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Alternative TitleStrontium Isotope Geochemical Study of Material Cycle in Karst Forest Ecosystem
Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Keyword喀斯特 森林小流域 锶同位素 酸沉降 土壤 风化 植被 营养元素 微生物 差异风化作用
Abstract钙是地壳中最丰富的碱土金属元素,同时也是所有植物生长所需要的常量营养元素。越来越多的证据表明Ca是影响森林生态系统结构和功能的重要因素。贵州地处典型喀斯特地区,也是我国酸雨重灾区之一。酸沉降可以导致土壤中盐基离子的流失并释放出具有植物毒性的元素,对森林生态系统造成破坏。在酸化土壤上,Ca的流失可以直接或间接地影响森林的生产力。在受到酸沉降影响的森林生态系统,Ca、Mg、K等植物生长所必须的常量营养元素将从土壤可交换态离子库中淋失。大气输入与岩石风化是森林生态系统K、Ca、Mg等碱基离子的主要来源,了解二者的输入比率及转化是研究森林流域内物质循环过程的关键。为了评估森林健康状况和酸沉降对森林生态系统的影响,识别并区分植物营养物质的不同来源是非常有必要的。 喀斯特地区森林生态系统是物质、能量交换复杂且快速的开放系统。本论文应用Sr同位素示踪方法研究了酸沉降对贵州省喀斯特地区森林小流域营养离子循环的影响。选择了一处典型的森林小流域,把“岩石-土壤-地表水-大气沉降-植物”作为一个完整的系统考虑,系统采集了大气降水、穿冠水、地表水、植被、土壤、岩石样品。利用化学质量平衡、锶同位素地球化学等研究手段,探讨了喀斯特森林小流域水循环过程中营养元素和锶同位素组成的时空变化,评判了酸沉降对土壤-植被系统中营养元素与锶同位素组成的影响,定量计算了大气沉降与土壤风化分别对森林植被营养物质来源的贡献率,并进行了微生物对矿物差异风化作用锶同位素示踪的探索性研究,揭示了喀斯特背景下森林生态系统营养物质来源、分布以及迁移转化规律,为喀斯特地区森林生态环境质量评价及其环境保护提供科学依据。主要结论如下: 1.龙里森林小流域降雨的pH显示改区属于受酸雨危害地区。从大气降水到地表水的转化过程中,水溶液中主要离子的浓度发生了较大的变化。在酸雨影响下,雨水对林冠主要表现为营养阳离子的淋失作用,阴离子除NO3-被叶片吸收外总体上也是表现为淋失作用。龙里森林小流域水溶液的锶同位素比值组成总体上受灰岩风化端元控制,水体的87Sr/86Sr的比值变化范围为0.70716~0.71051。大气降水、穿冠水、地表水等不同类型水溶液的锶同位素比值组成变化反映了水循环过程中水溶液与周围环境进行离子交换。 2.土壤中可交换态离子、碳酸盐岩结合态离子和全样的锶同位素组成之间在同一剖面存在较大的变化,且在土壤剖面垂向上也存在着较大的变化。黄壤剖面中不同赋存形式离子的锶同位素组成之间的变化较之石灰土剖面更为明显。可交换态离子的锶同位素比值变化特征可以很好地说明雨水对土壤的影响程度。黄壤剖面土壤可交换态离子的锶同位素比值在土壤剖面形成的垂向分布梯度,反映了雨水对土壤的影响可以达到130 cm深度。 3.喀斯特地区黄壤上生长的植物具有高钙含量的特征,营养元素含量具Ca > K > Mg特点。研究区植物Ca、K、Sr的平均含量均高出报道的陆生植物的平均含量, 但比贵州地区同样以灰岩为母质发育而来的石灰土上生长的植物低。石灰土上植物体内(包括皮、叶、根、茎)的Ca含量比黄壤上植物体内的高,而Sr、Ba、Mn含量则比黄壤上植物体内的低;阔叶树的营养元素含量一般大于针叶树的。 4.不同植物种所吸收的营养元素来源存在差异。基于锶同位素组成的端元模式计算结果表明,苔藓和石松吸收的营养阳离子主要来自大气沉降,苔藓可以达到 88.66%,石松则为77.28%。除了苔藓、石松外,喀斯特地区黄壤上植物生长所需的58.88%~85.64%的Ca、Mg来自土壤风化所产生的可交换态阳离子,大气输入部分所占份额相对较小。 5.土壤中可交换态离子的锶同位素比值是植物体的锶同位素组成的主要影响因素。植物叶片、韧皮、根等不同器官的87Sr/86Sr比值之间存在较大变化,并且树根的87Sr/86Sr比值随着土壤深度加大在垂向上产生变化,反映了植物器官对不同来源营养元素的利用效率存在差异。同样生长在龙里石灰土样地上的马尾松和光皮桦在树根的锶同位素垂向变化上有较大差别,这可能与其植物生理生态特性有关。老叶与新叶之间87Sr/86Sr比值则没有变化。 6.利用Sr同位素示踪方法能较好地区分混合体系中Ca2+等离子由不同矿物风化所释放的比例,进而定量分析微生物对矿物的差异风化作用。在磷灰石和方解石组成的混合体系中,随着微生物培养时间的延长,培养基上清液的87Sr/86Sr比值随时间变化,这反映出方解石与磷灰石两种矿物的微生物风化释放离子对培养液中Ca2+来源的相对贡献率发生改变。基于锶同位素组成的端元模式计算结果表明,黑曲霉组培养液中的Ca2+先由方解石风化所贡献,随后黑曲霉对方解石的风化作用减弱,此时,溶液中Ca2+主要来自磷灰石的风化;而青霉组培养液中的Ca2+先来自磷灰石的风化,随后来自方解石的风化。
Other AbstractCalcium is the most abundant alkaline earth element in Earth’s crust and is an essential macronutrient to all plants. There is growing support for the potential of Ca supply to significantly influence the structure and function of forested ecosystems. Acid rain still remains an important thread to many ecosystems in Southwest China. Guizhou province stands in the typical karst region and also is one of the most seriously acid rain areas in China. It has been suggested that in acidified soils, depletion of Ca may directly or indirectly impact forest productivity. Bedrock weathering and atmospheric deposition are the two primary sources of base cations (K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) to forest ecosystems. Therefore, the key problem is to understand the relative inputs from these two sources and the cycling in the ecosystem. In order to understand forest health and to evaluate the effects of acid rain on forest ecosystems, it is important to identify and differentiate between various plant nutrient sources. Forest ecosystem of karst areas is an open system, which exchange matter and energy with the environment rapidly and intricately. This study focuses on the effects of acid deposition on cation cycling in a typical small forested Karstic catchment in Guizhou Province. Sr isotope ratios were used as a tracer for understanding the transport process between the different cation pools: rock, soil, surface water, atmospheric deposition and plant. The samples of wet deposition, throughfall, surface water, vegetation, and soil were monthly collected. By making use of chemical mass equilibriums and strontium isotope geochemical approaches, the temporal and spatial variations of nutrient element and its strontium isotopic composition in the water cycling, the effect of acid deposition on base cation cycling and its strontium isotopic composition in the karstic forested catchment are discussed / investigated. The contribution of the two nutrition element’ sources (bedrock weathering and atmospheric deposition) to plants have been calculated on quantitative basis. Meanwhile, the study which use strontium isotope as a tracer of differential weathering of minerals by microorganism has been explored. The source, distribution and transferring laws of nutrient element in karstic forested ecosystem have been revealed, which could be used as an important scientific theoretical base for understanding the forest ecosystem environment quality appraising and environment protecting in karstic terrain. The main conclusions have been summarized as follow: 1. The pH value of rain water in Longli small forested catchment showed that the areas have been suffered by acid deposition. During the process from atmospheric deposition to surface water, the main ionic concentration of water solution has changed greatly. Acid rain that fall on the leaves leaches the nutrients from them. The effect of acid deposition on forest canopy mainly showed that the rainwater leach the base cations from leaf. Anions also have been leached from leaf other than NO3-. The strontium isotope composition of water solution in the small catchment is mainly contralled by carbonate weathering. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of water solution range from 0.70716 to 0.71051. The Sr isotope composition of wet deposition, throughfall, and surface water vary each other showed that water solution change ions with environment in the water cycling. 2. The strontium isotope composition have changed among the soil exchangeable cations, soil carbonate associating cations, and whole soils in the same soil section, and that also have varied with soil depth. Vertical patterns of strontium isotope composition of different existing form cations in yellow soil have changed evidently than that in limestone soils. The variational characteristic of 87Sr/86Sr ratios of exchangeable cations in soil samples could be used to understand how the atmospheric deposition effected on the soil. The vertical distribution of 87Sr/86Sr ratios of exchangeable cations in yellow soil section show that the impact on soil of rainwater has reached up to 130 cm depth soil layer in this region. 3. The plants growing in yellow soils of karstic area have the characteristic of high concentration of Ca. The main character of nutrition element is Ca > K > Mg type. The mean concentrations of Ca, K and Sr present in plants in this region is higher than that of other terraneous plants in the world, but lower than that of the plants which grow in limestone soils weathering from limestone of other Karstic area of Guizhou. The concentration of Ca of plants ( contain bast, leaf, fine root, and stem ) growing in limestone soils is higher than that of the plants which grow in yellow soils, but the concentrations of Sr, Ba, and Mn behave in the opposite way. The nutrition element present in broadleaf is higher than that of conifer generally. 4. The sources of nutrient uptake by different plant species are different. The results based on mixing model of end-member 87Sr/86Sr ratios of rain water and exchangeable cations in soil samples show that the nutrition element which absorded by Lycopodium and Moss mainly derived from atmospheric deposition. The contribution of nutrition element coming from atmospheric deposition to Moss may come up to 88.66%, and that of Lycopodium may be 77.28%. Except for Lycopodium and Moss, about the nutrition element present in plants growing in yellow soils of karstic area were mainly (about 58.88%~85.64%) from soil weathering, and the atmospheric deposition sources only contribute relatively minor. 5. The strontium isotope composition of soil-exchangeable (plant-available) cations is the main factor that influences the isotope composition of plant. There have great difference among the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of bast, leaf, and fine root, and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of fine root also vary with soil depth, which showed that there was difference in various sources’ nutrition element utilization efficiency between various plant organs. There are difference between the strontium isotope composition of fine root of Pinus massoniana and Betula luminifera which grow in limestone soils with soil depth, which maybe connected with their eco-physiological characteristics. While no evident changes of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios between old leaf and young leaf were observed. 6. Strontium isotope was used as a tracer to differentiate the sources of various base cations which were released by mineral weathering, and then quantify differential weathering of minerals by microorganism. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of supernatants changed with the prolonging of culture time in the system mixing of apatite and calcite, which showed that the contribution of calcite and apatite weathering to the base cations’ sources has changed. The results based on mixing model of end-member 87Sr/86Sr ratios of supernatants suggested that, at the previous stage of weathering, the Ca in supernatants of Aspergillus niger groups comes from calcite weathering. The Ca in supernatants mainly sources from apatite weathering with prolonging the culture time as the weathering intensity of calcite by A. niger. has became weakly. On the other hand, the Ca in supernatants of Penicillium sp. groups mainly comes from apatite weathering at the previous weathering stage, and then the contribution of calcite weathering has been enhanced.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
郑厚义. 喀斯特地区森林生态系统物质循环的锶同位素地球化学研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2007.
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