| 高温高压下岩石部分熔融及熔体形态学研究 |
其他题名 | The Studies on the Partially melting of Rock and the Morphology of Melt under High Temperature and High
| 郑小刚
| 2007-05-30
学位授予单位 | 中国科学院地球化学研究所
学位授予地点 | 地球化学研究所
学位名称 | 博士
关键词 | 熔体形态学
摘要 | 熔体形态学作为现代岩石学的前沿领域之一,其主要研究矿物颗粒之间熔体形态特征、连通性以及与周围矿物的相互作用关系。该学科在我国还不被广大地学工作者所熟悉。本论文以斜长角闪岩为初始物料,在850-1100℃和2.0-4.0 GPa条件下,进行了岩石的部分熔融实验,并对作为实验产物的熔体进行了形态学方面的研究。同时就目前形态学研究的基础理论和实验方法作了初步介绍。
5、通过对二面角的原位测量,不仅可以判断熔体的相互连通性,还能反演熔体的熔融过程。 |
其他摘要 | As one of the front-line fields of modern petrology, melt morphology mainly researches the morphological character and connectivity melt of mineral grains, and the relationship between mineral grains and neighboring minerals. This subject hasn’t been familiar to many geochemists in China. In the thesis, amphibolite was used as parent material and the experiment of partially melting amphibolite was performed at 2.0~4.0GPa 850~1100℃. The morphology study of the melt, part of the experimental product, was conducted. Furthermore, the basic theories and empirical approaches of morphology research are introduced in the thesis.
Using YJ-3000 t cubic anvil high pressure apparatus, we did the experiments on the dehydrating partially melting of amphibolite's melt through sampling the lumps of natural amphibolite under high temperature and high pressure. We also measured the dihedral angle's value between melts and mineral surfaces. The results showed that:
1. There is obviously dependency relationship between the distributions of melts’ form and the degree of melting. When the degree of melting is less than 5%, melts will be separated by the mineral kernels and will be mutually independent in the form of fusion cake; when it’s more than 5%, the film-shaped or tube-shaped melts will form a mutually connected melting network along the edges of mineral kernels.
2. When the melts are mutually separated, the average values the dihedral angle are more than 60°;and when they are mutually connected, the average values are less than 60°. In the experiment of measuring melts’ mutual connection, the dihedral angle's distribution between the garnet and the melts of dacite and andesite is among 56-58°, and the dihedral angle's distribution between the clinopyxene and the melts of dacite and andesite is among 50-53°.
3. The dihedral angle of melts will be reduced with the diminishment of solid liquid interface’s surface tension and interfacial energy. The minimum of the surface tension and interfacial energy are two driving forces to promote the connection of melts.
4. The dihedral angle’s value is influenced by some physical and chemical situations like systemic temperature, pressure and physical components. With the rise of temperature, the surface tension of the interface between the solid and liquid will abate and its dihedral angle will minish, and the melts mutual connection will become easier.
5. Through the in-situ measurement of the dihedral angle, we not only can judge the melts’ mutual connectivity, but also can return the melting process of melts. |
页数 | 53
语种 | 中文
文献类型 | 学位论文
条目标识符 | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3242
专题 | 研究生_研究生_学位论文
推荐引用方式 GB/T 7714 |
郑小刚. 高温高压下岩石部分熔融及熔体形态学研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2007.