework of the Lower Cambrian in South China. Abnormally high Ni and Mo contents (both about 4%) have been found in this layer in Zunyi (Guizhou Province) and northwestern Hunan. However, its accurate position in the Meishucun section is still unclear. We located a ca. 10 cm layer within the Lower Yu’anshan Formation (Bed 13) with highest Ni and Mo content (135×10-6 and 583×10-6, respectively) at this section. It should correspond to the Ni-Mo-rich layer occurring extensively in southern China. Previous works have determined a Re-Os age of 537~541 Ma for the Ni-Mo layer in Zunyi. In our opinion, however, this Re-Os age should not represent the real sedimentary age, according to the stratigraphic sequence and the related SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age. (4) We have built up a preliminary temporal framework for the Lower Cambrian in South China. It has constrainted the lower limit age of the Ni-Mo-PGE ore deposit, the Chengjiang biota and the oldest trilobite in South China, it also preliminarily constrainted the age of the globally correlatable positive carbon isotope excursion. Combined with the internationally accepted age for Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, it implied that the position of this boundary in China should be placed at the underlying strata of the middle Zhongyicun Member (the K-bentonite at this position has an U-Pb age of 538.2 ± 1.5 Ma). According to the results of paleontology (Zhu et al., 2001; Zhu et al., 2003), the base of the Zhongyicun Member could be a reasonable choice for placement of the boundary. |
Pages | 99 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3378 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 周明忠. 华南下寒武统层序框架的初步构建―以遵义松林地区为例[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2008. |
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